Evil Angel

By: DMGirl4Ever

Yugi had thought he had a normal life, except for the visions. Visions of a man, with dark wings. Yugi could never really make out anything else, and then the visions started to get stronger once he turned sixteen. Then, the visits start. How worse could this possibly get, especially when the man finally reveals himself?

Yugi X Yami, Yaoi, Rated M for later chapters

DM Girl: Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out! Updates are taking longer to write, but I found my inspiration once more to continue writing this story!

Dark M.: Enjoy Chapter 4!


Chapter 4

The park was no comfort to Yugi. Everywhere he looked, he saw something in the shadows. Something was watching him and he knew it. It wasn't windy, but leaves would move in circles and fly around in front of him.

"You are an absolute idiot if you thought you could get away from him." Yugi muttered to himself and sat down on the park bench. He looked around and saw kids running around, playing carefree. How he envied them.

"I bet you wish you had a life like them."

"No not you again." Yugi muttered as the voice rang through his head. There was no vision that came along with it, and instead the leaves just started to pick up more. "No vision this time?"

"I have wasted most of my energy getting those visions across. It may be awhile before I can get another one across."

"Thank god." Yugi said and got up off of the bench and continued walking down the sidewalk till he was walking through the trail in the forest. Everything seemed peaceful, except the present he felt walking behind him. He could even hear the man's footsteps.

"Seems so peaceful."

Yugi sighed and stopped in his tracks. His head had been down the entire time, and looked up at the trees rustling above him. The sun had started to set and it really was a beautiful sight.

"Why do you follow me? Even after you struck me today." Yugi asked as he let his mind clear and the slight pounding stopped.

"Because I have no choice. I cannot let you out of my sight anymore. The Higher Up may take you away from me."

"You seem way too protective of me." Yugi said and continued on his way along the path before stopping at one of the clearings.

There, out in the field, he saw a figure sitting there, obviously deep in thought. It was a young girl, with red streaked hair. That much was clear from what he could see. Yugi went to step into the clearing and he felt a hand stop him from moving.

"Wait. I recognize her. Don't get any closer." The man said and Yugi just stood there.

The girl seemed to fade in and out of Yugi's vision, and his head had started to pound once more. This girl was not real, and that much he could tell by the feeling he got when he saw her. But something pulled him towards her. Yugi took steps forward into the clearing, and yet the girl continued to sit there.

"What are you doing?" The anger was clear in the man's voice, but as Yugi got closer to where the girl was, the man's voice seemed to fade.

Yugi looked back and saw a symbol carved into one of the trees. It was a barrier to keep other evil beings out. Yugi smiled and continued closer to the girl, who still had not moved. With each step closer, Yugi felt a feeling of warmth fill his chest.

"Hello?" Yugi called out, only a few feet from the girl.

"Are you lost?" The girl asked. Her voice was like warm honey and it was delighting to Yugi's ears.

"No. Are you?" Yugi said and was now behind her.

"No, this is where I stay." The girl said and turned slightly to take a look at Yugi. From what he could see of her face, she was extremely beautiful.

"Yugi. Run away now and run fast."

'Why should I trust you?' Yugi thought and knew that the man could hear his thoughts.

"She is dangerous!"

'Oh like you aren't?' Yugi thought and shook his head in annoyance.

"Do you hear them too?" The girl asked and turned back to whatever was in front of her.

"Yes I do." Yugi said and cocked his head to the side, trying to see around her. Her hand was moving in a pattern in front of her, and the way her hand moved, Yugi could almost recognize what she was drawing.

She was creating symbols in the ground.

"Is he waiting on you to leave my field?" The girl asked.

"Yes he is." Yugi sat down behind her and crossed his legs in front of him. "I'm not sure if I should leave or not. He's been really protective of me lately, and he even…" Yugi gulped. "…he even hit me."

The girl seemed to stiffen when Yugi said that. "He can touch you?"

"Yes he can."

The girl stood up and Yugi could finally see the patterns she had drawn in front of her. Yugi read them with ease, and finally what the man had been trying to tell him made sense.

Death, sacrifice, blood

Those designs were what were written in the ground.

Yugi looked around, scrambling up and finally noticing the burned patters in patches of the field. Even the intricate lines that had become faint reminded him of the pentagram of sacrifice.

"You are especially gifted." The girl said and as her hands came to rest by her sides, Yugi saw the extended claws that came out of her fingers, and the intricate designs that covered her arms. Her skin was slowly shifting to red, and the designs darkened.

"You aren't human." Yugi said and stepped back slowly.

"You should have listened to what the fallen told you about me." The girl said and turned to face Yugi.

Her face had a dark scar across one eye, and her hair had started to darken to black, but the red streaks were still there. Fangs jutted out of her mouth and around her jaw line and her eyes had now become black holes, no color showing at all.

"Now you are mine." The girl said and lunged at Yugi.


DM Girl: So what do you guys think of the new chapter?

Dark M.: Review with your thoughts! And if you like please favorite!

Mahado: And subscribe/follow if you want to know when the next chapter comes out!

DM Girl: Also a special announcement! For those that have read Slayer vs Killer, I posted the sequel called "Eyes of the Killer" so go check it out!