Insanely Inlove

Some filler to answer some questions


I sat in my kitchen cooking dinner for Geoff and I while I waited for him to get home from work. The dinner was coming along swimmingly with nothing being burnt or under-cooked. The roast was smelling divine and I was more than excited to share the news with Geoff that I found out today. Of course Spencer was coming by later with a special cake she made for us tonight. Nothing could ruin tonight because it was definitely going to go along perfectly , if anything wast the way I planned then there would be hell to pay.

I heard a knock at the door and checked the clock on the stove seeing that Spencer must have been early because she told me that she wasn't going to be here until 5:15 minimum and it was only 4:30. Brushing my hands off with a rag I walked out of my kitchen with a bounce in my step.

"Coming! " I say going to the door swinging it open with a smile only to be met with the sight of my step-brother. Toby stood at the doorway with a duffle-bag in his hands and I remembered him telling me a few weeks ago that he was going to stop by while my nephew was spending time with Hanna and Caleb while they went away for a weekend.

"Hey Jenna." He said inviting himself in and dropping his bags on the ground and I realized that Spencer was going to come by any moment with a big cake.

"Toby , you should have called. You need to leave." I told him not even bothering to greet him.

"Awe no 'Hey Toby , how are you? How is my favorite nephew?' I am shocked. " He laughed walking towards the kitchen as I shut the door behind him.

"No You really need to leave. Like right now. I have a friend coming over in a few minutes. I don't think you want to see them." I panicked. To Toby , Spencer was long gone. She was in Washington , not even having the nerve to tell him that she was leaving him. Leaving the night before Aaron's birthday. Sending divorce papers while she sat in leisure , when in reality she never even willingly left. I would remember because Wren asked me to put a pill in her drink the night before and to try to get her to pass out on the couch. She never even went to bed that night , she just fell asleep in an armchair. I don't even know what happened to her after I left.

"Is it one of your single ones that you need to classify before they meet me. Or that you need to warn about baggage. "

"No , she is engaged. It is is just who she is." I told him trying to search for the words to say. We probably stood there for a good ten minutes of silence before I heard the door open before Spencer's voice ring out and Toby's face turn a different shade of white.


"You know your ass is lucky that it is pregnant because I was this close to asking you to help me carry this thing in. " I called out into the house before I closed it with my foot. Seeing a bag on the floor I was immediately skeptical walking towards the kitchen area when I saw Toby Cavanaugh looking right at me as if he was looking at a ghost.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't having false memories go through my head. I quickly recovered though and pt on the best smile I could.

"Jenna you didn't tell me that your brother was going to come visit. Hello Toby , long time no see. " I told him and he still looked at me like he was trying to put together the pieces of a billion pieced puzzle.

"Spencer what ... are you doing here?" He finally managed to spit out.

"I live here , well not here. Down the street. I am guessing Jenna didn't tell you about my release from Radley. "

"You were in Radley?" Why were you in Radley, what happened to you?" Toby took a step closer to me as I took a tiny step backward.

"I was transferred to Radley after you brought me to the hospital." I tried to inform him to jog his memory before Jenna interrupted us.

"Guys this isn't the time or the place for this. Spencer you should be getting home before Geoff gets here anyway." She told us and I looked at her thinking for a moment.

"You are probably right , besides I need to get home anyway. Wren was planning on taking me out for dinner to celebrate his interview with Med magazine. : I told them and I looked at Toby one last time.

A feeling was bubbling in my heart beneath the surface when I looked at him , I didn't know if it was love or hate. My episodes seemed to completely mess me up according to Wren. Sometimes I had to fight the urge not to think about the false memories I have.

"Bye Jenna , It was nice seeing you again Toby. " I said before turning to leave.


Once Spencer was gone Toby looked at me with an anger in his eyes that I have never seen before and I knew I should have told him the truth but to be honest lying would be better because of everything that happened. Spencer had dreams while she was in her coma years back and it was the perfect cop out to keep Toby from asking questions and getting answers.

"Before you say anything , I wanted to tell you. I just didn't know how." I said putting my hands up in self defense.

"Tell me What? That you are buddy buddy with my flaky ex-wife. Who seemed more out of it than a person on drugs , she barely recognized me. " He yelled at me and I just took a calm breath and began the lie of my life.

"Spencer was involved in a car accident shortly after she apparently sent the divorce papers. She had significant memory loss and according to Wren she was brought back to the night of the rape in her mind. To keep her from having a break down the doctors told her that she was in Radley because of previous problems. She has little to no memory about her time with you." I tried to explain but he didn't look convinced

"Are you saying that she doesn't even remember her own son? She doesn't remember our wedding , nothing?"

"Yes , that is exactly what I am saying. And you shouldn't try to make her remember because it can mess her up. She is in a good place now Toby. The last thing she needs is a mental breakdown." I tried to way him and for the time being he looked convinced. That is all I needed to buy some time , after a while he would accept the fact that for Spencer's mental health it would be best.

Drama , so I decided o go in a different direction after my google drive got wiped out. Deleting 7 stories in progress which had multiple new chapters and a new one shot that was over 10K. I had almost finished this story completely and I went this afternoon to my laptop and all my work from the past two months was gone. Also note that pregnancy is a major part of this story just like the first one.

We know only parts of what happened to Spencer. As of right now we know that she was drugged at one point but we dont know how or when she got to Wren and Radley. We also do not know WHY people wanted her in Radley. I guess you will need to read the next 6 or 7 chapters. For now I have a list of people involved in Spencers going away:

-Wren Kingston
-Jenna Marshall

