The One

Summary: She loved him, but he didn't knew she existed. Kagome Higurashi was a third year, and head over heels in love with Eiji Kikumaru. When her friend found out about her feelings let say, the Buchou of the girl's tennis team is never to be taken lightly. Watch out Eiji, cause it seems like the Girls Buchou has to have Kagome do Ten things…and then he'll be love struck. What she wasn't expecting was to catch someone elses interest too...

Crossover: Inuyasha/Prince Of Tennis

Pairing: Kagome/Eiji/Fuji

Rating: M


Chapter One


Kagome sighed as she took a bit out of her lunch box, she had been kind of depressed ever since she had switched schools, but now it was even worse….she was in love…..and the person she loves…doesn't even know she existed… could she not be depressed.

She had first come to Seigaku because her mother wanted her to have a better education…and ever since her adventure with Inuyasha stopped she has been really depressed, and thought is she sent her to live with her aunt, uncle and cousin it would be fine, but it wasn't fine.

She had started going to the same school her cousin went to, Rikkai Dai, but things had gotten out of hand. Way out of hand.

Kagome's eyes flickered with pain and sorrow just thinking about what had happened there.

It was the girls at schools fault, they were jealous of how she spent time with the Rikkai Dai regulars, sure she was Seiichi Yukimura's cousin, but they did not care. All they cared about was getting her away from them.

They first started off with little things, like threats and stealing her shoes, or taking her belongings and throwing them in the pound. But after awhile things went up a notch.

She had started to get hurt, needles in her clothes when she changed from her gym uniform to her regular uniform. And a razor blade in her school books, and things falling to hit her, like flower pots, or water.

Thing got worse though when Kagome endured all of that. The girls had finally confronted her. They hurt her, and called her names.

Kagome didn't tell anyone what was going on, not even her cousin; she didn't want to worry him. That and she didn't want to be a burden.

But the last straw was when she was pushed out the window, and ended up in the hospital. Her family now knew what had been going on, her being tortured by her classmates. Kagome only told them little things that happened, she didn't want to tell them the dark secrets that had happened to her.

When her cousin and the Rikkai Dai regulars found out, they were furious and tried asking if she knew any of the girls by name so that they could report them. But because Kagome didn't want there to be any more trouble than there already was, they let it go for the time being until Yukimura suggested, for his cousin's safety, that she'd be transferred to another school.

Kagome had agreed, but when she transferred she had to move into an apartment all by herself and since the accident…she has yet to see any of her family. Sure she gets some text messages from her cousin, but that was about it.

Kagome snapped out of her thoughts when she heard someone sit next to her. She smiled at the person, " Hi, buchou."

Nami smiled at Kagome, she had noticed Kagome out of all the tennis players, she had something ..and the something drew her to this girl. She was sweet, and was so innocent. Much more innocent than the girls around here. Nami mentally scoffed, all the girls here were either obsessive fangirls, or they were whores and sluts.

Glancing at Kagome Nami's smile turned to a frown. Kagome had a distant look in her eyes, and the look also had a hint of sorrow and longing.

Kagome wasn't even looking at her food as she ate, Nami looked to where she was looking and a cat grin broke out across her face.

"Soooo my little neko, do you have a crush on a certain red head?" Nami's smirk widened when Kagome started chocking of her food.

Kagome looked up at her captain a blush covered her cheeks and stuttered, " H-how di-d you k-now that?"

Nami smiled, " I can just doesn't help that you were looking at him so intently."

"a-ah" Kagome mumbled she glanced over at the boy again then back at Nami, " will never work out...he will never notice me."

Nami's lost her smirk for a moment, but soon returned when she wrapped an arm around her, "well no need to worry I can help you out with it...he will notice you in no time!"

Kagome stared at her blankly, "how?"

Nami grinned, "Yes...with Nami's ten ways to get a guy you will have him eating out of your hand in no time!"

Kagome blinked, and soon turned into a smile, "Well...if you put it that way...i guess."

"That's the spirit" Nami cheered, she stood up, and looked down at Kagome, "well it looks like we have some work to do!"

Grabbing Kagome's hand she dragged her off not before saying, "Look out Eiji Kikumaru,..soon your heart is going to be stolen!"