Tamaki, the 'mother' fucker

A/N: HURRAY FOR RANDOM YAOI IDEA~S! I got this idea from a picture. I thought this was a good idea during gym, so if you are thinking better, Plz review and I will fix and update. Hope you enjoy! We are in Hikaru's (!) POV. writers block is a damn pain. So thank kira for school events and internet!

disclaimer: I do not own Ouran or the picture this was based off of.

rating: this is rated M! for funny quick sex and language (obvious =_=')

Tamaki, the 'mother' fucker

My brother and I walked down the host clubs' hallway to get dressed back into our uniforms. We didn't noticed the platinum box in our way and stubbed my toe.

I groaned, grabbing my foot. "UURGH! YOU MOTHER FUCKER~!" I screamed out accidentally. My brother looked at me with caring eyes when we heard someone from the room by us.

"Present~!" It sounded like...Tamaki? We looked at each other, then back to the curtain blocking the view into one of the dressing rooms.

"Shut up, Tamaki. ah!" It was another voice. After some thought we found out it was Kyouya-senpai's voice. Our eyes turned into saucers as we figured out why they were in there together. But we had to make sure.

We closed in on the room hesitantly. Kaoru looked at me, I looked at him. We nodded at each other and yanked the curtain to the side, not making any noise. We gaped in horror as we found out we were correct.

Tamaki and Kyouya...Also named 'Daddy and Mommy' Were fucking. I guess it wasn't just a tease name after all... And I could tell Kaoru was thinking the same thing as me, Maybe it wasn't a good idea to look.

Then we heard what we really didn't want to hear. "Ooh! ...FUCK ME TAMAKI!" Kyouya groaned.

Tamaki started to go slow, which you could tell made Kyouya irritated. "Call me Daddy and I'll comply to your wish." He kept on doing it like that.

Kyouya growled. "Fuck me, daddy, NOW! Or so help me, I will NEVER put a katasu in my room for you on Christmas AGAIN!"

The blond idiot whimpered and went faster, stroking the raven hairs' chock. I quickly covered Kaoru's eyes so he can't see no more. Then we left just as quickly as we came. We looked at each other.

"Let's pretend we didn't see that, deal?" I asked Kaoru. He nodded quickly. We walked where we were going before we seen what we did.

A/N: HAHAHAHAHA! Blinded Hikaru and Kaoru's eyes, I did! Playing with characters is fun! I request it for EVERYONE who doesn't already do it! Like and review!