Chapter 14! I'm pulling through my depressed state of mind and now (hopefully) I'm not going to have no doubts about my fanfic! Also, I'm adding in another pairing. Chouji and Ayame the ramen girl! :D Ok….Disclaimer…Disclaimer….

Ayame: Akemi-san doesn't own Naruto or anything Naruto related.

Akemi: Thanks Ayame!

Ayame: *smiles*


Inners Thoughts


Jutsus/Bloodline Traits (Sharingan, Byakugan, etc)

ohmygodI' 'sinvisiblelinethingyisbroken andwon'tregisteranyoftheotherstuffA kemi'striedsoenjoymyawesomness!

Sakura POV

Walking down the street I collected multiple stares. I should've thought more about the outfit. It was pretty revealing… Much more so than what I usually wore. It would take some getting used to. Thankfully it was almost always warm in this region so I wouldn't freeze constantly.

"Hey Sakura!" A pleasant voice called. "How are you?" I looked over to Chouji who was chowing down while talking with his fiancée Ayame, the daughter of Ichiraku's owner.

"I'm doing just fine Chouji," I said with a smile. "How're the wedding plans coming along?"

"Pretty good, just a few minor adjustments and we'll have the entire thing perfect!" Ayame said cheerily. She really was perfect for Chouji. She was so happy and energetic as well as one of the nicest people I've ever met. "So what can I get you Sakura-san?"

"How about some miso ramen," I asked. "I'm starved."

"Yeah Ino said you used up too much chakra again." Chouji said as Ayame bustled off. I grinned sheepishly.


"You should be more careful," He said before slurping up the remnants of his bowl, in a much more polite and dignified manner than Naruto of course. "We can't have one of our best medics being down for the count."

"You're right," I surrendered to the logic of the sweet, mild-tempered man. "I promise I'll try to be more careful."

"Good," Was his only reply before Ayame came back with two bowls, setting them down in front of the two of us.

"Eat up!" She said enthusiastically. One of the reasons why I loved Ichiraku was because of Ayame. Her happiness wasn't because of necessity for the customers; she was just naturally that cheerful. It always put a smile on my face by the time I left the place.

"Itakimasu," Chouji and I said simultaneously before digging in. I had just started in on my second bowl when Naruto and a blushing Hinata came in.

"OI SAKURA-CHAN!" Naruto hollered. Hinata rolled her eyes and smiled at his antics and I bopped him on the head.

"Inside voice Naruto," I reminded him.

"Ah sorry," He said rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "But Sakura-chan you'll never gue-WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?!"

"Naruto!" I exclaimed and hit him again.

"Owww you're mean Sakura-chan!" He went to sulk/hide behind Hinata.

"Sakura-chan he's just surprised," Hinata said. "Your clothing is very… different from what we're used to."

"Yeah," I replied, nodding. "I just… needed a change."

"This doesn't have to do with the teme does it?" Naruto asked, coming out from behind Hinata.

"No, the seal actually." I replied. "It changed color and I wanted to show it off a little."

"Eh? But I thought you were embarrassed by it."

"Yeah for the most part, but it's a color that I really enjoy now." I told them. "So what was it you wanted to tell me?"

"Huh? Oh, me and Hina-chan are getting married!" Naruto proclaimed happily, holding up Hinata's left hand so I could see the ring, the one his mother wore actually, glittering on her 3rd finger.

"Ah Hinata-chan! Naruto! That's wonderful!" I exclaimed. I was going to have a sister-in-law finally! And Hinata too! I was also going to have to remind him about proper grammar. It'll help keep him from feeling too awkward around her family. "Hinata-chan, you know I have to help pick out the dress!" I went on and on, talking with Hinata over ramen while Naruto slurped happily away. He pouted a little when we agreed his tux couldn't be orange but brightened when we contemplated one of the main colors orange so he can have an orange tie. It stopped abruptly, though, when an Anbu approached us.

"Haruno," I turned to face him and nearly laughed at the spiky-hair sticking up from behind the eagle mask. "Lady Hokage requests your presence now that you're awake."

"Hai, hai, tell her I'll be there in a few minutes." I replied. Shikamaru nodded and left quickly to avoid anymore questioning stares from the villagers.

"Mou, Sakura-chan, why does Tsunade-baa chan have to see you again? Haven't you been in her office enough today?" Naruto complained. Hinata nodded.

"You have been there quite often recently Sakura-chan, between the seal, training, missions, and hospital work you spend most of your time there."

"I know, but I don't really mind." I smiled at them and left the money plus a big tip for Ayame on the counter. "Ja ne!"

I barely heard their farewells before I twirled away in cherry blossoms.

XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx

And I finally finished Chapter 14! Thank god I was semi-procrastinating…. Partially because I had no clue what to write and partially because I couldn't access my stuff (Thank you [Censored For Personal Safety Reasons] High School for trying to keep students from overloading the internet with iPods and screwing up ANY and ALL personal computers! Even the teacher's personal computers…) I finally figured out how to work around it but it's a pain in the ass so I probably won't update much right now. It's all screwy cause I have to save things to my desktop right now, but I promise, I will try! Also, I'm taking a temporary break from Love and Revenge to try and get creative juices flowing for it again. In the meantime, I'll probably write something Vampire Knight related…most likely involving Kain and an OC because I hate him with any character other than Yori but I wanna steal him cause he's a FUCKIN' SEXY BEAST! Although I'll probably make one or two with the two of them later on. Also, I'm willing to make people VK fanfics with OCs for anyone who wants one. No idea if they'll be one-shots or not cause I've never tried to make one and so far my track record with chapter judgment has been….very off… this story is a prime example. Anyway, I'll post the character sheet for it later, probably in its own thing cause I don't know how long my VK story will be.