Shadow Coming To Light

Summary: Kagome looked at him with blank eyes, "Why?" She had gotten close to him, let her guard down, and now he was betraying her and Soul society, "Was it all for power?" Only answer she got was the fake smile he always wore before he disappeared leaving her alone.

Crossover: Bleach/Inuyasha

Pairing: Kagome/Gin Ichimaru

Rating: M


Chapter Seven


Kagome sat down at the table where Matsumoto was sitting, she really didn't feel comfortable going to where Gin was going to sit...with the Captains. She was just lucky that the first Captain wasn't there. If he was he would have surely know who she was.

That is something she doesn't want to happen.

Kagome wanted to make her way up the ranks on her own, and not because of her name.

The other person Kagome was glad that wasn't there was her Captain...then again he could show up. He was usually late for everything!...from what Kagome remember hearing from others gossiping while working was he had a tendency of getting lost.

"Nekozawa-chan?" Kagome looked up from looking at her tea to see Matsumoto looking at her curiously.

"Hai?" She had a feeling questions were going to be start getting asked. Izuru and Momo who were sitting silently with them, as well as the two sub lieutenants from squad thirteen looked at Matsumoto to Kagome when hearing her name.

"Since we don't know much about you...tell us some things!" She gave her a cat like grin when taking a sip of Sake.

Blinking Kagome tilted her head to the side, " What type of things do you want to know?" She was going to tell them all she could...well...the most she could with keeping her secrets.

Matsumoto took another drink from her Sake bottle, "What squad are you in?"

'Should have guessed that one coming.' Kagome thought as she looked into her tea cup, "I am part of the Eleventh Squad."

Matsumoto looked at her with wide eyes, " Really...I don't see you as liking fighting..." she tilted her head to the side trying to picture Kagome fighting and enjoying it.

Kagome opened her mouth to reply but ended up sighing as she heard a girly laugh, she knew that was her vice-captain, which only meant her Captain was close by.

'Just my luck!' Kagome thought, closing her eye trying to stay hidden from everyone. She really wished she could go home!

Gin Ichimaru watched Kagome as she interacted with the Lieutenants, his eyes in their usually curvy look as his smile was in place.

He really didn't want to leave her with them, but he knew she would rather be there then over here with him and the other Captains.

"Didn't know you got yourself a girl." a cat-grin was on the mans face. His pink outer Kimono was slipping from his shoulder as he took a better look at the woman Gin brought along.

"Saaa, I don't tell my personal life to everyone..." his smirk widened as the Captains kept watching Kagome.

'Seems you are more popular than you think.' Gin thought taking a sip of his tea he ordered.

Yuki Note: Hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

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