AN: Hi! Thanks for the reviews! Here's the finale...I hope you'll like it! :)

"Taiki stop pacing, it's giving me a headache!" Yaten was getting annoyed at Taiki who had been pacing for the past hour out of nervousness. Taiki shot him a dangerous glare but Yaten merely shrugged and continued to talk to Mina.

Seiya, Usagi, Yaten, Mina, Rei, and Mako were sitting in the hospital waiting area for the past hour. Ami was in labour. Taiki had unceremoniously been told to leave his wife's side while they examined her because he started questioning and instructing the doctors on what to do. Seiya and Yaten had to pull him out before their friend had time to yell at a frustrated doctor. The two men chuckled at their friend's nervousness – they had never seen the calm and logical Taiki like this.

"I should be in there." It was the hundredth time he had muttered those words.

"Just calm down and they'll let you back in." Seiya told his friend calmly and Taiki grudgingly sat in a vacant chair. He quietened down after a while.

"Oh! I forgot!" Usagi quickly whipped out a letter from her purse. Just before hearing that Ami had gone into labour, Usagi received a letter. She didn't have time to open it when she rushed to the hospital and had completely forgotten about it until now. "It's a letter from Mamoru." She beamed as she read it, "OH WOW! Seiya look!" She shoved the letter into her husband's face.

Seiya pulled it out of her hands to read it aloud, "Dear Usagi, I am happy to tell you that I have just proposed to my girlfriend and she said yes! Thank you for all your suggestion on the proposal." Seiya smiled. He knew Usagi would have suggested many super romantic gesture Mamoru could use… maybe too many. There was a tinge of sympathy for Mamoru as Seiya could imagine his wife bombarding the poor man with ideas. "I would love for you and everyone to come to my wedding. I think it will be in a year, but I will send you a formal invitation when we have set a date. I hope you, Seiya, and your little one are doing well and had fun on your vacation on Kinmouku. Tell me all about it in your next letter! Hope to see you soon. Your friend, Mamoru."
Usagi and Mamoru had kept in touch when he moved to America to continue his studies. Although broken up, they had remained very close friends. The letters weren't frequent, but they would always update each other on their lives. The last letter Mamoru sent had enclosed a picture of his present fiancée – a red-haired girl with bright cerulean eyes. They were quite a striking pair... and to top it off, they were both well-esteemed doctors. Mamoru had met her when he graduated from Harvard and started working in the hospital as a doctor. Usagi could tell that they were very happy together.

"I'm so happy for them! I can't wait to see him again!" Usagi was practically squealing as her eyes twinkled in excitement. "I'm glad he could find someone he loves." She smiled lovingly at Seiya and leaned in and kissed him quickly on his cheeks.

Seiya winked at his wife and looked down, "Just like we have." He hugged the infant on his lap closer. Usagi had leaned over and brushed her sleeping daughter's hair. The one year old had her dark pink, almost purple, hair tied into two low ponytails. If her eyes were open, they would see the dark midnight blue eyes she had inherited from her father. But the girl was sleeping comfortably in his father's arms while clutching the Luna Ball against her chest. Usagi always smiled when she looked at the Luna Ball that reminded her of Chibi-Usa, 'Someday… I'll tell you about your sister.'

A few more minutes had passed and Haruka, Michiru, Hotaru, and Setsuna had arrived.

"How is Ami-chan?" Michiru asked.

"They're doing an exam on her right now." Mako replied. She saw that Haruka had spotted Taiki a few chairs down. Haruka wanted to ask why he wasn't by Ami's side but kept quiet as she saw how stressed he was. She raised an eyebrow at Mako as if silently asking why Taiki was out here.

Mako eyed Taiki cautiously and was reluctant to answer to avoid irritating the already agitated Taiki. Rei stepped up and answered, "He got kicked out by the doctors." And the newly arrived senshi held back a giggle.

"She'll be fine Taiki." Seeing how upset Taiki was, Hotaru walked up to the man and patted him on the shoulder. He smiled weakly in return.

"Who is Taiki-san? You may come back in." Taiki immediately shot up and followed the nurse back in the operating room.

Moments later, they heard screams down the hallway and they knew that the baby was coming.

"I've never heard Ami scream like that." Mina shuddered, "It must be painful."

Yaten turned his head to face his wife and kissed her gently on the cheek. "It'll be alright." He knew what she was thinking about, "You'll be fine. And then we'll see our beautiful baby boy." He leaned down and kissed Mina's belly, rubbing it affectionately. .

Mina unconsciously rubbed it too. She wasn't completely convinced but managed to smile back at Yaten, whispering, "Gin." The couple had another two months before he was going to be born and they couldn't wait until they would meet him. Excited as they were though, they were just glad that they weren't the first couple to have a baby. This way, they can see how the others managed first. Yaten had taken the pleasure of tormenting Seiya when he had his child… little did he suspect, Seiya would use his experience to his advantage and scare his silver-haired friend even more.

Since Mamoru and Usagi were no longer together, Crystal Tokyo was not created. And without the creation of Crystal Tokyo, the senshi followed their dreams. Although they hadn't transformed ever since the last battle, they were always ready and occasionally gathered together to keep in touch. Before today, it had been weeks since their last meeting together.
Haruka became a champion F1 driver while Michiru was a world-renowned violinist and artist. The couple had recently eloped on a beach on a remote island. Hotaru was to be valedictorian in her high school and has decided to enroll in Tokyo University. Setsuna periodically returned from guarding the Time Gates for a visit. Rei became a successful business woman while tending to the shrine with Yuuichiro. Mako opened a 5-star restaurant in downtown Tokyo. Mina was a model before she became pregnant. Ami was on her way to becoming doctor and is actually an intern in the hospital they were in. The Three Lights had finally regrouped when they returned from Kinmouku. Although their concerts and tours were less frequent, they were still extremely popular. When it was publicized that they were having children, tabloids had dubbed their babies as "Baby Lights". And their beloved Moon Princess Usagi was the Three Lights' caretaker and stylist. Seiya couldn't be happier since he could be with her at all times. At first, Yaten and Taiki were worried that Usagi would be a distraction for Seiya but for the most part it actually helped Seiya – he focused on work instead of daydreaming about her. In fact, his photos turned out better than before as he would try to impress Usagi who always watched him pose for pictures. However, the two of them would occasionally disappear during work hours, only to have Seiya reappear after a short period of time with a smug grin on his face.

Screams were heard again.

"Don't worry." Pluto had seen the worried look on her friend's faces and reassured them. "Trust me."

A few more hours had passed and Taiki finally came back out, he had a huge grin on his face. "It's a girl."

Everyone cheered and followed after him to visit Ami. Upon entering her room, they saw how tired she was but her face glowed with happiness. The baby was sleeping soundly in her arms as Ami sat up on the bed. Taiki sat down beside her, put his arms around his wife and kissed her lovingly on her forehead. He was so happy to finally be a father and most importantly, he was relieved to see that his wife and baby were doing great. Ami gently rubbed the sleeping baby's cheek with her finger, waking her up.

"Say hello to everyone…" Ami tilted the baby so that everyone can see her better. All the senshi broke out in wide smiles as they saw the baby open her eyes, "…again."

The baby opened her eyes to reveal a pair of large pale azure colored eyes. Small tufts of chestnut brown hair were peeking from beneath the blanket she was wrapped in. She didn't cry when she woke up, she simply looked wide-eyed at everyone and tried to lift the corners of her mouth as if to smile.

Taiki wiped away a small tear that was about to fall down his face.

"Welcome back, Miya."

**Please review**

Thank you so much for reading! I never thought this story would turn out like this! Thanks for all the reviews and your support! (I feel like I'm giving an oscar speech or something so I'll stop now)

Just wanted to have a special shoutout to a Luna ;) who is my very first reviewer (EVER!) and have become a good friend! got some good laughs through this whole story!

Anyways... thanks for reading! please check out my other stories!