
2Years Ago

She watched him gently scrape his fingernails across her abdomen, sighing contently at the slight pressure in her belly. He smiled sadly knowing this will be the last time they will ever touch each other. His Imprintee waiting for him to go home. Her head turned staring at the full moon,wishing to be able to phase to run. But the cast in her ankle to knee will make highly impossible for her and incredibly painful. Plus with the life secretly growing in her womb, her body had been on temporally lockdown, her silver wolf waiting for nine months to pass.

"Rachel is waiting. You should go." Her Voice broke the silence that overtook her bedroom of her silent house. Her younger brother on patrol or likely at Angela Webber's home. His heavy sigh made her head turn to curiously look at him, he sat up on his knees, his black hair sticking every where from the constant hand that will run through it every day."It will be harder in the morning Paul."

"Let it." Paul Lahote gently climbed over his lover, his forearms keeping him from falling on her body."I can't go home. Everytime I'm there Jacob Looks at me like I'm such a burden Lee,"

Six months ago on Jacob Black's Imprintee's Renesmee's "17" birthday Rachel had visited to meet her future in law when she had bumped into Paul. Their eyes had connected and Paul knew he had imprinted but scurried away to get away from the dull throb in his heart. Not from the imprinting but his secret lover's pain that etched her face when she saw the whole thing. Jacob had been furious, Bill, one of the Quileute's Council tried not to worry of his second oldest daughter dating La Push's resident man-whore and hothead. Only now not just dating-marrying in just a little few months. And her bestfriend, the maid of honor, was pregnant of this man's child secretly and leaving in such a few short hours to leave all this mess behind her.

"Trust me Paul, Your ANYTHING but a burden. I love you, but go home."

"Leah," Paul's voice trailed off when Leah had shot him an icy glare. He Sighed;yet again. He nodded and laid a chaste kiss, after he leaned down to her mouth, to her lips and got up. Putting on his cargo shorts he looked at Leah Clearwater before stepping out of her window and jumping down the tree by her window/

Leah Stepped out of her bed the sheet delicately wrapped around her torso, looking out the window towards the full moon, Leah knew this was for the best.


This Is My First Fanfic, A Sorta Three Shot of My Second Favorite Couple!3

So, Review.

Next Update Longer and Not A Flashback!
