A/N: This chapter is emphasizing on the second verse! I really really really REALLY recommend listening to this song cause it's so CUTTTEEE. LOL, remember when I used to be a fanfiction author. [insert One Direction "What Makes you Beautiful" but the Ha Ha Ha version] I know, I'm the worst. You have every right to be made at me. ;-; WARNING: MUCH FLUFF. WOW.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own TVD, any of it at all. I'm just a fan with an active imagination. Rated M for fluff, and smut. Song credited to Colbie Caillat.


I do - Colbie Caillat

Tell me is it only me
Do you feel the same?
You know me well enough to know that I'm not playing games
I promise I won't turn around and I won't let you down
You can trust I've never felt it like I feel it now

Baby there's nothing, there's nothing we can't get through

May 15th, 2004

[Two Years Later]

"Congratulations, Mr. Salvatore!" Elena cheered before she threw her arms around Damon's neck.

Feeling his arms wrap tightly around her, she shrieked as he picked her up and twirled her around before placing her back down on the ground. While fighting off the dizziness, she felt cool lips press against her for a searing kiss. How he managed to make her heat up with every little touch, she was still trying to figure out.

"Mmmm, do I get a special gift? It is a special day for me," Damon murmured before burying his face into the crook of Elena's neck, knowing that he was wiggling his eyebrows seductively at her.

She giggled before pushing Damon away and observing him from his feet to head. Black dress shoes. Black slacks and a black dress shirt. A silk blue tie and University's mascot gold insignia embroidered at the bottom. Honors cords draped around his neck. Donning black graduation gowns and a crooked graduation hat teetering on the edge of his head, he never looked more handsome and exuberant than ever before.

"Well Mr. Alumni, that's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot…" Elena trailed off before tucking her hands behind her back and smirking at him, picking up all of Damon's habits and exhibiting for all to see.

"I believe that would be Mr. Alumnus. Alumni is plural, babe," Damon crossed his arms and smirked right back at her.

"Look at you! Already putting your Bachelor of Arts of Political Science to use, watch out New York!" Elena teased at Damon who responded by throwing his arm around her neck and pulling her close to him. About to give her mess up her perfect wavy hair, which she had spent several hours perfecting for his graduation pictures, he heard a stern voice travel through the crowd.

"Damon Francesco Salvatore, don't you dare mess up that girl's poor hair!"

Damon's eyes widened a bit before slipping his arm down around Elena's waist and pulling her close to him. He squeezed her side as he saw two figures come out of the crowd: a tall, medium built man with brown hair and green eyes while the other was a shorter woman with raven hair and piercing blue eyes who walked with confidence.

"Maaaa, I wasn't actually going to do it. I was just playing with her," Damon let out in a whining voice before his mother came up and fixed the crooked graduation cap on his head. Smoothing out his shirt and tie in a motherly fashion, which Elena was excited to tear off of him, she patted his chest softly, right over his heart.

"Shush now. Elena, a pleasure to finally meet you. Damon's been raving about you. To be honest, he sounds like an excited school girl over the phone," Mary smiled warmly at Elena before tucking her arm through Damon's.

"Now let us get some damn nice pictures. Elena, do you mind taking a family picture of us first?" Mary pulled a small digital camera out of her bag and titled it towards Elena. Smiling at Mary's use of profanity and nodding, Elena gently palmed the camera.

With Mary Salvatore on Damon's right and his brother, Stefan, on the other side, Elena counted out to three before snapping the picture. Damon shot Elena a dreaded look before putting on his stunning smile just in time before the camera snapped. Looking down at the display screen, she laughed out loud as she had managed to catch both of Damon's face, the dreaded and pleased.

"Let me guess, Stefan's hair reflected all the sun into the camera, didn't it?" Damon chuckled at Elena before walking towards her to look down at the camera. Pursing his lips, he gave an approving nod before pushing the camera into Stefan's hands.

"Make yourself useful and get some of me with my girl," Damon wrapped his arms around Elena once again. Stefan rolled his eyes at the demand.

After a whole photo shoot of Damon with his family, with Elena, and various points of the campus, the Salvatore trio and Elena had decided to head off to dinner. With the occasion and the insistence of Mary, they had reservations of one of the fanciest restaurants in San Francisco.

Sitting beside each other, hands intertwined below the table, the quad passed back and forth small talk.

"Elena, Damon tells me that you're about to enter your third year. English, correct?" Mary said as she tucked her napkin into her lap. Stefan's stare seemed to be focused on the water glass in front of him, seeming uninterested in the conversation.

"Oh, yes. I'm still wondering if I want to go to graduate school or if I'll be lucky enough to just get a job straight out of school. All this future planning makes me nervous," Elena laughed nervously before directing a question towards Stefan. "Stefan, where are you studying again? It's slipped my mind."

Stefan's eyes snapped up to Elena and a coldness washed over him. "I'm also about to enter my third year, studying Psychology. I'm currently going to school in Washington though, to answer your question."

His stare on Elena made her uncomfortable as his glazed over her body in her dress, knowing that he was judging every choice she made whether it was verbally said or in her fashion choice. In response, she squeezed Damon's hand tightly, an indication that she was nervous.

"Damon, father couldn't come due to his latest case. You know that right?" Stefan tilted his head at Damon, perking up an eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah. It's the same bullshit he always spews when he can't keep a fucking promise," Damon rolled his eyes before picking up a piece of bread and nibbling on the edge of it.

"Show father respect!" Stefan hissed at Damon. "He's expecting you to graduate top of Columbia, on time too. This undergraduate education was just fun and games, but you really have to get yourself together because law school isn't a joke," Stefan lectured at Damon. "And… hopefully you can get that done without…any distractions…" Stefan's eyes had narrowed on Elena.

Elena's eyes widened at the interaction that had taken place in front of her. She had known that Damon had a strained relationship with his brother and his father, but didn't expect to see such hostility from his own sibling, yet alone a younger one. His past was still something he was not comfortable delving into, but Elena had always supported whatever decision he made in revealing his family past. She had purged her scarred history and her fear of water, of drowning, of being alone. He had been supportive every step of the way but when it came to Damon, he had buried the relationship of family deep down inside of him. The only person he still kept in contact with was his mother, who he called twice a week. If anything, she could see his deep and undying love for his mother.

"Stefan! That's enough! It's your brother's day. Save your lecture for another time when someone has some time for it," Mary sternly reprimanded at Stefan who had just scowled and bit his bottom lip.

Damon, on the other hand, had tightened his grip with Elena while his other hand had balled into a fist. She could see the veins making an appearance in the corner of his forehead, holding back his vicious anger. Although he had never raised a hand against her, he wouldn't be afraid to do so against another man who had insulted his girlfriend, even if that man was his own brother.

After that awkward moment, Elena had found out Mary was a wonderful, caring woman who gently pushed the idea of marriage towards Elena while Damon was in the bathroom. Elena had just blushed profusely at the thought of the idea when she wasn't even twenty-one yet. Stefan had decided to leave after such a comment, briskly saying he was heading back to the hotel to pack. Once he was gone, dinner went smoothly without a hitch. The food was unbelievably delicious and afterwards, after saying goodbye to Damon's mother, the duo had gone back to Elena's apartment.

Staring into the corner of her room, she saw as Damon's stuff was packed away into suitcases, ready for his flight to New York in a few short days. He was done. Four years at the school where they had met. The school that was starting to be her new home, was now his past. Their booth at the café would just be her booth, alone. He had no reason to stay, no real attachments unless he counted her. The idea of long distance scared her. The idea of going through the rest of her years here was scary. And yet, when she entered college, she never expected herself to be one of those girls who was so attached to their boyfriend. Was that who she had become?

"Jesus, woman. I could hear you thinking all the way from the kitchen," Damon smiled at her as he entered her bedroom, shirtless and in sweatpants.

The bedroom was small, enough to fit her bed, drawers, desk, and most of her clothes in the closet. It was expensive to live in this area, so close to San Francisco and access to the Bay Area but at least she had this room to herself. She had ended up living with Anna in a two bed, one bathroom apartment. Although Rebekah had been a great roommate, she had ended up joining a sorority and moving into the Greek house. Anna was a great roommate though, able to keep quiet and clean.

"What's going on, babe?" Damon asked as he sat next to her and cupped her face with his hands.

Elena twisted her hands in her lap, afraid to look directly into Damon's eyes.

"What are we going to do?" Elena whispered so softly, Damon almost didn't catch it.

"You're heading off to New York, Damon. New York. That's across the country and I'm here!" At this point, Elena had stood up and started pacing. "I know we talked about doing long distance, but I'm scared. I'm scared what's going to happen. Are we ready for this? Is our relationship strong enough for this?!" Elena cried out the last part in desperation.

Damon sat there and soaked it all in, his face showed no other emotion but Elena had caught that flash of sadness that crossed his eyes.

"So what? You just want to give up?" Damon had stood up at this point and confronted Elena. "These past two years, just nothing? Are you really afraid of what you feel for me that you'll run away at the first obstacle we have to face together? So now what? You're going to break up with me, cause you might as well fuckin' do it now," Damon's face had flared up in anger.

"God! No! I just… I'm afraid you'll forget me," Elena crumpled in a pile on the bed.

Damon let out a loud sigh before pulling a hand through his hair. Letting out another staggered sigh, he sat down besides Elena on the bed, leaning forward to brush her hair out her eyes.

"I love you, so much," Damon whispered to her before pressing his lips against her. "I want to make this work if you do," he murmured against her lips before pressing his lips against her eyelids, down the side of her jawline, and to her collarbones.

"I do, god, I do. I love you so much," Elena had closed her eyes and said out loud.

"Then we'll make it work," Damon whispered and kissed her again. His hands slid down her sides, brushing the sides of her breast before settling on her waist. His fingers settled over her stomach, tracing imaginary patterns there, his usual warning of about thirty seconds before he would rip off all her clothes.

"Wait, no," Elena said as she broke away from Damon. "I have your gift," Elena winked at him before standing up.

Unzipping her dress from behind, Elena let the dress slid off her body and pool at her feet, displaying her body for Damon to see. What had been underneath the dress, was lace. A lacey teddy with garter belts.

Damon swallowed loudly, something that filled Elena up with pride.

Strutting her way to him, she traced lines from her lips down through the valley of breasts before placing a leg besides Damon's hips, opening the apex of her thighs to him. The see through material made Damon slightly salivate at the sight.

Placing his hand on Elena's thigh, he dragged his hand closer to her heat before tracing the seam of the teddy.

"Mmmm, I do happen to like where this is going," Damon purred as he leaned forward and place a kiss right above where she was aching for him.

Placing a hand on his shoulder, Elena leaned in and traced the shell of his ear before whispering, "Oh, it gets a lot better, Mr. Salvatore."

Shoving his back onto her bed, she leaned forward sucking the skin on his neck, marking her territory before he left for New York. As she trailed her lips slowly down his chest, her fingers traced his abdominal muscles before gliding downwards towards his groin where she lightly groping his manhood.

Damon let out a long groan as he felt her hand grope him and lifted his hips as he felt her petite hands grip the waistband of his sweatpants and pull down, revealing his hard manhood. Gripping it lightly, Elena began to pump him with her hand.

Damon let out a slight hiss as he leaned back on his elbows to get a good view of Elena as she pleasured him. Elena alternated between soft and hard squeezes before leaning forward and blowing a breath of cool air over the head which she immediately engulfed with her warm mouth afterwards.

Damon pulled her from his pelvis and up as he kissed her.

"I can't wait, let's skip to the main event," Damon muttered against Elena's lips. Nodding and adjusting her lingerie according, she gripped his manhood and pumped it several times before lining it up and sliding home.

"God, I love this on you," Damon murmured as he tugged down the straps to her teddy with his teeth. Licking and laving the patch of skin on her neck, he sucked and nibbled before pulling the rest of the teddy with his teeth and exposing her breasts.

Elena let out a long moan as she rocked her hips against his, her clit occasionally brushing against his abdominals, giving her delicious pains of pleasure.

Damon palmed her breast before biting and circling her nipple. His other hand rested on her hip as he helped on guiding her hips.

"Jesus, we need more of this. It's so sexy," Damon said with a gasp, talking about the lingerie, as he placed both hands on Elena's hips.

Elena changed the pace and motion as she slammed harder and faster, up and down his shaft, using his shoulders as leverage.

"I knew you'd love it, oh god, fuck," Elena gasped as chased her orgasm. Pulling Damon's lips back to hers, Elena tunneled her hands through his hair. Damon's thrusts soon turned into pounding movements, becoming erratic and uneven. Gripping her hips tightly in his hands, he let out a loud groan as he fell over the cliff, with Elena falling right behind him.

Collapsing back onto the bed, with Elena still on top, and Damon still in her, they let out a big sigh.

"Damn girl, you running me ragged. I'm getting old," Damon's chest vibrated with soft chuckles as he brushed her hair aside.

"Mmm, you always had a thing for younger girls," Elena said sleepily as she dragged a finger down his chest.

"Nope, just a thing for you. You just had that innocent freshmen look I knew I wanted corrupt," Damon said before Elena sat up and punched him in the stomach, earning them another round in her sheets.

August 23rd, 2004

"Hey, babe," Damon murmured into the phone as he dragged himself through his apartment, throwing thick law books onto his couch before settling down in his office chair.

"Hey, yourself," Elena replied happily back as waltzed around in her kitchen, looking for something to eat for dinner.

"First year of being a big bad junior, huh? How's that treating you?" Damon smirked through the phone as he remembered how he had met Elena in his junior year. That was a good year for him.

"Ugh, first-hand experience with upper division classes means no more seven hundred student lectures but a small class of twenty other students: social anxiety," Elena let out with a heaving sigh before munching on a piece of celery with peanut butter.

"And I already know what big fat essays I have to write and my advisor is breathing down my back to start working on my thesis. The stress is already building up and I'm so not down for this," Elena said before turning back and dipping her celery back into the peanut butter.

"So law student, how's Columbia treating you already?" Elena glanced over at her clock and saw it was already half past seven, meaning it was already ten-thirty at night in New York.

"Ugh, don't remind me. First day of class and I already have to cram and review so much shit. Honestly, I don't know how I'm going reminds to get through this without you. The summer was already awful enough was it was without you," Damon rolled his eyes as he stood up to go into his kitchen. "I spent the whole fuckin' day in the library, but doesn't even come close to our library," Damon smiled to himself as he leaned against the counter, thinking about how they had studied together for that Greek Mythology class.

"And let me guess, Damon is grumpy because he's had no dinner and I'm assuming he didn't have any lunch either," Elena rolled her eyes, as Damon confirmed with a grunt.

So far the long distance relationship had been difficult, but not deathly. They kept his routine of good morning and good night texts even though it never came during the morning, or the night due to the time hour differences. Damon had spent the whole summer reviewing for his classes and enrolling in summer classes at Columbia while Elena had spent her whole summer commuting back and forth between here and San Francisco for her summer internship at a newspaper. While Elena worried if Damon was adapting well to the East Coast since he was such a West Coast kid, Damon worried if Elena was exerting herself too much by jumping on any and every extracurricular. Great opportunities for both of them, but lack of physical touch was painful. It wasn't the sex that was painful (although Damon rectified that problem by asking Elena to participate in the occasional phone sex or even sexting), but just having the significant other's presence around was comforting.

"Hm? What's this? A package from New York? Labeled from: "Mr. Big Bad and Sexy"? They honestly let you put that on the shipping label? You're incorrigible, Mr. Salvatore," Elena giggled softly into the phone before picking up the box from the coffee table and walking to the kitchen to get out a knife to open the package.

"Who can say no to this face?" Damon wiggled his eyebrows through the phone as he microwaved a bowl of mac n' cheese.

Elena carefully cut the tape that sealed the brown box before carefully extracting the package from within.

"Is this… a web cam?" Elena furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Damn right it is. You need a quality web camera for that ancient brick of that you call a laptop. And since I know you so damn well, I know that if I bought you a new laptop, you would literally fly out here and cut my arm off before most likely breaking down in a fit of sobbing where I would soon bleed to death because you were in shock and didn't call the ambulance," Damon rambled on as Elena started unpacking her new web camera.

"Ha ha. Now shut up and tell me how to set this up," Elena said as she set her phone aside and put it on speaker phone.

"Alright so first let's install Skype…"

October 4th, 2004

Elena heard her phone ringing but it just didn't matter.

Her classes were kicking her ass, her thesis was going nowhere, and she felt like she was disappointing her advisor and most importantly, her parents and Damon. She had known better to bother Damon especially since he had so much on his plate already. Her friends seemed to have all their shit together while Elena felt like she was drowning in all her work. Her nightmares were coming back with the stress, and with a vengeance. And without Damon, she couldn't call up Damon and expect him to show up at her apartment, ready to cradle and soothe her to sleep.

Letting out a frustrated growl, she flipped over in her bed with a great oomph. She hated how she had grown to need to rely on someone. After her parents' deaths, she had managed fine on her own. She took care of herself, kept her feelings to her own, and now every time she hit a bump, she wanted Damon.

She sat up and rubbed her temples before picking up her phone and pulling out the battery. She knew who was calling, but she had to be dependent. Just for once.

With a meek knock on her door, Elena stood up and walked over to open it… revealing Anna.

"Take this phone. Right. Now. Or Damon will be the least of your worries. I've got midterms tomorrow and if I hear this damn phone ring again, I will tear out your fucki-"

"Alright, I'm sorry, Anna! I promise there will be no more phone ringing today," Elena said with wide-eyes. She shouldn't have known better than to go into her depressive dark hole during midterm seasons with Anna. After all, Anna was aiming to graduate with a 4.0 in order to get into the best medical schools. It was the same cycle every year, and Elena thought she had nailed down the pattern until now. Her mistake.

Pulling up the phone to her ear, she sighed before closing her door and mentally prepared herself for what came next.

"Do you want to fucking explain to me why you haven't been picking up my phone calls or responding to my texts?" Damon hissed through the phone as Elena took a seat on the edge of her bed. She knew that if she hung up on him, he would call back immediately.

"I've been busy," Elena said with a flat voice.

"Oh really? Because Anna said you haven't been to class since Wednesday. Last time I checked, it wasn't spring break, Elena," Damon emphasized heavily on her name.

"I was sick… wasn't feel well," Elena said with a sigh before falling back on her bed.

"Anna said that you have been perfe-"

"Since when have you've and Anna been so chummy?" Elena sat up and growled into the phone. "Cheating is despicable and I should have known better than to become the girlfriend of someone who was such a womanizer."

"Don't you dare turn this back on me, Elena. Don't push me away and if I was there on the right side of the coast, I'd be standing my ground trying to figure out what's going on and it fucking kills me that I can't be there for you to see what's wrong. What's so fucked up that you're avoiding me?" Damon had let it all spew out, his voice sounding quieter and quieter at the end of his statement.

After a long pause, Elena sighed. "You're over re-acting, Damon."

"No, I'm not, Elena. And you know that too. Jesus…" Damon let out a sigh before setting his phone down. He was wearing thin, Elena knew that. "Tell me what's wrong," Damon murmured into the phone.

"Nothing's wro-… I… it's been a really tough month. My classes are in the shithole along with my thesis and… I know you have been really busy and I don't want to be a burden…" Elena stood up before continuing. "I just feel like… I don't know. When my parents died, I held myself up. I had my own back. I was fine being on my own but now every time something goes wrong, I automatically reach out for you. What if it's just proving that women are dependent on men and we're only meant to be some sort of mindless slaves? I mean, this is why we need feminism for god sake's!"

"Babe, calm down. I think that liberal college is getting to you," Elena cracked a smile and shook her head at Damon's comment.

"You went to the same one, dummy."

"I never said I didn't," and Elena knew that Damon was just smirking over the phone. "Look, you are never a burden to me, babe. I'll hold you up, and you keep me tied down to the ground. I love you. And you knowing you can rely on me is just a symbol of how you have learned to open up and love more because of it, alright?" Damon questioned with a stern voice.

Elena chuckled softly into the phone before nodding her head.

"You're a damn stubborn one, and that's what started this all," Damon stated in a flirting manner. "Now start up your computer and get on skype."

"You're the worst, Salvatore and you're damn lucky I love you."

December 23rd, 2004

Elena scrambled around the kitchen as she tried to desperately find the missing glove to the pair of oven mitts.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Elena whispered under her breathes as she could just imagine the gingerbread men meeting their fiery death in the oven.

With the smell of gingerbread floating throughout the house, Jeremy's eyes attached to his Xbox and Jenna off somewhere in the house, giggling with her new boyfriend, Alaric, it was hard to manage the cookies, the hot cocoa, and other baked holiday goods she was preparing.

Especially when the doorbell rang.

"Jeremy, do me a favor place, get the door?" Elena said with a huff as she pulled out the gingerbread cookies only to get a negative grunt from Jeremy. Rolling her eyes, she put in the next tray of cookies before wiping off her hands and walking to the door.

Swinging the door opens, she was met with a cozy sight. Midnight hair, cerulean eyes, all cozied up in a grey pea coat with an off white scarf wrapped around him as the light Christmas powder swirled around him.

"Hmmm, seems to be all the hectic holiday all up in the Gilbert household, mm?" Damon tugged his scarf down a bit, to reveal his smirk.

A squeal escaped from Elena's lips as she pulled him through the door and wrapped herself around him. Her legs immediately enveloped around Damon's waist before caressing the nape of his neck. Her lips magnetized towards his and pulling him in for an unforgettable kiss.

Dropping his duffle bag on the floor, Damon took several steps forward, before pressing her against the doorway to the kitchen. His pelvis grinded against hers in an eager fashion, as one of his hands found purchase on her hip and the other cupping the side of her face.

"Ugh, gross," the sound of a disgusted teenager managed to pull them apart, leaving Elena with a crimson face, buried in crook of Damon's neck.

"So, what are you doing here?" Elena said after untangling herself from his body.

"The flight was way cheaper to Virginia from New York than California," Damon said as he stretched his arms above him, but the comment had earned him a solid punch from Elena.

"Ow! That, and I wanted to spend my Christmas with my favorite girl," Damon murmured before leaning down and giving her another kiss on the lips.

"Suck up. I doubt Jenna's going to let you stay in my room. She'll think you're a temptation," Elena rolled her eyes before tangling her fingers with Damon and dragging him into the kitchen.

"But who else is going to keep me warm?" Damon pouted before stealing a gingerbread cookie off the baking sheet and munching on it.

Walking around the counter, Elena wrapped her arms around Damon before sighing.

"I'm really glad you came, Damon."

May 17th, 2005

"I have really good news, babe," Elena couldn't contained herself as she spoke with Damon on the phone.

"And what's that?" Damon smiled into his phone as he highlighted a few sentences in his book.

"I got an internship, New York Times!" Elena said with a burst, jumping all around in her apartment. The letter had fluttered off her bed and onto the hardwood floor as she fist pumped several times before falling back onto her bed.

"God damn, babe. You're fuckin' brilliant. It's decided then, you're staying with me. Just imagine the whole summer, you, me, everywhere in my apartment," Damon said with a dreamy smile.

"Wipe the drool off your chin, mister! I have a job to fulfill," Elena rolled her eyes before rolling over in her bed and taking a deep breath.

"I'm really proud of you, babe."

June 2nd, 2005

Elena dropped off her luggage in the corner of Damon's apartment before plopping herself down on the couch. Man, those stairs up to this apartment was no joke. Damon trudged through the door with the rest and haphazardly threw them aside before throwing Elena over his shoulder and carrying her off to his bedroom.

"God, I wanted you since you got off that plane. The damn taxi driver had roaming eyes all over you, and it drove me crazy," Damon muttered before lighting throwing her onto his bed. His t-shirt immediately flew off his head before he dove onto Elena.

"Dam-oon" Elena gasped as Damon's fingers slipped under her dress and traced her slit. His fingers teased her entrance around a bit before slipping her underwear down her legs and throwing it aside.

"I wanted… to see… Central Park," Elena panted as Damon slipped a finger inside her. His lips licked and tasted every part of her while his other hand groped her breast. "Maybe Time Squua-oooh," Elena moaned before Damon slipped two fingers into her, pumping at a steady pace.

"I know, I know. But your body says otherwise, and we have plenty of time, babe," Damon muttered against her skin before kissing her and curling his fingers. Elena came with a sharp cry of his name which only inflating Damon's ego.

Cleaning his fingers, he pulled Elena's dress off and threw it aside before unbuttoning his jeans and pulling them straight down with his boxers. Shuffling them off, he poised over her.

"I'll show you everywhere, but after we're both satisfied, cause I haven't been inside you for months," Damon said with a smirk before kissing the corner of her mouth.

Lining himself up with her entrance, he slid in with a strong thrust before threading his fingers with hers, pulling her hands above her. Damon started thrusting at a steady pace before increasing the tempo and force.

"Ohhhh, god, yes, YES" Elena moaned as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

All of the sudden, the pounding from the floor came, causing Damon to stop. Questioning looks at each other, as they tried to interpret what the sound was.

"Oh my god, that did not just happen," Elena said breathlessly, as Damon let out a hearty laugh. It was, it was a broomstick hitting against the ceiling of the apartment unit below.

"So vocal, I love it," Damon whispered into her ear before rolling over and letting Elena finish the job.

August 25th, 2005

Clicking countless times in the same place didn't change a thing. This was it. Her last year here. Her four years here were about to be done. There was a strange sensation. It was like the thought of being a senior and graduating high school. The concept was virtually the same, but the feelings weren't.

See in high school, one is just booted to the next level of freedom essentially. But this moment, a year later, what was she supposed to be doing? Would she be living at home? Would she have a job? Is she applying to graduate school? These questions plagued her mind and drove her crazy. A future? She didn't even know she had one this time five years ago when she woke up in a hospital.

Elena took in a deep breath and let it out. It was scary, the future. And what about Damon? These past two years were difficult. He still had law school to finish so he couldn't just pick up and leave. He still had at least, the minimum, two more years. Would their relationship last long distant? Maybe she should apply to graduate school in New York?

Elena slammed her fists down on the table. But she didn't want to be dependent. Her whole life shouldn't revolve around Damon in that way. She was independent, she had been. But Damon. He was the changing factor. They've had this discussion before. She was still independent. She could do what she wanted, but he was a support system.

Sighing and rolling her chair back away from her desk, Elena took in another deep breath. Damon. She couldn't imagine life without him now. Three years. Three. Years. That was a serious amount of time to commit yourself to someone, especially at a young age. He could be the one? The one?

Elena shook her head and laughed. The one? Did she even believe in the one anymore? Elena laughed out loud again. There she was again, her brain going haywire at the thought of the future. The future. She thought back to her adolescent days. What did she want to be? A writer. That's it, a writer. But there were so many paths there.

Trudging to her bed, she laid down and draped an arm across her face. Life was complicated. After this year, she was to be let out into the real world and the worst that could happen, was her becoming a big fat failure.

With that thought, a chirp from her phone was heard from her bedside. Picking up her phone and looking at the text, she smiled.

Make the last year last and memorable, babe. ;) –D

May 14th, 2005

"Congratulations, Ms. Gilbert!" Damon said as he threw his arms up in celebration, before wrapping his arms around her, picking her up, and swinging her around.

"Damon, my hat!" Elena squealed as she held onto her cap, her curls swinging around before Damon set her back on the ground.

"Finally, you get to join the big kids in the real world now," Damon perked an eyebrow at Elena before setting her down. He kissed her on the lips, as his five o'clock scruff brushed against her cheek.

"Ugh, you need to shave mister," Elena pushed Damon away before smoothing away his tie and wrapping her arm around him.

"Yeah, yeah. I hear ya, woman," Damon rolled his eyes before pressing a kiss against her hairline and watching another scruffy brown hair man teeter towards them, clumsily with his bouquets of flowers and balloons, followed by a slightly grown up teenager, and a lovely aunt.

"Ah, here comes the Gilbert Brigade," Damon said as he loosened his arm around Elena and walked up to Alaric to help him out, and shake his hand.

"Your parents would have been so proud of you, 'Lena," Jenna said as tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

"Finally did something right, 'Lena," Jeremy shrugged his shoulders at Elena, earning him a nice hefty, yet sisterly shove from Elena.

Elena looked at her family before her. It had taken a lot to get here. Her senior year, was unforgettable. Taking Damon's advice to heart, she had started a bucket list and made it a huge deal to accomplish each task before graduating. After all, her college did play a huge part in her life. And her family, even though it's a bit patchy and thrown together, they had supported her every way. And Damon. How to even begin? He had thrown her off her tunnel-vision trail, but in the best way possible.

"I got great news, and before anyone can say no, it's too late… because I already accepted the job," Elena tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

Damon stepped forward, looking a bit concerned. He tried to seem happy but at the same time he was also conflicted. Elena had shielded him from all thoughts of her future, insisting it was something she knew she was working on. He was going to support her either way, but this affected him too.

"I got an offer for the New York Times. My internship was great, they say my material has improved…"

Elena didn't even get a chance to finish her sentence before Damon grabbed her face and pulled her in for a deep kiss, a picture that was taken by surprisingly, Jeremy, and a picture that has been on their mantle forever.

"Elena, do you want to move in with me?" Damon said with a breathless voice.

"I do."

So can we say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before it's been like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let it go
What more can I get myself into?
You make me wanna say

A/N: Not one of my best, but I definitely needed to put this chapter out. It is the middle chapter, meaning there's one more! But it also had the most content and time skip so I felt like the transition for this chapter would have sucked either way. Not as much smut because I'm really not feeling it (sorry!), a lot of fluff.