"I don't understand Ron. I thought I made my feelings quite clear."

"You did. But I still can't work out if you actually like me or if it was just because I said we should warn the house elves."

"I more than like you Ronald. But why don't we leave this conversation for another time?"


"I think you have a lot to deal with at the moment. What with the war ending and Fred and everything else."

"I don't think my head has ever been this clear. But I am still super confused. I am so happy because I think you and I have something going on. I am devastated because my big brother died. I'm ecstatic coz Voldemort is gone. I'm upset coz Tonks and Lupin and so many other people are dead. Colin Creevey! That has upset me a lot more than I thought it would."

"Wow. That's a lot to be feeling. I guess I was wrong when I said you have the emotional range of a teaspoon. But if it eases your mind, you're allowed to be happy about you and me and about Voldemort being gone and still be upset about Fred and Tonks and Lupin."

"I am?"

"Yes, Ronald. You are. No one can tell you how you are meant to feel. It just comes to you."

"Thanks Hermione."

I laid back in his arms where I had woken up about twenty minutes ago. I had fallen asleep there last night talking to Ginny and Neville and no one had moved me. Not that I minded or anything.


"Yes Ron?"

"Harry still asleep?"

"Far as I know. Why?"

"Forty-eight hours is bit long. How do we know he isn't dead?"

"Because Ginny has been checking on him almost hourly. In fact, she only left to get brekkie at my insistence. She didn't want to leave him alone."

"Oh. I kind of hope they get back together. I understand why he had to break up with her. Voldemort would've gone straight after her. But if he breaks her heart, I will kill him."

"I don't see him breaking her heart Ron. You probably don't want to hear it but back in her first year, during her first week, I was checking up on Ginny. Seeing how she was. How she was adjusting to being away from your mum and dad. We ended up getting into a really good talk. I asked her why she had such a huge crush on Harry. She said it was because he was, and I quote, "Pure awesomeness". Another quote I take from that conversation was her saying that she told your mother, that first day you met Harry, and your mum and Ginny were seeing all you boys off, that she was going to marry that boy one day. I don't think you need to think hard to figure out who that boy was."

"So what you're saying is that my little, baby sister and my best mate are destined to be together. And if Harry and I had never been friends, then this probably wouldn't have happened?"

"Yes, that's what I'm saying. And I don't see you without Harry and Harry without you."

"Hmmm. He better not break her heart."

"Okay Ron. Now, can we please go back to sleep. I'm still pretty tired."

"Sure Hermione."

I settled back into a comfy position and closed my eyes.


"Mum. Look at me."

"Yes Gin?"

"I need you to do me a favour. Look at your husband and your sons. They're hardly eating. They're hardly drinking. And when they are drinking, well let's just say I've seen the boys share one too many bottles of Firewhiskey the past two days. I'm coping but barely. But the favour I need you to do, is I need you to be the rock. Not the whole time. Just with the boys. That includes dad. They need you mum. They need you to tell them it'll be alright. That Fred wouldn't want us all moping like this. I need you to get them off their arses and helping out. I need you to go home this afternoon and cook one of your awesome dinners. I need you to tuck them all in and tell them you love them. Then, when they're all asleep, I will hold you in my arms and let you cry as much as you want for as long as you want. I just need you to be strong. Can you do that Mum?"

She looked at me, her eyes wide. She turned her head and looked at her husband and four of her sons. She looked back at me. "I'll do it Gin. You're right. They need me." She blinked away any tears in her eyes, and then stood up.

"You five! Why aren't you eating? I want loaded plates now! There is plenty of bacon, eggs, sausages, tomato, mushrooms, toast, cereal, everything for thirds! And you will want to fill up because you are all helping out the school today. It needs to be open for the first day of school and as two of our children will be attending, we will all pitch in to rebuild this place. Starting today! Now, eat! You too Ginny."

There was a chorus of "Yeses" and people started tucking into food. Then two more victims walked into the Great Hall.

"Hermione! Ronald! Sit and eat. Now! You're both helping today!"

They just sat. Then a third person followed them in. A particularly handsome, green-eyed boy with shaggy black hair and a lightning shaped scar. As he walked in, the entire room erupted in applause. He gave a quick wave to everyone but kept walking towards myself and my family. Wait, no. Just me. I stood up so I could say something to him but as soon as he reached me, he scooped me into a hug, dropped me into a dip and kissed me. It was the best kiss of my life. There were wolf whistles heard everywhere. I was automatically on cloud nine. When we finally came up for air, I whispered in his ear as he hugged me close, "I love you". His reply was a simple "As do I".

"Harry James Potter and Ginerva Molly Weasley. Sit and eat. Now!"

We quickly sat and started digging into the wonderful spread put on by the house elves. But no matter what, at least one part of me was always touching Harry. Whether it was a knee or a foot or an elbow or even actually holding hands, there was always contact.


Good. They're all eating. Now, I should get something for myself, eat and then talk to Minerva about what the boys, and the girls can do. Is that Luna? And Neville? They can both come here and eat with us.

"Luna! Neville! Come have some breakfast!"

They walked over to our table, sat down and dug in. As we were all eating, Minerva got up and started talking to the vast crowd of people in the room.

"Good morning everyone. I stand before you as the acting-Headmistress of Hogwarts, at least, what is left of it. I am now standing before you to ask, that if you can spare time, can you help us rebuild our school. Sure, you may not go here now. But you did once. Hogwarts was once your home for several years. It was here you learnt pretty much all you know. I think that everyone in this room, myself included, are indebted to this school. So, I ask, can you please help us rebuild our school. I would also like to take this time to extend a warm and very generous thank you to three very special people, who took a year off school-their final year, to hunt a very dangerous man. I haven't heard the full story but I am sure I will eventually. Would everyone please join me in welcoming Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter to the, well, the teacher's podium?"

I watched as my son, well two of my sons, and even my other daughter rise from their seats and slowly walk up to the podium and towards Minerva. Despite having been instrumental in bringing down the most feared man, they were still shy. It really was heart-warming to see. When they reached the podium, they all walked straight up to Minerva, where she greeted each of them with a hug and a kiss. After this, they turned and faced the crowd and waved. The hall erupted in thunderous applause. I noticed in the corner of my eye, two silver haired people also applauding them. The Malfoys. However, Lucius was not joining in. Hmm, how strange. I thought they would've scurried off back to their mansion by now.


I turned at the sound of my name. "Andromeda! Merlin's beard! Come here." I gathered her in a hug, knowing exactly how she felt. We had both just lost children. Unfortunately for her, something I will never tell her, her daughter died at the hand of Bellatrix Lestrange. Dromeda's sister and Tonks' aunty. Even worse, Andromeda has now lost her husband, her daughter and her son in law. "I don't think I need to ask how you're feeling. But you should know, no matter what, you need to talk, I'm here."

"I know Molly. And I'm not going to put all my grief on you. You just lost your son."

"In the same battle as you lost your daughter-your only child-and her husband."

"Yet another baby orphan at the hands of Voldemort, whether he actually killed them or not. Let's just hope he doesn't face the same challenges a certain other orphan has." We both turned and watched as Harry descended from the podium and started walking towards our little group again. Then his expression changed into one of hatred. And I soon found out why.

"Andromeda?" Andromeda turned around at the sound of her name being called.

"Narcissa? What are you doing here? I thought the three of you would've already run off with the rest of his remaining followers."

"Never. I renounced my title as a Death Eater a while back. Lucius and I just held up appearances. As did Draco. Bella didn't however."

"That doesn't surprise me. Still, Bellatrix hurt me more then she could have any other way. She is the reason my grandson has no mother. Wouldn't be surprised if she is also the reason he has no father or grandfather. And you're just as bad. Holed up in your cosy mansion all year, letting Voldemort slither through the wizarding world. Did you ever stop to think about anyone else? No, I didn't think so. Well done Narcissa. You have no niece. And as far as I am concerned, I have no sisters. Dead or alive."

"Dromeda. Don't be like that. You're still my sister. We may have chosen different paths-"

"That's right Narcissa. We did. I chose the right one-despite who I thought might win. I stuck with that side from the start and until your Lord's very demise. I am still with that side. And don't think that this time when you're questioned about your involvement over the years that you can just say 'We were Imperised.' It won't work this time Narcissa. I'm glad I married Theodore Tonks. I don't care if I was cut out of all the family wills. I don't care that my mother never spoke to me again. Because I know, if I had married Barry like you wanted me to, there is no way I would be half the woman I am today."

"Dromeda, you know that's not the truth. Growing up, Bella would be torturing a little bug. You would be rushing to save it. I was stuck about whether I should look up to my big sister and follow her example or whether I should stick up for my little sister and say 'Bella, stop.' Not a day goes by that I don't get angry with myself for deciding on following my big sister's example. I wish I had stuck up for my little sister. Every day. Maybe, if I had, then I would never have ended up a Death Eater. In fact, maybe I never would've met Lucius and married him and had Draco. But that choice I made to help Bellatrix torture those little bugs, that made my choice to always follow in her footsteps."

"Exactly, everyone has a choice. You made the wrong one Narcissa. Don't expect me at Bellatrix's funeral either."

"You have to be there. She is your sister."

"No. She was my sister. Just like you were my sister."

"Andromeda. Don't be like that!"

"And why shouldn't I Narcissa? You disowned me long ago. And your sister is the reason my daughter is dead. And her husband."

"That might be. But I still love you. You're my little sister. You always have been and you always will be. I didn't even fight in this last battle. If it weren't for me then Harry Potter would be dead. It was me who lied to Voldemort and said Harry was dead. It was me, who risked my life, to help everyone who wasn't a Death Eater."

"That may be but it was too late Narcissa. You should've said no a long time ago."

"I know." Narcissa bowed her head in shame and sadness.

I looked at the fiery and icy exchange between the sisters. That was when I intervened.

"Andromeda, Narcissa. How about we take this somewhere a tad more private?"

They both looked at me. Narcissa clearly didn't recognise me.

"Of course. You're totally right Molly. Follow me Narcissa. We'll go to what's left of the Transfiguration classroom."

I, along with everyone else in the Great Hall watched as the two sisters walked out. I turned back to my family and saw all of them burning holes through the walls of the hall with their eyes. The Malfoys aren't exactly well liked right now. Actually, they never have been. Which is why I was so surprised to see Draco walk past me up to Ron, Hermione and Harry.

"Harry, Hermione, Ron." He nodded at each one and seemed unbothered by their looks of shock on their faces. I get the feeling that's the first time he ever used their first names.

Hermione spoke first. Diplomatic girl, I mean, woman.

"Draco. Anything we can help you with? Because if not, we would rather sit down and eat our breakfast. Or if this could at least wait until we've eaten?"

"Uhh, I actually wanted to thank you. You saved my life. Twice. Yeah, I know it was you who cursed the Eater in the face under your, er, wrapper, Po-Harry. And you who punched me in the face Ron."

"Can you blame me? Six years of you treating us like crap, then Harry still has the heart, or loss of sanity, to save your life. Twice. Why shouldn't I punch you in the face?"

"Hey, if that's how you feel, then that's how you feel mate."

"I'm not your mate Malfoy."

"Uhh, right. Of course."

"Draco, can we eat now?"

"Sure. I'll catch up with you all at some other point in time. Oh, Hermione. You're one of the bravest people I know. To withstand what Aunt Bella did to you, takes a lot of guts. I've seen bigger guys than you give in."

"I had determination to not die at the hands of a Death Eater. Here I am. Still alive. Your Aunt Bella is dead...just like she should be."

It was the cruellest thing I had ever heard come out of her mouth. But she was correct in what she said.

Draco nodded at the three again, turned and walked away. As he walked past me, he looked at me. It was as if he were thankful I had killed Bellatrix, but still angry at having taken his aunt away from him. Oh well. My daughter rates higher on my scale of careness than a scumbag Death Eater. The "Golden Trio" sat down and began eating their breakfast. I went and sat next to my husband. As my family, as well as the add ons, tucked into their food, a steady conversation started to develop. Then, a young boy appeared.

"Hi. I'm Dennis Creevey. I was wondering if anyone has seen Colin? My older brother. I haven't seen him since before the battle."
Harry, Ron and Hermione shared a look. Then they shook their heads. Hermione spoke for them.
"No, Dennis. We haven't. If we see him, we'll let you know. In fact, I have finished my breakfast. Why don't I help you look for him?"
"Only if it's not too much hassle."
"Not at all." As she said this, her eyes were filling with tears. "I'll be back soon everyone. We just have to find Colin, and that won't take too long hopefully."
She stood up and started walking with Dennis.
"Ronald, Harry. Why was Hermione about to cry?"
"Colin Creevey is dead. I thought Dennis would've known."
Harry and Ron shared another look, then went back to their breakfast.


How do you tell a kid his big brother is dead?
"Uhh, Dennis. How about we have a seat?"
"Sure, Hermione. What's up?"
"It's about Colin." I could feel the tears in my eyes again.
"He didn't make it Dennis. He fought in the battle. I am so sorry. His dead Dennis."
Just like that, I saw a soul leave a person's body.
"He is dead? But he was all I had left. Voldemort got to Dad. They killed him months ago. I have no one!"
With that, he stood up and ran.
"Dennis! Dennis!" I called after and starting chasing him. He turned back around.
"No! I need to be left alone! Just go! Please!"
I stopped walking, and watched as he walked away, his small frame getting even smaller with each step.
"Hermione? Are you okay?"
I turned to see Draco Malfoy standing there.
"What does it matter to you? Because of your Dark Lord that boy has no family left. I hope you're happy Malfoy. I really hope you are. You've helped destroy entire towns, villages, families. Lives, you've helped take, without even a hint of remorse. You are truly a monster, and when you're left alone and helpless, you'll have no one but yourself to blame."
I pushed past him, not bothering nor wanting to hear what he had to say. I went and rejoined the table. I must've looked weird because Ginny looked at me questioningly. I jerked my head, telling her I'd talk to her later. Right now, we had to focus on more important things. Like rebuilding the school. As were all sitting there, Hannah Abbott came and sat next to Neville and started talking to him. They had always been good friends.


None of them understood. They were just going back to how life was. Only one problem with that. Where's Fred? Oh, that's right! His dead! Not that any of them give a damn. Mummy dearest just wants us to eat and start rebuilding the school. Dad is letting her get her way. Of course the golden fucking trio are being treated like heroes. They're not the only ones! We all helped too. But where is our recognition? Nowhere! Why? Coz our names are aren't Harry, Hermione or Ronald. Screw them all. They can go suck on Merlin's left nut.
"George? Have you finished eating?"
"Yes, mum. Why?"
"I was just making sure you had eaten enough. You're going to be doing a lot of work today."
"Molly, don't overwork the poor boy. Can you imagine what he is going through?"
"Well, Arthur. I can actually. He may've lost a brother, but so did Charlie and Bill and Percy and Ron and Ginny! I lost a child! We're all going to help, so he can too!"
"They were twins. You saw what Fabian was like, and he was killed ten minutes after Gideon!"
"That's fine. Just talk about me like I'm not sitting here. I don't mind one little bit. Just so you know, I am feeling like shit but I'm still going to help. Fred and I had some of our best pranks here. I had my first kiss here. As did he. This place is a part of his legacy. I'm gonna help rebuild it, I don't care if it takes us brick by brick."
Good, now they might think I am somewhat okay and let me be.
"If that's the way you feel son, then fine. Everyone, hurry up and finish your breakfast. We're going to start helping out, very soon."
I watched as the rest of the family, plus quite a few add-ons listened to dad and hurriedly finished their breakfast.

"Ahem, can I have your attention please?"
Everyone in the room turned to face Professor McGonagall who was standing at the front of the room. She continued once she had everyone's full attention.
"Ministry officials have just carted off most of the Death Eaters. There are a few that haven't been taken yet, but it seems they have been cleared."
This was met with a lot of angry voices shouting their disagreement with the decision. The acting Headmistress continued.
"Earlier, I asked for people to help with the rebuilding of our school. I know many of you, that can stay, are willing to and are going to. Those of you who do not currently have a home to return to, you can stay in your house dormitories for the time being. Now, different teachers and volunteers are heading up different building groups. Professor Sprout and Professor Hagrid will be taking groups of you out into the grounds to clean up any debris and waste. Professor Slughorn will be leading a group down into the dungeons to clean up the Potions classrooms, and the Slytherin dormitories. Professor Flitwick and Percy Weasley will be leading a cleanup of the first floor. Professor Binns and Bill Weasley will be leading a cleanup of the second floor. Professor Babbling and Arthur Weasley will be leading a cleanup of the third floor. Professor Trelawney and Penelope Clearwater will be leading a cleanup of the fourth floor. Andromeda Tonks and Molly Weasley will be leading a clean up of the fifth floor. Myself and Narcissa Malfoy will be leading a cleanup of the sixth floor. Aberforth Dumbledore will be leading a cleanup of the seventh. The Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw dormitories are being cleaned by house elves and students in first and second year. Anyone in third year or above, can clean anywhere in the school. Please decide now what part of the school you will be cleaning today, as that will be the only place you clean today. In the words of the great Albus Dumbledore, pip pip!"
She got a laugh out of a few people, and then people started getting up out of their seats and separating into different groups. I decided to go out onto the grounds with Hagrid. Clean up the Quidditch Pitch. I walked straight up to the half giant who had red eyes.
"What's wrong with you Hagrid?"
"George! Blimey, you scared me then. I'm jus' thinkin' 'bout everyone. I really shouldn' talk. Can't imagine how you're feelin'."
"You're the first person I've seen who has actually told me they can't imagine what I'm going through. I knew I always liked you for a reason Hagrid."
"Come on then. Let's go clean the grounds." Professor Sprout had appeared and was no marching the two groups out to the grounds. The other group leaders were doing the same with their groups. I could see mum and Mrs Tonks talking to each other, probably planning a cleaning strategy. I saw Professor McGonagall addressing her group, with Narcissa Malfoy standing behind her. Why wasn't she carted off? I started following Professor Sprout and our two groups, walking beside Hagrid. When we reached the Entrance Hall, we saw what our school looked like in the daytime. It was ridiculous. We all marched outside, where Professor Sprout stopped us.
"Now, Minerva didn't want us saying anything in front of the first and second years, but if you happen to find a dead body, send red sparks into the air with your wand. If you are without a wand, I have replacements, though they won't do you very well, they'll have to do for today. Okay? Very good. Also, if you run out of anything during the course of the cleanup, please go and see Mr Filch. He will be supplying everyone with everything. Everyone understand? Fantastic! Let's go."
With that, we set off onto the grounds, starting to rebuild our school.


I watched as past and current students of Hogwarts began to rebuild the school. Albus would be so proud of them all. I zoned in on a certain black haired boy, standing next to a redheaded girl. Perhaps Albus' greatest achievement was how he looked after that boy. Harry wouldn't be half the man he is today, without Albus, but then again, he is just like Lily and James. The perfect mixture of the two. I still remember the day they graduated. The day Albus made James head boy, and Lily head girl. We all expected Lily, but James was a huge shock, to everyone. In saying that, he really stepped up to his responsibility in his final year of school. I think Lily finally saying yes to going out with him did it. I turned back to my own group of volunteers. Among them was Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. A former prefect and a future Head Girl. If she comes back that is. They were both working side by side. It was about time those two worked out their issues. I'll never get over the scene in the hospital wing when Miss Brown and Miss Granger were fighting over Mr Weasley. Ahh, good days they were.


I had been working alongside Ginny for most of the day. We had sat together at breakfast, and just then at lunch. Now, it was time to continue cleaning the sixth floor. As we had been cleaning, she and I had been talking about so much. Every time I lifted something, she would levitate it out of my hands, saying I don't know how hurt I am. I was considering putting a full-body-bind curse on her, just so she would stop it. I shouldn't get to snappy though, she is only trying to help. Merlin, she is gorgeous. I think our kids would have her red hair with my green eyes. Wait a minute, why am I thinking of kids? We're only teenagers. But my parents were only young when they got married. But they had to get married young. Perhaps I should just worry about trying to have a normal dating relationship with Ginny before even worrying about marriage and kids. She is really pretty though.


I could feel Harry watching me, again. I knew I was beginning to annoy him by taking everything heavy off him, but it was cute to see the frustration in his eyes. Hmm, I hope one of our kids looks just like him. Kids? Why am I thinking of kids. With Harry. We only just got back together. Besides, I wanna be married before kids. Great. Now I'm thinking about marriage. You're sixteen Ginny! Enough! You can't get married and have kids this young! Merlin, this isn't like the 40s and 50s! Okay, calm down Ginny. Just act normally. Oh look, he is picking a stone up, take it off him. I silently cast the charm and watched as the stone floated from his hand and into mine. I saw his shoulders slump in defeat and then he turned to me.
"Really, Gin? Couldn't resist even the tiniest little stone?" To everyone else, it may have looked like he was having a go at me, but only I could see the mischievous glint in his gorgeous green eyes.
"You know me Harry. When temptation hits, I have to go for it."
He was standing right in front of me. Well, we were standing right in front of each other. We had both moved to cover the space, however small, between us.
"Miss Weasley and Mister Potter. How about you keep cleaning? I'm sure you'll be able to finish this conversation later?" Professor McGonagall had manifested beside us. She probably turned into a cat just so that she could surprise us. Damn that woman is good. We both mumbled a quick "Of course, Professor" then got back to work. As soon as we did, Nearly Headless Nick appeared.
"Professor McGonagall. I have been sent by the house elves of the kitchen to notify everyone that dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes. They're telling you so you have a chance to wash up."
"Thank you, Sir Nicholas." After the ghost floated through a wall, she turned to all of us and began to talk. "Go clean yourselves up, I'll see you all at dinner."
All of the volunteers left where they were working and walked down or up stairs, depending on where their house dormitory was. I walked up to the Gryffindor tower with Harry, holding his hand the whole time. We bumped into Ron and Hermione when we reached the Fat Lady. She swung her portrait open and we climbed in to find George locked in a rather intimate embrace with Katie Bell.
"Ahem. George. Katie? There's gonna be parents and other impressionable students here any minute. Might wanna tone it down a little." They sprung apart at Ron's comment.
"Oh, hey you four. Um, how'd you guys get here so fast?"
"We weren't that far down. Umm, I'm gonna go get cleaned up for dinner. Harry, come with?"
"Sure Ron." Both boys walked towards the boys' dormitory, where their bathroom is located.
"Uhh, Ginny. We should probably get tidied up. Your mum would kill us if we turned up to dinner like this."
"Yeah, right, Hermione. Let's, uhh, go to the bathroom." We both walked towards the girls' dormitory, and to the bathroom, quickly escaping the extremely awkward scene of walking in on my brother snogging someone.
When we reached the bathroom, Lavender Brown was already in there. She had a scar on her face where Fenir Greyback had struck her. I might not like her that much, but knowing what had happened to Bill as a result of a Greyback attack, I did feel somewhat sympathetic for her. I could see that even Hermione had a look of sadness on her face. Whether that was for Lavender, or the fact that she had uncovered the body of a house elf during clean up, I wasn't so sure.
"Hermione, Ginny. What are you two doing here?"
"Uhh, Hermione and I are just washing up. Dinner is going to be ready shortly. Why aren't you in the hospital wing?"
"Dinner? Oh, okay. I might get Parvarti to bring me some."
"Why aren't you going to dinner yourself?"
"Uh, I need to make sure I have everything. I'm being taken to St Mungo's tonight. I want to take all of things with me. So, if you don't mind, I am going to do that. Goodbye to both of you."
With that, Lavender made to leave the bathroom. When she reached the door, she turned her head and looked at Hermione. "Congratulations. He was the best boyfriend I'd ever had. Look after him. You were always what he wanted anyway." I swear I could see tears in her eyes as she spoke about Ron to Hermione, but she kept them at bay.
"Lavender, wait!"
"Yes, Granger?"
"I never meant to take him from you. I had no idea of his feelings, Merlin, I didn't even realise my feelings until he was with you. But I thought he was happy, so I left it alone. I'm sorry if I'm the reason you have gone so through so much hurt the past couple of years, but I never meant any of it."
"Save it. Please. I know it was you who saved my life. I wish you hadn't. I only fought in that battle because I was hoping to die. And no, that wasn't because of you and Ronald. I lost my mother this past year. She was my best friend. So when Greyback leapt at me, I didn't even fight back. I couldn't. I didn't want to. I thought, if I could just go, I'd never have to worry about being alone again. I thought I'd get to see Mum again. I don't blame you. You saw me being attacked, you did the right thing. I just wish you hadn't. Goodbye Hermione, Ginny." She walked away, leaving both Hermione and I in shock.
"Were you expecting that, Gin?"
"Definitely not. Wow. She only fought so she could die. How selfish is she?! My brother is dead! He thought he was going to live. That he would be still making his stupid pranks in a year's time! But no! He is dead! And she gets to live?! She doesn't want to be alive! It's not fair! It's not fair!" And like that, I broke. Every emotion in me crumbled. And all I could do was sob and cry as Hermione held me in a tight embrace.

My face was covered with grime again, however, not as bad as it had been that morning.
"I swear Ron, I'm going to put a body-bind curse on your sister if she doesn't stop levitating stones out of my hands! Anytime I pick something up, she takes it! I'm not disabled! I can actually do things for myself."
"She's my mother's daughter. They're exactly the same, even if Ginny doesn't like to admit. Just sit her down and explain it to her. All of it to her."
"Are you sure she'll stop?"
"That's how I got her to stop teasing me about Lavendar!"
"Um, Ginny still teases you about Lavendar. She would do it to me and Hermione all through sixth year, and even last summer." I couldn't help but laugh at my best mate's facial expression, at knowing that his sister had defied him so.
"Well, she, uh, at least stopped teasing me about it to my face. Maybe don't listen to me about my sister. I have no clue. Oh, but Harry, you break her heart again, and I will kill you."
"Duly noted. And while we're on the subject of sisters, break Hermione's heart, and I will kill you."
"You look at her like she's your sister?"
"I do. Same as I look at you as a brother, your parents as parents and even your siblings as siblings. Yes, even Percy. Not Ginny though. I look at her as the love of my life."
"Hmm, well, that love of your life has six, sorry, five brothers and a father who will kill you if you break her heart. Now, are you done? I'm starving."
"You're always starving Ron. But yeah, I'm done. Shall we?"
The two of us made our way down to the common room to wait for Ginny and Hermione, but found them already there.
"You girls ready? Apparently Ron hasn't eaten once in his life, so he is starved."
"Ronald, it was one year without the food of the house elves or your mother. You're still alive, it wasn't that bad."
"Speak for yourself, I can't even think of mushrooms without gagging." Hermione rolled her eyes at this statement and began making her way to the portrait door without Ron. Once he realised she'd left however, he ran to catch up with her, and quickly laced his fingers with hers. Ginny grabbed my hand and we followed the other couple down to the Great Hall for dinner.

Dinner was uneventful, though solemn. A moment's silence was held for those fallen before dinner and as soon as the meal was finished, many people left the hall, going to dormitories and homes.

A.N Well, here it is. The first chapter. Hope you all enjoyed.
