Merlin sighed and got up from his chair. The rehearsal would be starting soon and it would be nice to hear some new music. The new production was Armida by Rossini. He liked Rossini.

He wandered over to his scrying glass to watch.

It was the first time Arthur had visited his father's opera house since he'd been a child. As soon as he'd been able, he'd moved to America to get away from his father. It wasn't that he didn't love his father, but after his mother died when he was 12 his father had spent even more time locked away in his office at the opera house and Arthur had had to just get away.

Now he was back and his father was starting to talk about the possibility of him taking over the running of Camelot Opera.

"Arthur. How nice to see you again. How you've grown!"

He turned round to see Gaius. He'd used to look after Arthur when his father refused to come out of his office. He technically worked for Camelot, but Arthur had never been sure quite what he did.

"Gaius! It's good to see you too," He said shaking the old man's hand.

"Your father has instructed me to bring you through to watch the rehearsal. They're just starting a new production."

Arthur followed Gaius into the large auditorium. On the stage was a woman he presumed was Helen Mora, the current prima donna. She had a very good voice.

Arthur was going sneak into a seat near the back so he didn't interrupt, but as soon as his father noticed him he waved for everyone to stop and came striding over.

"Arthur! Let me introduce you to everyone," he said leading Arthur onto the stage. "This is Helen Mora, our leading lady for 9 seasons now."

"It's a pleasure. I'm looking forward to seeing you perform tonight."

"Why don't I give you a private rendition? There's a small piece I composed and I would love to perform it for you, as long as you don't mind, Uther."

"Of course not. That would be lovely. Do you need accompaniment?"

"No. I'll do without."

Arthur followed his father back into the stalls to listen. Helen moved to centre stage and began to sing. Her voice was stunning. He didn't understand the words but her singing was so full of emotion. He almost felt as if he were under a spell. He was completely engrossed in her voice.

Suddenly he was drawn out of his trance when her singing turned to a scream.

He stood up, disorientated. Helen was lying in the middle of the stage, crushed by a chandelier.

"Oh my god!" breathed Arthur rushing onto the stage.

"Shit," said Merlin.

He hadn't actually meant to kill her, just knock her out until he could work out if there was anything he could do, but he'd had so little time he'd panicked. He'd been having a nice time, just listening to Helen rehearse when it had been interrupted by a blonde man called Arthur who he presumed was Uther's son.

When Helen had said she would sing her own composition, he'd actually been looking forward to it, but as soon as she's started singing, he'd felt it. The power building up, and he'd known, even though he couldn't understand the words, that she was going to kill Arthur. He also knew it wasn't Helen doing this. Helen would never want to break Uther like that. She loved her work. She must be possessed or something.

Without even thinking what he was doing, he found himself in box five, sending the chandelier crashing down on her head.

Once she was dead, and he was able to breathe, the reality of what he'd done hit him. He'd killed the star of Camelot Opera.

A voice from below broke through his thoughts.

"What are we going to do about tonight? A full house and we'll have to cancel!"

Uther was already storming off towards his office when an idea struck Merlin.

He hurried out of the box, staying in the shadows. When he got down to his lair, he ran to his writing desk.

"Archimedes. I need you to take a letter to Uther," he said to the owl perched nearby.

He scribbled down a quick note then tied it to her leg.

"He'd better not cancel. I was looking forward to the performance."

Uther slumped in his chair, head in hands.

"But father, what about Helen?" asked Arthur.

"Gaius'll sort that. More importantly, we're going to have to refund a full house!"

For a moment Arthur didn't reply, then he said, "Isn't there an understudy?"

"There was, but she left last week and hasn't been replaced yet."

Just then there was a quiet hoot from outside the window.

"Ah, that'll be Archimedes with a letter from Emrys," said Uther.


"Oh, just a rather eccentric patron. He's sort of like the Opera house's guardian angel. I have no idea how he gets his information, but he always knows what's going on. Hopefully he'll have a solution for us."

While he was speaking, he walked over to the window and let in the owl perched on the windowsill. There was a small roll of paper attached to its leg.

Uther detached the letter and proceeded to read it. His eyebrows went up.


"What?" asked Arthur.

Uther handed him the letter. It was written in a very messy hand.


I am very sorry to hear about Helen Mora. I will miss hearing her voice.

I know you don't have an understudy and I thought I would suggest casting Morgana in the role. She has an amazing voice. Let her sing for you and I'm sure you will agree.

Your loyal friend,


"Morgana can sing?" asked Arthur.
