Morgana woke slowly. She rubbed her eyes then looked around her. She had no idea where she was. Light was streaming through the curtains of the bed she was lying in. She was still the same clothes as after the performance. She pulled the curtain aside and got out of the bed.

She was in a small stone walled room. The light was coming from a small window. Trying not to panic, she walked over to the window to try and work out where she was, however there was nothing outside the window, just light.

She rushed to the door, desperate to get away from this strange place. As soon as the door was open, her ears were hit by loud organ chords. She followed the sound in the hope of finding someone who could tell here where she was.

Soon she came upon a large space which could only be described as a lair. The cavern was lit by a number of strange glowing orbs that seemed to be hovering in mid-air. On the far wall was the largest organ Morgana had ever seen. The pipes stretched all the way from the floor to the roof, and seated in front of them was a dark haired stranger. He was so engrossed in his playing he didn't even notice her approach.

Morgana crept forward, trying to get a better view of the stranger. He was slim, wearing a tight fitted dinner jacket, his face hidden in shadow. It was only once she was close enough to touch, that she realised it was hidden by a mask.

Suddenly the music cut out.

"Welcome, my lady."

Morgana started.

"Do not be afraid. I mean you no harm."

As he spoke, he turned to face her. All Morgana could see of his face, was his mouth and a pair of glowing, golden eyes.

"I have admired your voice greatly for some time and I made it my mission to help you develop it. You did yourself proud last night. You have proven to me I was not mistaken in my beliefs. You will go on to do great things."

Morgana was stunned by the praise.

"Does this mean you are my angel of music, that I wasn't imagining you?"

"I rather like that name. You can call me what you will. Your father calls me Emrys."

Morgana's expression turned icy, and the temperature of the cavern dropped a few degrees.

"What do you mean my father? My father is dead."

An embarrassed expression passed over Emrys' face.

"I only meant Uther. He adopted you did he not?"

"Oh," said Morgana. "Anyway, where are we? Who are you really? And why am I here?"

Emrys laughed.

"The first is simple. We are in the vaults below the opera house. This is where I live. I have done since I was a boy and my mother brought me here, afraid of what I was. I have already told you who I am. I am Emrys, your angel of music. The reason you are here is the same reason I have been confined to this place, afraid to reveal myself to the world for what they might think. You are special like me, but I can help you control it before it gets out of control and you end up like me."

Morgana just stared at him, uncomprehensive. This man, who claimed to be her angel of music, seemed to be a madman.

"I appreciate you offer of help, but I can assure you there is nothing special about me and I would really rather go home now. Gwen will be worrying."

"Don't worry about Gwen. And you are special. Watch."

As she did, his eyes glowed even brighter, and the globes of light above their head began to move. They danced around each other, getting faster and faster until eventually they all burst into tiny sparkles of light leaving the cavern in near darkness, except the glowing golden eyes.

Morgana tried to speak, but words failed her. What on earth had she just witnessed? Surely there was some logical explanation for it?

Suddenly the golden eyes were right in front of her.

"Morgana, you are special. You are magic just like me. I didn't realise it till after last night's performance. Untrained, magic can go wild like mine, making me unable to leave this opera house for fear of being found out, but I can help you, train you, teach you all I know so you can use your magic without fear of discovery, use it for good."

Still unable to speak, Morgana just stared back at him.

"I know I have overwhelmed you a little tonight, but I had to tell you. I shall return you to your home for now, but you will see me again soon when we begin our training."

Morgana blinked, and suddenly found herself lying in her own bed. Had she just dreamed the whole thing? She almost wanted to believe so, but then she saw the glowing orb on her bedside table. She reached out to touch it, but as soon as she did, it shattered into thousands of tiny sparks just as the others had. It couldn't have been a dream.

Merlin stared at the spot where Morgana had been standing a few moments before. He had been able to feel the magic swirling inside her. He felt almost jealous of her. She would be able to walk through the world unmolested for her gift, whereas he was cursed by it to always live alone with it, hiding in the shadows, afraid of discovery.

He could still picture his mother's face when she'd brought him here to Gaius when he was just 3 years old. She'd loved him dearly and regretted having to leave him, but she'd also been terrified of him, and that was something he would never forget.