TV Show: Arrow

Pairing: Felicity Smoak/Oliver Queen

Rating: T (possible M-MA for later chapters).

Genre: Romance/Drama/Humor

Disclaimer: This story is pure fan fiction. I don't own any of the recognizable characters from the show "Arrow".

Author's Note: This is my first fan fiction, so please review it. It would be much appreciated.

I had this little idea in my head and since I couldn't make a video of it, cause of lack of scenes. I decided to write it down, even if I'm not good at this at all.

Besides, there is not enough Felicity Smoak fan fiction out there. I think this character is really awesome and I hope to see more of her. Hope you enjoy it.


A Special Thank You goes out to "I Fancy Hugh Dancy", for being such a fantastic beta and for all her awesome feedback and beta work, THANK YOU SO MUCH!



Chapter 1: MAYBE, MAYBE


Felicity was on her way to the elevator, happy to go home. She couldn't bear anymore gossip from her colleagues about the disappearance of Mr. Steele, the CEO of the Queen Consolidated.

It's not like she didn't love her job. She did. Felicity was very skilled with computers and retrieving information and working in the IT Department of the company was the best thing that ever could have happened to her. On several occasions, helping Mr. Steele and Oliver Queen with various tasks on finding information for them, she definitely had proven, more than once, to be a valuable asset of the technical division of the company. Maybe even the best - and she was very proud of that. But being an IT nerd doesn't only help to get the needed information and cover all the tracks, no. It can also bring troubles. And she knew that now.

"It could be dangerous. It got one of my security guards killed." Mr. Steele told her once in one of their meetings.

Where is he? Is he still alive? Am I going to be the next? Felicity knew from the start that could bring problems…big problems. But she did what she had been asked. Besides, she loved solving mysteries. She couldn't help it, no matter how she tried.

Maybe it's nothing. Maybe digging all the information for Mr. Steele wasn't the reason he's missing now. She sighed. Who are you kidding, Felicity? Of course that's the reason. Mr. Steel himself said that it could be dangerous and that they needed to be very careful.

Damn curiosity. She knew that would bring her death someday. Probably sooner than later.

Maybe I could just quit and leave the city. A new start somewhere else? Maybe I'm worrying too much. Maybe the people who are responsible for Mr. Steele's disappearance don't even know about me at all.

You know, Felicity, why don't you just stay out of anymore trouble and keep quiet?

She caught sight of one elevator about to close and picked up her speed.

"Wait! Hold the elevator, please!" She called out, waving her arms about like a crazy person. A hand came out to keep the doors from closing. Skidding to a stop, her laptop strap fell of her shoulder, bringing her purse with it to the floor in the process.

Great. Just great.

Paying no attention to the man that was holding the doors, Felicity retrieved her things and stepped into the elevator and mumbled, "Thanks."

The man removed his hand and the doors eased shut. "No problem. What floor?" a deep, masculine voice asked.

Felicity froze. Shit! She knew this voice and could recognize it everywhere. As she slowly looked up, there he was: the billionaire playboy Oliver Queen standing next to her. He was already looking at her with his beautiful blue eyes and an evil grin. And what eyes. If she had to be honest to herself she could get easily lost just looking into his eyes. She also could imagine that, underneath those clothes of his, he would have an amazing body.

"Good evening, Felicity Smoak."

When she didn't say anything - which, of course, only made him raise his eyebrows and his grin grow even wider - he said, "You know, when someone says hello to you it's considered polite to answer back."

What? Oh, right. Yes, of course.

"Mr. Qu- Oliver."

She nodded back to him, not trusting herself to say a word more. What the hell is wrong with you? This is not like you. You're a young intelligent woman. Working in the IT department and one of the best IT employee in the "Queen Consolidated". Stop acting like a little girl with a crush. Get a grip on yourself, Felicity.

"I was actually looking for you."

She almost rolled her eyes. Oh, really? Why is that? Let me guess, another request? What is it this time?

"As you know, Mr. Steele is missing."

Felicity couldn't help but feel her heart squeeze with guilt. "Are there are any developments?"

Oliver looked at her, then back straight ahead and sighed, "Unfortunately no, but that's not the reason why I needed to see you. I wanted to ask you if there were any suspicious about my stepfather's files."

Felicity swallowed hard and shaking her head. She had a bad feeling where this is going to lead.

"Hmm…Felicity, did he ask you to do some research lately? Different than usual? Something that could draw people's attention…." After a slight pause, he added carefully: "Wrong people."

Oh, oh…this is not good. She bit her lip nervously. "Um, no."

Oliver's eyes narrowed on her, focusing as though he was trying to get into her head and take all the information he needed. "I know my stepfather asked you specifically to look at something and I would like to know what he asked you to do. And you will tell me exactly what it is."

Shit, shit, shit. Panic rushed through her entire body now. "Oliver, I –I…"

Then the elevator jerked to a stop and the emergency light went on. "What the…?"