Big Brother

Summary: "Kunimitsu-Nii, can I sleep with you tonight?" A sin, an accidental slip of the fingers, and brush of the hand; he was losing his mind and she was making sure he'd never find it again. Lines are crossed, and she had every intention of erasing them so that he never crossed back over again.

Anime/Manga: InuYasha/Prince of Tennis

Pairing: Tezuka/Kagome/Fuji – Fuji/Kagome

Genre: Romance/Hurt/Comfort/Angst

Rated: M for Mature Content


Oishi frowned, looking around the court, this was the second day in which both Fuji and Tezuka had missed school. To top it off, neither were answering calls at the moment which was really setting off all the worry fibers in his body. It was one thing not hearing from them over Sunday, but Monday and Tuesday were a bit unnatural. He was a ball of nerves and all the Regular's had noticed. To the point that they had decided to go visit Tezuka at home, and then Fuji, just to make sure they were okay.


"This isn't something you should do on a whim; almost everyone thinks it's wrong to disown lightly."

"It's necessary," Rai sighed, "as I've taken the liberty to explain the situation to you in discretion, I'm sure you can imagine my reserves and preservations. First and foremost, I need to protect my children."

"Tezuka-San, I do understand your situation, which is why I brought the papers you'd need to fill out before attending a preliminary meeting with the judge and private court hearing. This is an extremely taxing step by step process, as the act of disowning is one that not many will agree to openly, no matter what reason you may have. However, if we play our cards right, there is a Judge who will be in your favor, but I'll have to time your hearing perfectly."

"Then I'll leave it up to you. Concerning the kids, have you dealt with situations like this before?"

The Attorney sighed and sat down in the chair beside her gurney. "It would surprise you to hear, that―yes, I have. Though, the situation that you've explained to me, makes more sense than previous cases."

"How? They were barely around one another growing up, I don't understand how they could feel so strongly for each other."

"Never heard "absence makes the heart grow fonder"?"

"Yes, but I've also heard that "absence helps the heart to wander"."

"Point." He chuckled, "well, my quote has some basis. Whereas, yours is an excuse some old man came up with in order to justify cheating. In the psychological community, there is the hypothesis of the Westermarck effect. More commonly known as Reverse Sexual Imprinting. People who live in close proximity during the early stages of their life, the first few years, become desensitized to sexual attraction. When proximity during this critical period doesn't occur, for example, where a brother and sister are brought up separately, they may find one another sexually attractive when they come to be together later on."

"So, because they were kept apart, they were never able to desensitize themselves from romantic and sexual attraction. Then basically, this is our fault. All the more reason to sign. I should at least take this much responsibility."

The Attorney said nothing for a moment before smiling, "well, not necessarily. Sigmund Freud argued the Westermarck Effect with his Oedipus Complex, a psychoanalytical theory that debases the Westermarck Effect by pointing out how as children, members of the same family naturally lust for one another, making it necessary for societies to create such incest taboos. Westermarck argued the reverse, that taboos themselves arise naturally as products of innate attitudes."

Smiling sadly, Rai rested against the pillow on her gurney, "in the end, this is what I can do. It's our fault that they never viewed one another as siblings."

"...then I'll prepare the papers. About the other topic that we were discussing―"


Hours. It had taken Kunimitsu hours after turning in, to help Kagome finally fall asleep. She was still shaken up from the events that had played out the days before. After their first night in Keigo's mansion, she'd woken in a fright looking around for their mother. He had cradled her in his arms until sleep had reclaimed her again. Then last night she had been afraid to sleep, so scared of what terrors would revisit her in her dreams, she'd fought him tooth and nail before fatigue won her over in the end.

"Kagome-Chan, good morning."

Kagome's head snapped up and she smiled before bowing her head to the Atobe heir. "Keigo-San, good morning."

Kunimitsu sat down with Kagome beside him. His mind whirling a mile a minute as he thought every available route to them. He hadn't spoken with their mother since she was admitted into the hospital, hadn't had the opportunity to do so. Speaking with the officer twice after the arrest of their father was made.



"Mm, I'm going to go see Kaa-San today,"

"Ah...Keigo-San, could you accompany her?"

"Me?" Keigo put his tea down, "not that I'd say "no", but why not you?"

"I'm not sure if I can face her, to be perfectly honest."

"Nii-San, I want you to come with me. Okaa-San knows and understands...but you need to speak with her all the same. I'm young and at times I can be naïve, but I get that I'm responsible for this outcome."

Keigo put his teacup to his lips, not drinking, just listening and watching over the cups brim. He wanted to let these be, since any more interference on his part and he might as well ship them off to a remote island to live in peace.

"How do you figure this is your fault? I could have easily stopped you, Kagome."

She flushed, "I doubt that."

Keigo shared the same pink hue as he realized the topic was starting to drift. A flirty air filtered the room and he cleared his throat, "you both should pay your mother a visit."

Kunimitsu sighed, pushing his glasses up a bit before nodding, "your right."

"Tch, you listen to Keigo-San but not me?" Kagome gave a mock pout, but the expression changed when the doorbell sounded. "That must be Fuji-Senpai!" She stood and ran towards the door.

"Such an interesting set of siblings. I must say, you never disappoint, always exceeding my expectations, Tezuka-San."

"You expected me to have an incestuous relationship with my younger sister?"

Laughing loudly, Keigo shook his head as he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. "Not quite, I always expect that you will bring forth something exciting, new and fascinating whenever we meet."

"Yes, well...I aim to please."

"Keigo-San, I think it's for you."

The two boys looked up and Keigo smiled, "Mukahi!"

"Keigo-Sama! I didn't know you had guests. I should have called first," Mukahi laughed a bit as he raised a hand behind his head.

"You're fine, Nii-San and I are about to leave anyways." As she said this, Kagome took Kunimitsu's hand in his and pulled him along upstairs, but not before politely excusing herself from the dining room. It would be a long day with any distractions, she wasn't necessarily looking forward to the encounter with her mother and brother, but she missed her mom and needed to see she was doing alright. 'It's my fault that Okaa-San is in the fault that she's going to disown's my fault the Otou-San...Otou-San...' as she walked upstairs, tears fell silently along her cheeks, she made no move to wipe them away as she walked slightly ahead of her brother.

Though, even from the slight difference, Kunimitsu could clearly see her reddening cheeks streaked in remorseful tears. Her heart was heavy, he'd have to be careful with her until he could fully heal it.


Me: Here is chapter 7 of Big Brother! I hope you all enjoy this chapter and have a Merry Christmas!