So this is my take on how Robin met each of the league members (he meets most of them separately and one at a time) and how in each he basically bests all of them… Cause he's just that awesome… And it's a series of one shots, one Leaguer for each chapter…


The Man of Steel had heard the rumors of course. Really everyone at the League had. If you set foot into Gotham you knew about the Dynamic Duo, the name the two masked vigilantes had been dubbed. Everyone knew of the Batman, after all he was the Goddamn Batman, but of this other younger vigilante, this protégé, this sidekick, well no one really knew anything of him.

Superman honestly knew as much as the articles in the paper could tell him, that this new vigilante, Robin, was clad in bright colors almost the polar opposite of his partner and that he was known for his attitude, or as a reporter said 'jolly nature, uncommon among Gotham'.

So the Big Blue Boy Scout of course came to check it out, well not really by choice. It was almost an unspoken agreement among the Leaguers, minus Batman, that Superman would be the best one to find out information on the new protégé. Mostly because Superman had the most durable body and could hopefully take anything the large bat threw at him for entering Gotham without permission.

And that was all how Clark Kent, dressed in costume, came to find himself in a rather dark alley with an eerie cackle vibrating against the walls around him. Kent was not particularly afraid, after all, who really could hurt him? But he was slightly unsettles, he had heard about the Joker, and that he wasn't some walk in the park, especially if even the Goddamn Batman had trouble with him.

Superman, using his x-ray vision, looked around him trying to pinpoint where the laughter was coming from, he however wasn't looking right above himself, and therefore didn't expect the sudden weight on his head and shoulders.

His red cape billowed around him as he staggered back from the impact of another body. Superman had enough time after his daze to look up to see a flash of red before he was again alone in the alley. Superman, having given up on his x-ray vision, now tried listening with his ears. He could hear many different things, like the screaming of parents in the apartment near him, the sound of police sirens, the dripping of drizzle on the ground near him, but he however couldn't find the sound of another being.

The blue eyed hero looked around trying with no avail to find whoever attacked him, this time though he looked up every so often, but he wasn't expecting an attack from behind. He felt something small make contact with the back of his knees, and the Man of Steel had enough time to see a small hand karate chopping his legs, but trying to follow the rest of the body, he found it had already slid into the shadow.

Now considerably embarrassed, the usually happy super hero looked around in anger, using his x-ray vision and contemplating using his heat vision to try to create some light or blow away some debris.

"Don't think about it Kent," a growl came from behind the brightly colored super hero, and out of the shadows stepped the Dark Knight himself. His usual scowl in place.

"Batman, what was that thing?" the blue boy scout asked, glancing around again. As he turned back to the Bat, he saw a flash of color souring through the air, and then felt a light pressure on his shoulders and around his neck but before he could react, he felt the light weight use its momentum to bring the Man of Steel himself into a summersault into the air, effectively slamming the much larger hero into the ground.

Growling with even more anger, Superman stood up, only to find, again, no one to be there. He whipped around to come face to face with the Dark Knight. Stepping back, Clark noticed that Batman's glare was slowly intensifying into a Batglare, directed at the Blue Boy Scout Himself.

Swallowing quickly, the Man of Steel tried to make contact with the Bat, but decided on just settling for making contact with the top of his cowl, "Batman, what was that? Some new villain you're pitting me against?" Superman asked in anger, glancing down at the Dark Knight's eyes, only to quickly regret it, if anything, the Batglare had gotten worse, if possible. And Clark Kent may not realize it at the time, but he was the first one to witness the legendary DaddyBats Glare.

"That was no villain," the darker vigilante spat, "Robin come here," he called gruffly, keeping his eyes on the Man of Steel, even after he knew his protégé had appeared at his side.

"Hi!" Clark looked away from the Batman's terrifying gaze to glance at the small figure in front of him. The person that now faced him could be no older than eight, with a messy mop of black hair and a bright red costume with black and yellow cape. Superman stood in shock for a second, finally realizing who had been terrorizing him the whole time.

Glancing back at the Dark Knight, the Man of Steel had a new drive in his eyes, he looked angrily at the Bat and almost screamed, "You brought a child into the field?! I knew you were crazy, but what were you thinking!?" Clark would have been stopped there from the terrifying Batglare alone, but a small voice stopped him.

"Considering that 'child' just kicked your butt, I don't thing, Mr. Superman, you shouldn't be talking so much," the small boy said with a mocking smirk. And if the Man of Steel was at all attentive, which he wasn't, he would have notice the slight twitch of the Dark Knight's lips, but he didn't.

"Bru-" the Man of Steel began, looking over at his college, pleading with him about this child being on the field.

"If you use my name on the field, I swear I will sharpen that Kryptonite and cut out your tongue with it," and with that the Dark Knight started to walk away, his young protégé skipping after him after cheekily smiling at the Man of Steel.

"Bye Mr. Superman! It was nice meeting you!" the young boy cheering, cartwheeling ahead of his mentor into the shadow. Clark looked up to see the Dark Knight glaring at him again, although not fully the Batglare.

"And if I ever see you in my city, with or without the peer pressure of the rest of the League, and without my permission, I will do more than just cut your tongue out," and Superman watched in awe as the Dark Knight followed his protégé into the shadows. It was never even a spoken thing that Superman should be the one to go to Gotham, how did the Bat know about it?

Well he was a Bat…

This will not be that last time we see Superman in the story, don't worry, Robin will be handing him his butt again, and prob in a much more mocking fashion!

Hope you liked, and please review with any ideas or anything you wanna say!