Ah, I know i've already got a fic in progress but I just thought about this and it seemed like a good idea! I'm going to do a range of fics here. Each new 'chapter' will be completely unrelated to the last. They will all be one-shots but some will be fairly longer than others. Here's the first one! The more reviews/favorites/follows I get encourages me to write more! Constructive criticism is always welcome:-) Hope you enjoy.

I don't own a thing, and that will not change throughout all of these stories.

Story 1: Let's go swimming-

Penny bounced into 4A looking quite happy. "Hey guys!" She greeted Leonard and Sheldon as she entered their apartment. Sheldon sniggered when she entered because she hadn't knocked; she'd just opened it and came in.

Sheldon didn't say anything and carried on reading his superman comic book. Then Leonard replied to Penny with "Hi Penny!"

"What'cha doing?" She asked her best friends.

"I'm reading my 1999 mint condition Super Man comic book and I wouldn't like to be disturbed, thank you." He grumbled to her.

"You're so boring Sheldon!"

With that, Sheldon picked himself up and dragged himself to his room.

"Here come and sit down." Leonard was sat on the opposite part of the couch to where Sheldon's spot was. He tapped the seat next to him indicating for her to sit down to his left. She obeyed the signal and sat unusually close to Leonard, their thighs were touching.

"What've you done today then?" Leonard asked Penny.

"Oh, I went swimming! I'm trying to get fit." Penny replied smiling at him.

"Swimming? Not my thing at all." Leonard made clear.

"Why not? It's fun!"

He answered her question with "Yeah, no."

"You should come with me one day, it'll be funny."

"I don't think so Penny." Leonard said whilst standing up and walking to the fridge to grab him and her a bottle of water each. He walked back and set it down on the table before taking a seat in the place he was sat before, but now they weren't sat so close together.

"Oh come on... Live a little."

"I'm sure if I go swimming I won't be living very long." Leonard instantly regretted saying this as soon as the words left his lips.

Penny raised her voice "Oh my god! Leonard Hofstadter you can't swim!"

"Ok, I can't swim! My mum wouldn't let me when I was a child, the germs from all the people's bodies in that pool. Eurgh."

"Please let me teach you to swim Leonard! Please! I'm a really good teacher."

"I don't think so." Leonard replied with.

"Oh come on please! If you don't I'll tell Sheldon, Raj and Howard you can't swim." Penny mocked.

Leonard took a huge sigh before replying. "Ok fine, but keep this to yourself! I'm so embarrassed." The only reason he had accepted her offer was because he wanted to spend more time with her, he didn't care if he could swim or not, and it really didn't bother him if Sheldon, Raj and Howard knew either.

When Leonard was with Penny he grew nervous, he still didn't know how to act when he was around her. He still couldn't believe a girl like her would want to hang out with a boy like him. He was a nerd and she was beautiful.

Penny started to get excited and told him to be ready at 3pm tomorrow. "Don't forget your trunks." She told him before exiting his apartment.

Leonard was petrified; he had never swam before and was going to look a fool trying. To make things worse it had to be in front of the girl he fancied more than anyone in the world.

The next day Leonard started getting ready to go swimming with Penny. He pulled out a rucksack from the bottom of his bed and packed his towel and some shampoo. He put his trunks in his bag, then went and sat in front of the TV waiting for Penny to arrive.

At 3pm she entered Leonard and Sheldon's apartment. "Ready to go Michael Phelps?" She asked with a grin.

Leonard gave her a look of derision. "I'm far from Michael Phelps, trust me." He replied whilst standing up and going to the door. He put his hand on her doorknob and opened it. "After you" He told Penny whilst smiling. She grinned and walked through the door.

As they made their way down the 4 flights of stairs Penny started the conversation with "Sorry I look such a scruff, but I can't wear jeans with my bikini bottoms underneath." She was wearing a pair of grey joggers with a Nebraska top and a pair of Nike trainers.

Leonard thought she looked beautiful all the time, he wanted to tell her that she was stunning, amazing, gorgeous, fascinating but he was too nervous around her to even give her a decent compliment. "You look nice." He argued.

"You're just saying that."

'No I'm not' He thought to himself. 'You are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on, you're perfect in everyway and you're just an amazing person' He wanted to say this to her so badly but he ended up coming out with "I'm really not."

Penny let it go and carried on her descent from their apartments.

When they reached Leonard's car penny hopped in the passenger seat and Leonard got into the drivers seat. He set off to the swimming baths, which was a 15-minute drive. On the way they chatted to each other. Penny talked about all her failed auditions over the last month and Leonard just listened; he loved the sound of her voice, he could listen to it all day.

After a while they arrived at Pasadena Swimming Centre. They both exited Leonard's car and walked the short distance over to the entrance. As they were walking their hands brushed each other's, Leonard certainly noticed this but he wasn't sure if Penny did.

Leonard always had an idea Penny had some, no matter how small, feelings for him. Wether it was just as friends or something more one day, Leonard knew Penny had figured out that he fancied her like crazy... He just made it so obvious, every time he was near her he would become nervous and he would stutter his words. When she was around he would start to sweat a little, not so bad it was noticeable to Penny but Leonard did feel uncomfortable when it did happen. Leonard would pay for her meals and take her anywhere she wanted at anytime, day or night. He cared for her, hell he was in love with her!

Penny had noticed their hands brush past each other's, she felt a warm feeling in her stomach and a smile spread across her face. She knew Leonard was always nervous around her, even though he had known her for a little less than 2 years now he still didn't feel himself around her. 'Maybe today he'll be himself' she thought to himself.

As soon as they reached the doors to the swimming baths Leonard made sure he got there before Penny so he could open the door for her. She smiled as she walked through. Penny thought Leonard was extremely cute, the way he always did what she wanted to do. Like the time they were in her apartment and decided on watching a movie... She knew full well he wanted to watch Star Wars but agreed to watch Sex And The City just to make Penny happy. She wanted to cuddle up to him so much that night, just to be able to lay on the couch with him. His arms around her back, which would be perfect for her. Penny did try and drop hints but Leonard didn't take any of them. She had swiped her hand across his knee 'accidentally', she had talked about how much she loved being cuddled and she had even held his hand for a while when there was a sad part in the film. But Leonard didn't respond the way she wanted him to, he just sat there, unaware she wanted him to hold her. She knew he wasn't good at all the relationship malarky but she did make the hints fairly obvious!

Leonard paid for both him and Penny to swim. They entered the room that had the lockers in and found their numbers. Then they went to get changed, they went in changing rooms next to each other.

Penny was wearing a full black bikini and Leonard was wearing dark blue swimming shorts. Penny's bikini top brought attention to her breasts, and her bottoms slid around her bum showing off her curves. Penny was surprised at how nice Leonard's body was, even though he was a genius scientist his abs were quite distinguished. She didn't expect this at all, she didn't expect him to be fat but no way did she think he would have a body like he did. In truth Leonard had been working out these past few months to try and get fitter, he realised how unhealthy he was eating and that he was putting on weight fast and decided it was time for a change. Every night before slept and every morning before he got out of bed he would do 50 sit ups, and it was showing!

When they left their changing rooms they placed their possessions in the lockers and headed for the pool.

"You been working out Leonard?" Penny asked him with a grin, playfully poking him in his abdominal muscles. She was quite surprised when she felt them, they were quite hard and she could feel the gap between the top ab and the middle one. They weren't too muscly but they were just perfect. She could see the outline of them of his stomach and it did make him a lot more attractive.

Leonard's face turned red. He was embarrassed. "Erm, kinda." He answered with a slight smile.

Penny didn't say anything else and immediately stepped into the pool. Leonard stood at the top of the stairs looking quite scared at what he was about to do.

"Come in sweetie, it's only water!" Penny told him whilst immersing her full body in the pool.

Hesitantly, Leonard stepped down the stairs leading into the pool and the cold water sent a shiver down his spine. He entered his full body under the water and so did Penny.

"Now just kick your legs and drag yourself through the water with your arms... Like this!" Penny swam off showing Leonard what to do. The pool wasn't full at all, in actual fact it was quite empty. There were a few men in the bottom right corner, in the deep end, chatting to each other and there was a family of 4 playing tig in the top right corner.

Leonard raised his voice so Penny could hear him. "Yeah, I'm not going to be able to do that."

Penny swam back over to him and looked into his eyes and smiled. "Sure you can, you're not gonna drown Leonard!"

"Ok, just let me do it at my own pace. This is the first time in my whole life I've been in a swimming pool." He confessed. Penny's draw dropped. "Really? The first time... Like... Ever?" She asked.


Leonard steadied himself and tried to take off swimming. This failed miserably when he started flapping his arms and legs as if he was drowning. Penny instantly grabbed his hands and pulled him up.

"Leonard, you're in the shallow end. Just put your feet on the floor!" Penny told him whilst giggling.

He did what she said. "Oh yeah." Leonard laughed, then he stood up and noticed Penny was still holding his hands, he was holding hers back too.

Leonard looked down at their hands and he quickly pulled his away feeling slightly uncomfortable. "Sorry" he whispered shyly.

Penny was upset when he had pulled his hands away from hers... They were so soft. "It's ok." She said whilst smiling. "Now come on try again!" Penny told him.

Leonard obeyed and started kicking his legs and sweeping his arms backwards then forwards. To his surprise he actually did a few strokes before he started to panic, but Penny was there again to help him up. They tried this for about an hour and Leonard started to be able to swim on his own. He even did a length at one point! Even though it did take him 12 minutes and it only took Penny 1 and a half!

"See I told you you could do it! Now try float!"

"Float?" Leonard questioned.

"Yeah... Like this" Penny kicked her legs underneath the water and make S shapes with her arms and hands. Her head was bobbling above the water with her body underneath it.

Leonard tried this and was actually quite good at it. "Penny look, I can do it!" He told her enthusiastically.

"Yay" she said! "Now you float there and when I jump in you have to catch me ok?" She asked him.

"Oh I don't know about that. I might not be strong enough to catch you."

"Of course you will... With those big muscles of yours." She winked at him after she had finished saying this.

Leonard breathed a heavy sigh; he knew he wasn't going to get out of this so he just agreed. "Fine."

Then, Penny climbed up the stairs leading out of the pool and stood on the side. Leonard was floating in the deep end of the pool and Penny was ready to jump. He braced himself and she flung herself onto his body. His hands came above the water to catch her around her waist just above her hips but he wasn't strong enough to stop her from going under. He also went under with her.

Leonard knew Penny was a good swimmer but his priority was getting her above the surface. With his hands still on her waist he pushed her up so her head was above the water. After a few seconds he also returned to above the water. Leonard still had hold on Penny's waist but quickly removed his hands when he returned to breathing above the water.

Penny swam to the side so she had chance to catch her breath. Leonard followed. They lent against the side of the pool talking to each other when a young good-looking man came up behind Penny.

"Excuse me" Penny turned to face him. "Hi, erm, I was just wondering of you would like to get out and go grab a drink with me?" He asked Penny.

Leonard face dropped. He didn't want her to leave. Penny turned to face him and Leonard mouthed the word 'go' to her then smiled. Leonard didn't want to be left alone but he didn't want to show it.

Penny faced the gentlemen again. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm going to say no... Sorry."

"Oh, that's fine. Sorry to interrupt!" The man said swimming off back to his group of friends who were pointing and laughing at him whilst he swam back.

"You should of gone! I would've been fine here by myself." Leonard told her.

"I wouldn't leave you, besides, I don't want you downing do I?" Penny tried to convince Leonard this was why she hadn't accepted the mans offer. He was extremely good looking and her sort of type: big muscles and a masculine figure, but no one compared to Leonard. And there is no one she would rather spend her time with apart from him.

Penny smiled at Leonard and he smirked back. "First one to get dunked loses!" Penny shouted as she pounced on top of Leonard. She threw her arms around his neck and her breasts were against his chest in no time. Leonard fell back into the water and his head went under. He grabbed Penny's back making sure he took her down with him... Soon enough they were both wriggling under the water trying to break free, but Penny wasn't letting go of Leonard's neck and Leonard wasn't letting go of Penny's back.

When they finally resurfaced they could only just touch the bottom of the pool with their toes. When they emerged from the water Penny still had her hands resting around Leonard's neck and his hands were on her back. They were smiling at each other then they had their heads above the water but both smiles quickly disappeared, instead they were looking into each other's eyes intently. Leonard instantly became uncomfortable, he didn't know if she enjoyed it when he had his hands on her or not. Or whether she just wanted him to let go straight away. He went with the latter.

Under the water he moved his hands away from Penny's back. He looked into her eyes before realizing she still had her hands around his neck.

The next thing he knew Penny was reaching out to grab Leonard's hands to place them on her hips. He looked down into the water whilst she was doing this, then back up to look at her beautiful eyes. When she placed his hands back onto her hips she moved her hands at the top of his neck and he felt her pull on his head.

Penny felt Leonard stiffen up as she leaned in, but she carried on anyway. She tilted her head slightly to the left and moved in to kiss him. When their lips touched she instantly felt Leonard relax his whole body into her. His hands moved further around her back to pull her closer into him. It was a no-tongue kiss but when they removed their mouths from each other's lips they both kept their eyes closed and let out a little sigh.

Leonard was the first to open his eyes to see Penny's were still shut. Before she had chance to open them again he crashed his mouth back onto hers but hungrier this time. She instantly kissed him back tightening her grip around the back of his head. He pulled on her back and made her arch it into his body. When they eventually drew back the realization of where they were hit them both like a ton of bricks! A swimming pool... They were making out in a swimming pool.

The next thing they heard was a whistle being blown and an angry lifeguard shouting "None of that in the swimming pool thank you! It's a family place!"

Even though they'd stopped kissing they didn't take their hands off of each other. They laughed then smiled, wider than coat hangers, at each other.

Penny eventually broke the silence by saying "We should get out now, my fingers are starting to get wrinkly." Whilst removing her right hand from his neck to prove to him she was telling the truth.

He then showed her his left hand, which also had wrinkles on them for being in the water too long. "Ok." He replied with a smile. To Leonard's surprise Penny grabbed his hand interlocked their fingers together. She headed towards the stairs of the pool pulling Leonard along behind her.

When they arrived at the showers they both went to fetch their shampoo and body wash from their bags. Leonard didn't know whether to bring up the whole kissing thing so he decided to leave it be. Penny also did the same thing.

As they were getting washed Penny figured out she wasn't going to be able to reach her back with her hand so she asked Leonard to do it for her... "Erm, Leonard?"

"Uh, huh?"

"Would you rub this on my back please?" She asked him whilst handing him her bottle of body wash.

He accepted the body wash and replied with "Of course."

Penny turned to face the wall, her back facing Leonard. He squirted some liquid from the bottle onto his hand and looked at her. Leonard couldn't help but check out Penny's bum... It was just so perfect. He quickly shook his head to get himself back on track and do the job he was asked to do.

He placed his body wash covered hand onto the top of her back. He rubbed until all that part of her back was covered. Then he moved downwards a little. Discreetly he lifted up her bikini strap so he could get underneath it. Leonard became nervous and started to breath heavily. Penny registered this and bit her lip 'He is so adorable' she thought to herself.

After Leonard had finished washing Penny's back they got changed back into their clothes. Leonard managed to dry most of his hair but Penny left hers soaking wet. Even though, when she stepped out of her changing room Leonard couldn't help but think how beautiful she was.

They arrived home in quick time, still neither of them daring to talk about the kiss. As they walked up the 4 flights of stairs Leonard thanked her for teaching him to swim. "Now if there's an ice age there's a chance I actually may survive!" He told her enthusiastically.

Penny just laughed. He was so cute! When they reached Penny's door Leonard said "I had a nice time." He smiled in her direction. "Me too" she replied.

Leonard didn't know whether to kiss her, of hug her, or kiss her on the cheek. So he decided to do none of the above. "Good... I'll see you later then." He told her before starting to walk to his apartment.

Penny didn't want him to leave. She wanted him to be with her. As he turned around and took a couple of steps towards his door she reached out and grabbed his hand. Quickly, Leonard turned around to see what was wrong but before he could ask Penny had her hands cupping his jaw line kissing him on the mouth. This shocked Leonard extremely but after around 3 seconds he started kissing her back. This kiss was deeper than ever before, their tongues in each other's mouths. Leonard moved his hands to the middle of Penny's back so he had a little bit of control and so he could pull her closer into him.

When the kiss finally broke Penny nibbled at Leonard's bottom lip, biting lightly on it. She let go of his lip in the end, looked into his deep brown eyes and smiled. They still had hold of each other and weren't planning on letting each other go. This had been Leonard's dream for so long, to kiss Penny, to feel her touch on his skin. It was all he'd ever wanted since the moment he'd set eyes on her the first day she moved in.

Leonard didn't know what the kiss meant, she had defiantly initiated it. He was asking himself all sorts of questions in his head like: 'Was that just a spur of the moment thing or does she like me? Should I ask her about it or wait until she talks to me about it? Does she want to be my girlfriend?' But what Leonard didn't realize was that he had said the latter out loud.

Penny answered his question biting her lip "Maybe she does want to be your girlfriend." She smiled. He was in complete he had said it out loud but then her answer registered in his brain.

Leonard was in complete and utter shock. Did he hear correctly? The most beautiful and perfect girl in the world had just agreed to be his girlfriend?! He needed to he sure... "Really?" He asked.

She didn't answer, but instead she kissed him once again. Not for too long, but long enough for both their knees to go weak and for them both to feel a very strong spark between each other.

Penny bit her lip once again for 2 seconds. "Does that answer your question?" She asked playing with the curls at the back of his head, running them through her fingers.

He replied with "Yeah, yeah I think it does." Leonard grinned, he couldn't help it. Penny was his girlfriend. Penny... Was... His... Girlfriend!

Thanks for reading my first one, I hope you enjoyed it. Please review and tell me what you think:-) Thanks!