Hey guys! Here is my first Flashpoint fic. I've watch the show sort of on and off whenever it was on but until about a month ago, after I saw part 2 of the finale live, did I start watching it from the beginning I instantly fell in love with Jules and Sam together so I decided to write this. This is completely AU, it's sometime after Jules is pregnant but I have no idea when. ENJOY!

Jules and Sam walked down the busy streets of Toronto hand in hand. It was a beautiful Friday afternoon and one of their rare days off. They and the rest of the team decided to meet up in a few minutes for diner and then go out to a hockey game. "So, who do you think Spike has been dating?" Sam asked curiously.

Spike had asked if he could bring his girlfriend to dinner, to the shock of the rest of the team who didn't even know the computer genius had been dating. They were all looking forward to meeting her so it was a unanimous decision that they'd be glad for her to come. "I think it's Winnie. I've seem them leave together a few times and they always seem to be side by side when they walk in in the morning." Jules explained to her boyfriend.

"Well if that's true than good for Spike. He deserves a little happiness." Sam said as they crossed the road. When they walked up to the doors of the restaurant Sam held the door open as Jules walked in and gave him a smile.

"That was very chivalrous of you Samtastic!" They looked up to see Ed, Greg, and Spike sitting at a table in the middle of the room. Spike had a giant smile on his face and Ed and Greg were smirking at the couple.

"Hey nobody ever said chivalry was dead." Sam said as he pulled out Jules chair for her, earning more smiles from the rest of the table, before sitting down next to her.

"So Spike where's this girlfriend of yours? I want to meet the women who is able to put up with you." Sam asked. Spike shot him a glare before responding.

"She's just getting ready, she had to work late but she should be here any minute." He said. Seconds later he received a text. "Well speak of the devil. I'm going to go meet her outside." He said getting up from the table.

When he was out of earshot Sam was the first to talk. "Okay I think we should make bets on who it is." He said pulling a $20 bill out of his pocket and showing it to the group.

"I'll take that bet." Jules said taking out her own $20. "I'm betting Winnie." She said.

Sam was next. "I'm betting that she has a normal job, like an accountant or something." He explained.

Ed pulled out a bill. "No I don't think so, I think her job will be a little more interesting but also more like what Spike is into. Maybe a computer programmer for CSIS?" He suggested.

Greg was the last to speak up. "I'm going to go with something like Sam, normal but I think accountant is a little too normal, maybe OPP Officer?" he asked.

They all agreed that they were betting $20 each when Spike walked into the room with Winnie walking next to him. "HA! Pay up boys." Jules said as she held her hands out for the money.

Greg, Sam and Ed all sighed as they handed her the money. "Thank you!" She said smiling. She put the money in her pocket just as Winnie and Spike walked up to them.

"How long have you two been dating!?" Sam asked, surprised that his assumption had been wrong.

"It's been a month today." Spike told his friends proudly. Greg looked at the couple.

"Well congratulations you two." Spike smiled at him.

"Thanks Boss." He said as they both sat down.

The rest of the dinner went smoothly, everyone ate and laughed. At around 6:15 they all paid for their meals and headed off towards the Air Canada Centre. Sam of course was overly excited to watch the game, and just to make things interesting instead of cheering for Toronto Jules decided to cheer for Calgary. Sam gave her a raised eyebrow when she bought the jersey and put it over her street clothes.

"I grew up in Alberta remember? Calgary was always my team." She said defending herself.

Sam just smiled at her and gave her a light kiss. He was about to ask how they were supposed to raise kids but he thought that just may freak her out a little. The 6 of them sat down in their seats and rose when Oh Canada was played over the large speakers. At the end of the game Jules was jubilant and Sam was trying hard to act annoyed but couldn't stop smiling at his girlfriend.

"See! Calgary is the best. They kicked your teams ass!" She said happily.

"They lost by one 1 point!" Sam argued back. "1 point, 10 points, it doesn't matter. You guys still lost." Greg, Ed, Winnie and Spike walked just behind them smiling at the young couple.

Nobody thought anything of it when Sam stepped off the curb at the crosswalk just ahead of Jules and the rest of the team, they didn't notice the car speed around the corner until it was to late and Sam was hit.

Okay guys, so what do you think? Should I continue writing this?