Chapter 1

"Bad Start To The Day"

Tori's POV

"Tori! Hurry up so we can get to school!"

"I'm almost done!" I'm still brushing my hair! I really hate it when she rushes me to get to school. And school doesn't start till 8:00 and it's 7:20! Can I just walk? It's not only that, I'm not in the mood to go to school today. At least Cat will be there to lift my spirits.

"Tori!" I finish brushing the last lock of hair.

"Ok, I'm coming," I scream running down the stairs, "why do we have to go to school so early?" Trina looks at me like I'm crazy. Did I miss something?

"There's going to be this huge play at school and they're running auditions for the lead," she says.

"So?" I ask extending the 'o'.

"So, I want to audition and get the main lead," Trina says as if it's obvious, "come on! I don't want to be late!" Trina pulls my arm and drags me to her car.

While Trina's driving, she takes out shaving cream and a razor. She starts spraying shaving cream onto her leg and starts shaving. She keeps glancing at her leg and back at the road to see what she's shaving. Did I mention her leg is right in front of me? I look at her in disgust.

"Why didn't you do this before driving to school?" I ask with a sign of disgust.

"Because I woke up very late so I didn't have time to shave my legs! Also, judges like people with shaved legs!"

"But, why didn't you-" The car went in a sharp turn and almost hit a car! then, the car went back to normal speed. Is she trying to kill us!?

"Look where you're going! You almost drove into that car! You can't shave and drive at the same time!"

"If you don't like how I shave my legs, you can do it for me!" She said giving me the razor and shaving cream. I took both of them with disgust on my face. I started shaving her legs (which wasn't pleasant) and she still keeps glancing at it!

"Watch the road before you get us into a car accident!" I say still shaving her legs.

"Fine," she says annoyed. I had to keep doing that until we finally made it to school. Who knew five minutes could take that long? I got out of the car giving the razor and shaving cream back to Trina.

"Can you shave my pits?" Trina asks. Ew, no way!

"What? No! I thought you have that audition!"

"It starts in five minutes," she informs.

"Well, don't you want to get there first, and to be one of the first ones there to audition?" I ask with a smug smile on my face.

"Oh, you're right! I should be one of the first ones! Lata sista!" She says before running into school with shaving cream still on her legs. I giggle. I'm glad I didn't tell her about that. I walk into a somewhat deserted school. What to do when you still have forty minutes left before school? I went to my locker and opened it before a bunch of things fell out of my locker. I guess I'll organize my locker. I pick up binders, books pieces of paper and...what is that? There are somewhat shiny pieces of paper on the floor. I flip the paper around and see a picture of what I haven't seen in while. A picture of Beck and I. In the picture, Beck kisses my forehead while I have my eyes closed and a huge grin on my face. I smile at the memory. That was when Beck and I were best friends. The best friend a friend could ever have. I wish we still were.

You see, I was dating a guy named Steven and he wasn't the best boyfriend a girl could ever have. More like the worst. Beck was a bit suspicious about Steven, and I couldn't understand why. I do now, but that's not the point. Anyways, Beck and I were having a lot of fun at his place. By then, Steven and I were dating for quite a while but Beck and I's friendship was longer. But then, Beck turned very serious. He said that he should tell me something before anything else happens. He said that Steven was cheating on me. I couldn't believe what he said and said that wasn't true. I said that he could never do that to me. We kept on arguing about Steven cheating on me. After a while of arguing, he said he couldn't take it anymore and told me to leave. Then, I left.

After a day or two, I actually found out that he was cheating on me, and...Beck was right. I found him kissing with another girl in the blacktop. When I found out, I was furious and upset at the same time. I was furious with Steven and I was upset that I didn't believe Beck. When I found out, I immediately broke up with Steven. I also apologized to Beck, but he didn't forgive me for not believing him.

I'm still angry with myself about not believing him. I should've believed him. He was my best friend since...forever? And I didn't believe him. I couldn't believe how selfish I was! I'm done organizing my locker and slam my locker hard, taking out all the anger out of me.

"Woah, someone's angry," a girl says behind me. I look to see Cat and...Beck. Did I mention Cat is Beck's cousin?

"Hey, Cat and...Beck," I say.

"Hey," Cat says with an excited tone in her voice while Beck doesn't seem to care.

"So, Cat, did you finish the song for our Vocals Class?" I ask Cat. Beck groans. He doesn't seem in a good mood...

"What?" Cat asks confused.

"What do you mean by 'what'? You were supposed to finish the song!" I say.

Beck defends her, "Don't pressure Cat like that! Why didn't you finish the song on your own?"

"Well, excuse me for doing almost the whole song that Cat was supposed to finish last night!"

"Did you at least check on Cat that she finished it last night?" Beck asks crossing his arms.

"No, I-"

"Then you shouldn't be blaming her!" I hate Beck when he screams at me like this. I know he's still mad, but he shouldn't be arguing about this. He's overreacting over nothing!

"You know what, fine, I'll go finish the song on my own," I say in defeat so we don't argue anymore. I walk towards the library scratching the back of my head leaving Cat and Beck near my locker. We have arguments like these every other day. I try to be nice with him, but I always fail and yell back at him. I really don't like arguing with him, but he leaves me no choice. I know what you're thinking; just ignore him, avoid him. It's not all that simple, Cat is with Beck 24/7 because her parents think that being with Beck will make her less crazy. Ugh, when will he realize how sorry I am? I'm even more than sorry! I was actually begging on my knees for him to forgive me when I found out he was cheating. He just, didn't accept.

Beck's POV

"You know you didn't have to be so hard on her. I did tell her I would finish the song. It's my fault. Why do you attack her on every little thing she says," Cat says with a guilty tone in her voice.

"Um, I'm sorry I was kind of defending you. Why did she need you to tie up the loose ends?"

"Because it's a partner project, Beck. I had insisted on writing the rest of it since Tori did such a great job. I guess I just got too wrapped up in my own thoughts."

"Well it's too late now for you to write it and she just walked off."

"Why do you do this, Beck? You know how close we are and how much time we spend together yet you don't put your personal issues aside, not even for me."

"Cat, you know why I always get defensive around her. I don't want her hurting you as much as she hurt me."

Cat rolled her eyes at me and looked at me sadly, "Why can't you just forgive her? I mean she begged on her knees for forgiveness! That is true sorrow, Beck."

I rolled my eyes. I was so sick and tired of hearing this, "Cat-"

"You know what I am going to find Tori and help her write the rest of the song. I'll see you in Sikowitz's."

And with that she skipped away from me. I ran my hand through my hair, angrily and leaned against the lockers. I always got tense around Tori. We were best friends and she didn't trust me. What kind of best friend is that? There are definitely times when I miss her. I'm grateful that Cat is so close with her because that means I get to spend some time with her, but I just can't find myself able to forgive her. Who knows if she believes anything anyone says anymore?

I tried to do the right thing and protect her, but she just pushed me away, claiming that I was a liar and that I was a jerk for messing with her like that. Please. She was in her fantasy land where all of her relationships are smooth. For some reason Cat always defended Tori. Cat would claim that I was too high-strung or easily aggravated, when I just want to protect her.

Cat does have a point though I always make little comments on everything Tori says. Tori tries to ignore them, but she eventually cracks. We are known as the friendship gone wrong. Of course when she came begging for forgiveness and I rejected, she called André to help her. André claimed he knew how hurt I was but he had absolutely no idea.

I had loved Tori. Tori was like the closest human being to me besides Cat, but who could be in a friendship without trust? I certainly could not. To be honest I was depressed for a little, but Cat was able to lift up my spirits. Now she proceeds to make me feel guilty when I have every right to act like this.

I felt bad for Cat throughout that whole time. Cat was constantly going back and forth from Tori to me as she tried to comfort us and play the role as the peace keeper. I know she loved our trio, but I couldn't handle it. I can barely handle it now. She seems exactly how she used to be around Cat. When she's around me, she's dismissive and tries to end our conversation quickly. I think the one thing that we can both agree on is that we hate the fact that Sikowitz always pairs us up for romantic scenes.

Sikowitz thinks that Tori and I have chemistry on stage, so when there's an opportunity for us to do a romantic scene he dives right on it. We never kiss though. We always just do the sappy poetic stuff and wait for our feedback and the applause from the class room that always comes. One of these days though I have a feeling that Sikowitz won't give us a romantic scene, but a dramatic scene. I know that one of us will crack under the pressure. I just can't say who.

A/N Hey guys! This is my new story that I am co-writing with hopefaith23 she wrote up until Beck's POV. Let me just say that she is by far an amazing co-writer. We have been in touch since i started out on fanfiction and we have always spoken and given each other suggestions for each other's stories. That is why we decided to co-write a story together. So please review and we will try and update again as soon as possible!

- BeckandToriBeriforeverxoxo - hopefaith23 (I signed it for her shhhhhhh)