In 1997 I posted 'And Throw Away the Key' on a ASMR. It was one of the first 'runaway' fics and widely posted on numerous sites. I never completed it. Recently, upon happening on the story, crudely written in my preteen way I decided I would give a try at rewriting and completing it as it was one of the key stories in my original run as a fanfiction author.

This story will be much, much different than the original beginning. It is an adult, gritty and romantic story that will follow a slightly AU canon for R. Some plots remain while others have changed.

I am posting this first chapter to see if there is any interest in it, so please take the time to send me a review if you would like to see more.

...And Throw Away the Key

Chapter One

The Night

The storm raged violently through the city streets. Loud thunder cracked the sky in half while rain pelted down on the bruised, battered form of Sailor Moon as her comrades in arms circled her, faces showing no mercy.

"You let us down, Sailor Moon." Mars, as always was the first to spit fire. "I'm starting to think it's useless to even attempt to train you! Look at us! Look at Jupiter – unconscious! Look at Rini!"

Sailor Moon's eyes fell on her 'cousin' from away. The girl was terribly burned from a youma attack and was sobbing miserably under Mercury's ministrations.

Never one to turn down family, Serena had been surprised at the girl's appearance. It wasn't the shock of having something odd and magical occur, as that had been the status quo ever since she had discovered her past as a princess and a magical soldier, but rather that after she had appeared the new life Serena had built had shattered.

Before she had gained knowledge of her past life, Serena had been floundering for meaning, for love. All at once she gained it all and when Beryl had been painstakingly defeated she had thought she had finally earned her happy ending. A few months later, Rini had appeared and brought with her a new battle and new enemies much stronger and more intelligent than a love-scorned witch.

After the battle with Beryl, Serena had been elated to think she could finally fall into a secure, happy relationship with her one true love, but Darien had had other plans. Though initially he had been loving and kind, it had devolved slowly into a strained relationship that he finally ended viciously a month ago. She had been shocked and thrown herself on his mercy, begging him for answers. All the fears she had confided in him were tossed back into her face: She was unlovable. Even if they were fated, he didn't want to be with her. He wanted his own life.

At the same time, the senshi had decided that her abilities were questionable. The worst part was that Usagi worried about that herself. She often would stay awake at night, in a cold sweat, fearing the next battles and wondering how she could possibly manage. The only one with magic so strong to finish an enemy off, she was expected at every battle. When battles increased to daily, sometimes even more than one per day, she found herself depleted and suffering. The other senshi staggered their appearances, able to take the rest they needed.

The battle this afternoon had hit her in the arm with a type of poison that made every movement unbearable. Rolling in her bed she hadn't even realised Rini had vanished from her house until the communicator had beeped to life. She had managed to hobble over only to find three youmas against her entire team.

The team had been significantly hurt by the time she managed to vanquish the creatures and depleted of magic and strength she had collapsed to the ground only to be surrounded by her teammates in a round of: Let's blame Serena.

"You should have been watching her!" Sailor Venus supplied, "What were you thinking?!"

"I was ill-" She started to defend herself, her voice weak and easily ignored. "I didn't-"

"You didn't what?!" Tuxedo Kamen strode over to her, pulling her up. "You didn't what, Usagi?! You didn't think! Look at her, she is badly hurt, everyone is badly hurt! The enemies are getting stronger and you're only getting weaker, you're letting everyone down!"

The unfairness of the situation burned her stomach and bitterly she pulled away, "You're only allowed to criticize if your power is something useful, Darien."

The slap caught her off guard and she tumbled to the ground in shock, cheek burning.

He had hit her.

She looked up at him in shock as he towered over her, hand still in the air.

Eight Months Ago

"Get up, Sailor Moon!" Dark Endymion chorused in a monotonous deep tone that reflected the amount of numbing brainwashing he had been hit with. "Get up and fight!"

Down, bruised and beaten on the floor before him, Sailor Moon stared up at him in shock as he towered over her, hand grasping his sword.

"I won't."

"Then you will die." He returned coldly, the sword lifting, ready to deal the death blow.

"Endymion, please." She begged, her heart too shattered to even attempt to fight him, "Please, don't do this. It's me: Serenity." Quietly and with a faint trace of accepting her fate she finished what she expected to be her last words, "I love you."

A flicker of blue shattered the blank slate of his eyes and the blow didn't fall.

Encouraged, she held her hand out to him. "I love you and you love me. She took you from me, Endymion. Beryl may have your mind, but I have your heart. Please, remember."

"What is this trick?" He snarled, staring hard at her as if trying to place her face.

"There is no trick." She stretched her fingers out toward him, "Only love."

He looked as if he would hit her hand away, but after a long terrifying moment, reached out and took it. Sailor Moon immediately used the leverage to pull herself up and into his arms, their lips meeting in a kiss.

The light was blinding and when it cleared it was just she and he again. The sword fell from his hand in a clatter and through the hazy confusion in his eyes she could see it was the man she loved.

"Serenity." He whispered, pulling her tight to him, his lips crushing against hers in a desperate kiss. She melted into it, her horror and love all pouring from her as she went limp in his arms.

Pulling away, his expression was haunted as he held her away from him, looking at the injuries on her form, all of which had been borne from his magic and his hand just minutes prior.

"I hurt you." He choked, the tips of his fingers brushing against her bruised cheekbone.


"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I forgot." His voice was tight, "I would never hurt you."

"I know." She soothed, forgiving.

"I will never hurt you again." He swore, "As long as I love you, Serenity, I will never hurt you again. I will always remember."

For a moment she expected her guard to take him down, screaming and howling as they would have done for her in the days on the Moon. Instead, after a shocked moment of silence, punctuated only by her sobs, Mars stepped forward.

"It is not Tuxedo Kamen who is useless. It's you. I think it's best if you bow out now. This is just too much." She held her hand out, a superior look on her face and for a moment Sailor Moon wondered how they had gone so far, how her life had cursed her so much.

Pulling herself to her feet, SailorMoon looked at her prince, at her guard, all of them having hurled only abuses her way. In them, she saw nothing of what little she remembered from their past. She saw nothing of the friends who had put their lives on the line for her during their battle with Beryl, nothing of the man who had protected her with every breath.

Mars watched her warily as Venus and Mercury remained mute.

Sailor Moon dropped her hand from her reddening cheek and set cool eyes on the raven-haired beauty. Ice trickled through her chest, consuming her body. Her hands felt numb. She felt no pain.

"If your hand is out for the Crystal, you are delusional, Mars. That is my birthright and a commoner such as you will not wield such a weapon. I see now that I must go, you are right." Her tear filled eyes fell on her prince, his face appropriately masked and void of all emotions. "There is nothing left for me here."

Despite having never done it before, a strength from inside her allowed her to call forth the power of the crystal and wish herself away, vanishing in a whirlwind of sparkles and dust.

Sobbing, Serena rushed around her condo, trying to gather things together. Her purple luggage lay on the ground, flung open and filled with bundles of clothes. She was just throwing in some makeup when the situation hit her hard, as it had periodically over the last few hours, and she collapsed into deep tears on her sofa.

"Where are you going?" A young voice asked and she turned to find Rini standing there, watching her carefully through crimson eyes.

"I… I don't know." She began weakly, telling the truth. She had no idea where she would go. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Rini said softly, "and I'm sorry. This is because of me."

"No, Rini," Serena stepped forward and put her hands on the girl's shoulders. "No, it isn't. I…I won't go anywhere, I promise."

The girl touched her hands and as their eyes met, Serena felt an unnerving sense of sameness.

"No, Serena. You have to go. Your love will make you stay, but you can't, don't you see? You have to go far, far away. You deserve better."

"But-" Serena argued weakly, yet already her mind was working. If even a child could see that the abuses she had suffered were inappropriate, Serena knew they were severe. For too long she felt obligated to those she loved. She was clingy, needy, craving their love and respect.

She would go.

She would go far, far away.

She would lock her heart and throw away the key.

And she would never come back.

To be Continued….

Is there a reason behind the actions of the night? What could it be? Who IS Chibi-Usa to Usagi?

Well, this story will continue solely based on your feedback! If you would like to see more then please take the time to leave a review expressing that!

I am hesitant to delve back into Sailor Moon fanfiction seeing as it is a very quiet fanbase, but I would love to know there was interest in this story.