"No Thorin…No…No you cannot knock on their door with an axe…No, I understand that they will hear you better this way, but believe me: if you want to make a good impression, and you do, just knock with your hand."

Poor Bilbo didn't realize that often times dwarf hands had more power then their axes… On the other hand, as he helped Thorin put a new door on the Hobbit Hole of the Sackville-Bagginses as Lobelia stood over them with Otho and fumed, he couldn't help but send a sly grin at Thorin, who glanced at him, and send a wink in return.

Lobelia fumed ever harder at the rolling laughter that spilled from that dratted Baggins, as her new door was finally on its hinges, and the old one stood in desolation in their shack, with a splintered hole in the middle.