A/N : this is my first story ever so hang with me, had a couple of stores in my head so here it goes

I don't own any of these characters of NCIS


Monday morning bullpen;

"Come on people hurry up please we don't want to be late." Abby said to the rest of the team and director,she was excited because they had agreed to go away on holiday for a little while they were all getting ready to leave when Tony said "What time do we need to be at the airport?" Abby looked at her watch and gasped "WE ONLY HAVE 5 MINUTES TO GET THERE!" she shouted everyone hurried to grab there stuff and walked to the lift ride down felt like hours to Abby when really it was only minutes onced they were out of the lift they headed to the van that Abby hired to pick them up from the Navy yard they all got in and seated. Abby and Tim sat at the front then behind them Tony and Ziva and at the back sat Gibbs and Jenny on the way to the airport there was lots of aruging going on between Tim and Tony Gibbs had had enough of his 'boys' aruging so he shouted "IF YOU TWO DON'T STOP ARUGING WE ARE GOING NOWHERE DO YOU UNDERSTAND !" the boys replyed saying "Sorry boss." The rest of the ride to the airprot was in slince they got out the van and thanked the driver before going to check in, when they were in the airport Gibbs got all the 'kids' together and him and Jenny told them "Now look we are in a busy place so dont move from beside me or Jenny got it" the 'kids' all nod there heads and stay beside there 'mum' and 'dad' until the flight is called Tony , Ziva and Tim all run down to the gate but Abby stays beside Gibbs holding his hand so she doesn't get they reach the other three Gibbs head slaps them and says "What did I say about NOT MOVING FROM BESIDE ME OR JENNY!" Tony Ziva and Tim all look to the ground and mutter something that souned like 'sorry' they boreded the plane and Gibbs seated them he put Abby and Tim two rows in front of him and Jenny and put Tony and Ziva behind them so he could keep an eye on them he let Jenny sit at the window and he sat in the aile seat the fligt atendent was walking down the ailes making sure that everyone had there seats belts fastend when she walked past Gibbs she smiled showing her pure stright white teeth Gibbs smiled back she was about to say something when Abby bet her to it "Mummy Daddy what time does the plane land?" Gibbs answerd "About 3 hours abs why?" "Because am sleepy." Jenny sopke "Well abs you can go to sleep if you want" "Ok mummy but promise me that you and daddy will wake me up before we land" "Promise" they answerd at the same time, the flight atendent looked shocked and said to Gibbs and Jenny "How many children do you two have?" Jenny look at her and said "We have 4 children 2 boys and 2 girls" the flight atendent nodded and said "What are there names?" Gibbs answerd this time "There names are Tony Ziva Tim and Abby" the flight atendent looked at the 4 people in front of them and saw all them waving to her she waved back and walked away Jenny nudgd Gibbs and he turned to look at her she said "Do you think that freaked her out?" Gibbs replyed "I think that would freak anyone out who doesn't know us" Jenny nodded her head before resting it on Gibbs's shoulder and snuggled into him Gibbs wraped his arm around Jenny making her feel safe and warm.