A/N: Sorry it took so long way away on holiday and other stuff with the family happend

Disclaimer: i dont own NCIS or any of the characters apart from Jay and Chloe

It had been over three weeks since they had a case and the whole team where getting restless Tony was been more annoying than usual Ziva was ready to kill someone a.k.a Tony Tim was hacking into eveything Abby was always hyper on Caf-Pow Jay was acting just like his oldest brother and helping to annoy everyone and Gibbs and Jenny were drinking more coffee than people should to just try and keep up with the kids.

Jenny was sitting in her office listening to another lead agent whine to her about Tony and Jay pulling pranks on him and his team Jenny sat there in her chair nodding at everything the man was saying to just make it look like she was listening to him, when he stopped talking Jenny snapped out of her daze and looked at the lead agent

" I will have a word with them alright and tell they to quit bugging you and your team ok " the agent nodded and left her office closing the door behind him, she sighed and picked up her office phone and called down to Gibb's phone

" Hello "

" Jet send up Tony and Jay please "

" Jen whats wrong ?"

" Nothing i cant handle just send them up now "

" Alright i will bye "

" bye Jethro "

They hung up and Gibbs looked over to two of his boys wondering what Jenny could want with them but shrugged and though that whatever it was it was best not to get involved.

" Tony Jay your mother wants to see the both of you in her office now " Tony and Jay stare wide eyed at each other and they knew they were busted they sighed and got up and slowly walked up the stairs towords their mums office

" Going slow wont make your mother any happier will it " Gibbs told then laughing when the looked at each other and bolted the rest of the way up the stairs to her door he could see then aruging about who should knock but they didnt need to pick because Jenny apeard at the door looking ready to kill the both of then

" Get in here and sit your asses down on and chair and dont speak " Gibbs heard her hiss at them he chuckeld as he knew that the boys where in big trouble.

Upstairs in Jenny's office:

When the boys where in and the door was closed Jenny walked to sit on the front of her desk and crossed her arms over her chest and stared at both of them they gulped and looked down at their hands that where clasped together in their laps. Jenny took a deep breath and slowly let it out

" Can one of you please tell me why i have had THREE team lead agents come up to my office and complaine and the two of you ?" Jenny asked in a stern voice both Tony and Jay eyes widen even more and wouldnt look up at all

" WELL TELL ME WHY THE TWO OF YOU CANT SEEM TO BEHAVE !" she shouted both boys jumped when they first heard her shout and looked up to see their mother was furious with them

" Sorry mum " they both said looking at her with wide eyes and scared faces, shes couldnt stay mad at them so she sighed and shook her head

" From now on dont annoy anyone alright because i cant stand another person stand in here and whine about two of my boys ok " Tony and Jay nodded their heads and stood up and walked over and hugged her she un-crossed her arms and wrapped them around her sons thinking to herself

' i really do have the best family ever '


A/N2: i know its short but i dont have time to write long ones and i am very sorry to yous that like my stroies and havent had anything to read