Don gingerly grabbed the small letter. The smooth paper felt amazing against his reptilian skin. It even had pizza grease stains on it. No matter what condition Mikey had been in, the goofy turtle had loved his pizza. He gently ripped it open, laying the dirty envelope to the side. Much to the purple masked turtles surprise, it wasn't a note, but a picture. The photo was crumpled and torn in a few places, but it didn't bother Donny. The small note that Mikey had scribbled out for him was short, but the words were large and sloppy.

"Don't dwell on my death, Donatello, but on the memories I've left behind."

Tears burned in the corners of Dons eyes, but a small smile had formed on his lips. When had Mikey become a poet? Donny could only figure it had been when he came face to face with his own mortality. A way of making up for the time he'd be losing. The picture was what really got to Donny, because in the picture he and Mikey were cuddled up on the couch. Mikeys sweet and mischievous face was buried in Dons plastron. Mikey was asleep, but Donny wasn't, He was gently tucking his little brother in. Donny remembered that night, it had been the first night Mikey had thought of death. He had mumbled something about Donny leaving him, so he begged Donny to never let them drift apart, and Donny had wholeheartedly agreed. Don felt that somehow, even in death, Mikey would keep that promise. In memories. The dead vessel he had left behind was not his brother. He was a lifeless stranger that just happened to look similar, but the memories they each had of Mikey were his brothers heart and soul. Something that united the living with the dead, as long as they drew breath, their baby brother lived on.

Raphs hands were shaking as he looked at the picture in his hands. It was of him and Mikey, when they had been just little kids. They both had large grins on their faces as they snuck up on a meditating Leo. They had just gotten done with a discussion that Raph had long since forgotten. Mikey, being so inquisitive, asked Raph why he was always angry. He had asked if Raph even knew what happy was. Raph, being the hothead that he was, had immediately slapped Mikey on the back of the head, telling him that his pain was his happiness. Maybe that's where he went wrong as a big brother.

"Happiness is the key to life, Raphael. Don't block it out with anger and rage."

"I see dat now Mike..." His grip slightly crumpled the photo, "And I promise I wont." A single tear slipped down his emerald cheek, and at the same time he felt a warm, furry body against his ankle. Looking down, Raph saw his brothers stupid orange cat. Klunk gazed up at Raph, her tiny and squeaky meow ringing out. Raph picked up his brothers pet and scratched behind her ear causing her to purr. Before she could get away, Raph brought the cat into a hug and let out a sob. Instead of running away and hiding from her least liked turtle, Klunk stayed and allowed him to love her. She was his last physical link to Mikey, and even she understood her newly gained importance.

Leonardo could hear soft sobs coming from throughout the home. He figured that whatever Mikey had left for them was extremely heart felt . Leo's hands shook as he carefully slipped his own picture from its small and dirty envelope. The picture he received was of the first time he and Mikey had sparred. They had their practice weapons, smiles graced each boys face. When it was all fun and games, when Leo was still just as innocent as Mikey was. They were still whole, Leo didn't feel fault and anger and Mikey was still oblivious to the real evil in the world.

"All memories are good, Leonardo. As long as you spent them with those you loved."

Tears threatened to run for the first time since he had passed, Leo could barely breath. Sorrow was choking him, and all he could do was whisper out apologies. "Im sorry I couldn't save you. I'm sorry I couldn't make you smile just one last time. I'm sorry you didn't get to live life to the fullest like you had always dreamed. I'm so sorry, Michelangelo." He howled in anguish as he rocked back and forth, "Im sorry." Two pairs of arms wrapped themselves around him. Don and Raph let him cry, he needed it. Leo couldn't keep these dangerous emotions forever.

The final envelop could only mean more tears, but Raph opened it anyway. They each smirked at his selection. It was all four of them together. They were ten, at most, but they all seemed so young and innocent. Mikey was jumping over Raph, and Leo and Don were smirking at the anger that was etched on the hotheads face. It clicked in Dons head then, "He wanted us to remember how quickly we all grew up, and how the fun disappeared with us." Don let out a small huff, "He was our fun." Raph and Leo only sobbed harder. Donny tucked the picture away, and softly he heard his and Mikeys last song in the background. How very true that was, he did miss it. Don missed everything now, their childhood, their teenaged years, even the past six months because at least he still had his baby brother. The purple banded turtle joined his older brothers, Mikeys final message to them echoed in his head.

"No matter where we are, we will always be brothers."

Thanks for all the support to everyone who read this! Raphs Struggle should be up in a day or two, but this is the end of Mikeys Battle. Cant wait for you guys to see what I have in store for Raphael!