This is my first Gallagher Girls story. I wrote this about a month ago, and wasn't sure if I should post or not, I was like, "What the heck, I'll never know if anyone likes it if I don't attempt." So please tell me what you think. This is not my best work, I have done better. Usually my stories are longer than this. This is a one-shot, so there will be no other chapters to this story. Thanks for reading, and please review! I may do other Gallagher Girls stories, and I promise my writting will be at 100% instead of 75% like it is in this story!

Summary: Zach leaves Gallagher Acadamy, and Roseville as well. Nothing was left behind except for an envelope with Cammie's name written on it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gallagher Girls, just like all the other authors on this site, I own nothing, besides this particular story.

Letter To Cammie

Zachary Goode, or Zach for short sealed the cream colored envelope with a sticker. And on the back, with that handwriting of his, he scribbled down the name of Cameron Morgan on it. He crouched down to the floor and slide it gently under the door as if it was a very fragile document, and needed care.

Looking around the empty halls, as he was making his way down the stairs of the Gallagher Academy and then made his way towards the secret passage that lead to an entrance outside, with nothing but the clothes on his back and the small bag the dangled off of his left shoulder.

Zach had disappeared into the descending snow. He was leaving the boarding school, and had hope to never return to Roseville again. Only worry on his mind was if that note was never received.


"Cam," Macey said rushing to one of her best friends trying to catch up with her. "Stay still, you've got a strand of hair right... one sec... there you go all better!"

"Macey, not everything has to be a fashion crisis!" Cameron Morgan let a smile grow on her cheeks as she looked at Macey, but it had faded as she stopped to dig through her bag pulling out papers. "By the way, have you seen Zach anywhere? He hasn't shown up to any of his classes and I have all his homework to give him... he's not sick is he? Gallagher Girls never get sick!"

"No I haven't, I've been in all your classes too Cam, I know you got his work. And wouldn't the term be Gallagher Boy? Zach is... Zach... he probably got called out of class by your mother or something... did you check his dorm?"

"Been there, done that," Cammie said. "Bex and Liz have been looking for him too!"

A smile formed on Macey's lips. "Cammie, just calm down... worrying causes wrinkles! Now come on, I need help with COW homework!"

Macey pulled Cammie upstairs into their dorm, where Liz sat on her bed studying, and Bex just stared at a small piece of paper. Macey shut the door behind them and threw her bag onto Liz's bed, politely asking for help.

"What'cha got there Bex?" Cammie asked throwing her bag on the floor next to her bed and then lying belly down on her blankets. Bex stretched her arm over the few inches of floor that separated the two's beds. Cammie grabbed the cream paper out of her friend's grip.

"It's for you. I nearly stepped on it as I entered. I didn't open it... yet. But if you're not gonna do that, then hand it over and allow me!"

Cammie rolled her eyes at her friend. She dug her fingernail under the sticker that sealed the paper shut, forcing it open. Cammie pulled out a typed paper. And her eyes searched the paper as she carefully read it, ignoring Bex's questions on what it is.

Dear Cammie,

Honestly, I'm sorry is really all I got to say. But I have to tell you more, knowing you and your friends would probably start looking for me if I don't. I have ran away.

I'm running away from being Zachary Goode. From being the son of her. From my past and what is to happen in my future. I have to leave. I just have to.

Don't be foolish Gallagher Girl. Don't come looking for me, I mean it. Keep in mind that curiosity killed the cat. I'm hiding, and you of all people should know when a pavement artist does not want to be seen, you won't see them. You've passed so many danger signs without looking... you're careless when it comes to that stuff... it's like you want to die. Get this straight Cammie, this is a danger sign, one that you don't want to cross... stay away is that clear?

I probably won't be back to the academy, so please do tell your mother that I am dropping out. We probably will never see each other again, but don't get too excited about that! It's my time to go. I need to create a future that is based on my future, and not my past! I need to change everything. Today is my opportunity to do so! I'm so sorry! Good luck with the Circle of Cavan! -Z

"So who's it from?" Liz questioned, but like the other questions they had asked, Cammie didn't hear it. It was like she was in a completely different world, and was lost in it. Cammie least expected to receive a letter from Zach, especially one about running away, and he may never see her again. She was shocked.

"Earth to Cammie!" Bex said, placing her hand on Cammie's shoulder, and violently shaking her. "What's going on?"

Tears sprang into Cammie's eyes, and began to drizzle down her cheeks. Cammie shoved the paper into Bex's face. She couldn't speak. Bex's eyes traveled side to side reading the paper. She handed it to Macey and Liz, and gave Cammie a hug. Once the other two read it, the gave their heartbroken friend a hug as well.

Cammie's eyes had burned and stung from the hot, salty tears that lied in her eyes. Zachary Goode was gone forever.