Alternate Jedi Apprentice: Anti-Force Jedi? Ki?

Ki + Force = ?

By me, ^_~ Akira Sazanami ([email protected]), with LOTS of help from my anti-genki, jigoku aniki Trunks, and the ever bestest and superior, Amy-sama! ^_^ It would be wrong to just put myself down.

This story is an x-over, alternate, and it has original characters as well as 'owned' characters. ~.^ Just warning you in advance, of course.

Standard Disclaimer and Ramblings From the Author (AKA Skip this part to get to the story):

Blahblahblah, none of these characters belong to me (*-*;; But I'd like to keep Obi-Wan to myself...) I took them from Jedi Apprentice books. Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Xanatos, Si Treemba, and Clat'Ha belong to © Lucasfilms or Lucas, whatever. But with that said, now you can't sue me for plagarism, so HA! I would see no point in that since I have no money, and I'm not even old enough to work... least not the jobs I wanna work at. ^_~ There are lots of fanfic writers here, and there would be no fics to enjoy other readers if you do sue. So THERE!

But this story's mine (as well to my co-authors), and all rights reserved and all that crap. ^_~ And special thanks to my aniki (Trunks) and my Amy-sama and my itoko (Yamiko). *-* It would be wrong to say that the story is all mine.... *-* arigato!! Really, I'm not doing this for money, my slaves-- err, I mean co-workers/co-authors just want to have fun with this. I don't mean to steal anything or plagarize any of Lucas' fine work.

By the way, this takes place after Book #2, in the Jedi Apprentice series. I highly recommend you read it. ^_^ It may look like a children's book, but I assure you, it's a must-have for those wondering about the Jedi ways and Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. If you have any questions, email me. ^_^ IF I get enough of those questions that go, "Oh, who's Xanatos and those other characters?" Or "What happened in Books 1 and 2?" or basic information like that, I'll set up a lil' summary or somethin'.

And the last notes, I've just put the first 3 chapters together. I realize that people HATE (including me) just small chapters. I like to find as much as possible on one page without it having saying, "To be continued" and all. Anyway, if I haven't scared you away or bored you yet, here's the fic!!

Chapter 1

Qui-Gon. Damn him. Xanatos flew around Bandomeer, getting a message from Aggaba that the two Jedi... Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan... were still alive, as was Bandomeer. He had underestimated his master, Qui-Gon Jinn. He had planned for the planet to blow up. But no. The two Jedi had slashed his plan to shattered pieces. I won't have it... I worked too hard for this... He was the Offworld Corp. controller... at least part of it. It was one of the oldest and richest. He was an ex Jedi, as good as his 'master'...

Xanatos grit his teeth. It just wasn't fair. He had been waiting years for this day, and it was all RUINED!! All because his 'master' and his 'boy'. The boy had even escaped HIS plans. That was an insult Xanatos did not take lightly. Young Kenobi.... The young boy reminded him much of himself while he was younger. His ambition and anger, so powerful. The boy had even more potential power and abilities than most of the temple, Xanatos guessed. Just like me...

The fire inside of Xanatos.. it was overwhelming. Hatred, anger, jealousy, frustrations and other evil were its fuel. And those were the fuel for his force. The dark side of the force. Qui-Gon, I swear I'll make you pay.. you destroyed EVERYTHING I loved!! Everything I ever dreamed of!!

Xanatos' deep blue eyes burned of a fire, remembering the memories he and Qui-Gon once had. Qui-Gon had taken him from his home, Telos. Qui-Gon was his master, and he, his padawan. They were more than apprentice and master. They were friends. In some situations, father and son... almost. In the Jedi Temple, he had an unsurpassed mastery of the light saber, his Force power matched his master, his mind was nimble and agile, and he had passed the preliminary tests with a near perfect score. Qui-Gon was fatherly to him...

He could almost smile...

Whenever he'd brag to any of the other hopefully-to-be-Jedi-Apprentices, Qui-Gon merely smiled. The others were berated for their pride. Everytime Xanatos would get into a fight, Qui-Gon would fly to his side to defend him, physically or mentally. It didn't matter who started what. But it was this that had Qui-Gon blinded about him. Qui-Gon had completely trusted him. But Yoda....

Yoda knew. He knew about Xanatos.

In the Jedi Temple, there was no evilness. It was confronted and resolved. The temple shielded him from the evil of the universe, only teaching good. No greed or injustice was to stand there. They shielded him...

No.. Xanatos thought. They deprived me of power and riches I have now. Xanatos was the controller of Offworld Co., making riches everyday. He was a powerful man, and could control planets with his money if he willed.

I'll make you suffer Qui-Gon... more than EVER before!! You killed father.

Smirking and grinning at the same time, Xanatos steered back to the half land, half water planet. Qui-Gon would be there... as would his 'boy'.. Xanatos grit his teeth again as he said the boy's name... "Obi-Wan..." Master couldn't have ruined my plans without help. Without HIM. It was him... I could have destroyed Qui-Gon, but the boy had to step in. Xanatos could remember the sizzle of his skin where Obi-Wan had wounded him. Qui-Gon could be dealt with. He knew how his master thought. Revenge on Qui-Gon would have been easy. But the boy stepped in. Obi-Wan had eluded his traps. The boy had EVEN wounded him!! Him of all people!! The boy hadn't even started in his Padawan training.

Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon was a loner, a rebel. But Xanatos had heard that Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon would be travelling to Bandomeer, together. He smirked, full of dark amusement. Qui-Gon had changed because of him. Qui-Gon was a hard man after Xanatos was gone. His master would no longer take an apprentice, nor even smile as much. Qui-Gon was scarred deeply. He was like stone. Xanatos had thought that his master would no longer be the same.

But he was wrong.

Obi-Wan Kenobi had been different from the other pupils. How else could Obi-Wan change Qui-Gon's features? Qui-Gon declared that he had no Padawan. But no. No. He knew that a bond had formed between them. A bond that even Xanatos and Qui-Gon did not have. And yet, they were not master and apprentice. Jemba the Hutt had told him the Qui-Gon had even treated him harshly
and neglected him. But... Xanatos had felt the bond.

But when Obi-Wan was injured, who nursed him? Qui-Gon. Who was troubled when Obi-Wan was in trouble? Qui-Gon. Who had looked out for the boy? Qui-Gon. Yet Qui-Gon was NOT his master. Obi-Wan did not even have a master. He was being sent to become a farmer in the Agricultural Corp. Qui-Gon had even acted warm towards the boy!! This, was another thing Xanatos would NOT have.

Obi-Wan was a smart boy. Strong, smart, agile... everything Xanatos was. Maybe even more. Xanatos pushed the thought out of his mind. There was no way a mere boy could ever dream of matching his status. Jealousy burned inside of him. He hated Qui-Gon. And he hated Obi-Wan for standing in his way. Obi-Wan had stopped him from getting his revenge. Obi-Wan had even won over Qui-Gon. When Xanatos faced off with his master, whatever memory Qui-Gon had left of Xanatos, was a mere shadow compared to Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan was kidnapped and Xanatos nearly grinned in delight. His master was worried, and even Xanatos could see through his denial that he had cared for the boy greatly. Obi-Wan had great impact on Qui-Gon. Every feature of his master's face was ceased with weariness. Kenobi had only been missing for a few hours. And here was his master, desperate for any information of the young Jedi.

Grief was on his master's features. The only feature that anybody else had seen was a cool, analyzing gaze. Qui-Gon was wrapped in a sheet of ice. But Obi-Wan had touched Qui-Gon. More than Xanatos had even seen. As he faced
off with his master, the air was filled with Qui-Gon's pain and worry... it was strong. Even when Qui-Gon struggled to keep his face neutral... extreme care for the boy was written on every feature.

When Xanatos showed Kenobi's lightsaber, Qui-Gon was thrown out of focus... Qui-Gon had broke through his icy demeanor and was wide open to any attacks. Qui-Gon was... so worried. And angry. Nothing would throw his master out of focus. Not even himself, sometimes. All it took was a look at Obi-Wan's lightsaber...

Gently, he touched his hand where Obi-Wan had hurt him. It hurt more than Qui-Gon's... his pride had been hurt. He had been wounded by a mere boy...

"...your excellency?" The comm screen had been on. It showed a picture of a Hutt.

Xanatos shook his head free of his thoughts. "...Yes what is it?" He suddenly replied, pure intimidation and a bit of annoyance in his voice. Looking through his windows, he could see that he was landing on Bandomeer, in a secret Offworld fortress.

"I've been called your name, your excellency. You didn't answer." The Hutt calmly spoke, but he was nervous. The Hutt was talking to AN Offworld Official. Whether the official's rank was high or not, they were to be respected. They STILL owned Bandomeer, after all.

Xanatos frowned. "I was merely thinking... what do you have to say?" Not many people knew his comm link. And if anyone did, they wouldn't dare disturb him. He could control their lives.

The Hutt almost shivered at the ice-hatred Xanatos had in his voice. "Y-your E-ex-excellency, one of the mines have been abandoned. The two Jedi--"

"I KNOW ABOUT THE JEDI!!" Xanatos snapped, punching through the comm screen. If it had not been solid, it would have easily cracked AT LEAST, no matter how strong the solid was. His blue eyes burned with an almost visable flame and his dark black hair almost flared a midnight wrath in the force he was exerting...

"I-I-I.." The Hutt was scared. But he was even more scared of what would happen if he did not answer and give his report in. "We wish to know what to do now, y-y-your excellency. The two Jedi will leave soon--"

"WHAT?!" Xanatos would NOT have it. "Do whatever you CAN to make them STAY on Bandomeer, and if I see ONE single ship fly past by me, I swear I will not be so gracious as to spare you like the situation before with Jemba! IS THAT CLEAR, AGABBA?!"

The Hutt almost visibly shrank with fear. "Y-yes your excellency." The comm screen fizzled and closed.

Xanatos' mind began unravelling a plan. A plan for the two 'Jedi' to fall for. His mind travelled back to his thoughts. Obi-Wan was very capable.. he knew that Qui-Gon would be his master. If not, oh well. The boy presented great value to Qui-Gon... despite that he was a mere pawn in Xanatos' game. What would be the best way to plot his revenge? Taking away the most valuable thing in your life.. of course. He smirked in amusement again. Qui-Gon cared deeply for the boy. The boy was still vulnerable. And when Obi-Wan was away from Qui-Gon... Qui-Gon seemed.. so.. lifeless. He could even sense his heart pierced with pain when Kenobi was gone. Laughing, Xanatos formed his plan. His revenge against Qui-Gon.

I will watch over you, young Kenobi.


Chapter 2

Lightsabers clashed and the air was of smoke as they did. Obi-Wan ducked to avoid the incoming slash, his hair was almost singed. "Good Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon's voice rang through his mind, but the training did not stop. "But don't think I'll go any easier on you." Obi-Wan could only hear and trust his instincts as the Force lead him to defend and attack.

They had been in the training room for at least a few hours with no break. It was Obi-Wan's first training session as a Padawan. Qui-Gon had finally accepted him, but that didn't matter. Qui-Gon only expected the very best, whether or not he was a Padawan. Sweat rolled down Obi-Wan's face, some being soaked up by his blindfold, sometimes stinging his eyes. Obi-Wan's muscles were screaming and aching, but he would not disappoint Qui-Gon now. Bringing his light saber up to block Qui-Gon's incoming swing, the lightsabers hissed and crashed, the heat nearly searing through his clothes. He ducked and rolled to the side quickly as he used to force to predict when Qui-Gon would swing at his head.

Qui-Gon was clearly impressed, though the boy couldn't have seen his face through the blindfold. Obi-Wan's lightsaber skills were quite impressive, even for a Jedi pupil. He learned so quickly, even without a master. But his style was fierce and unpredictable. Smirking, Qui-Gon knew how to tame the lad. He could see that Obi-Wan was struggling to continue, tired from fatigue and no rest.

The boy just didn't want to give up.

They were supposed to be readying for the transport, but Obi-Wan was filled with hyper energy, and packed as quickly as he could, and asked for his first lesson. Qui-Gon merely shook his head and smiled in amusement. He would give the boy the pleasure this once. The boy still had a lot to learn...

But still, Qui-Gon had been seared in a few places, though none of them would be killing blows... even on low power. Obi-Wan had a few killing blows, and burns. This was the proof that he was not totally over Xanatos.

Suddenly, Obi-Wan attacked with a crescent swing, almost startling Qui-Gon with his thoughts.

Qui-Gon was surprised. The only person who could have pulled that off was Xanatos... and then he was in the past again. He was back with Xanatos. Yes, Qui-Gon wouldn't let Xanatos wound him again, but he was still a human. He still had his faults. Qui-Gon attacked a bit in anger a bit before...but...

Qui-Gon jumped away from Obi-Wan's next thrust. Obi-Wan's style was so much like Xanatos'. Qui-Gon immediately retaliated with a swift slash to the legs, and the head. Obi-Wan felt the hot burning on his head more than his legs. But he jumped away, his skin still burning. But he wouldn't give up. God, that hurts... it hurts so much... But as Obi-Wan was taught, he was to welcome the pain. He moved to veer right... but as he stepped to his right, pain shot through his leg. As much as he tried to welcome it, it was almost overwhelming and tears nearly stung the blindfold. Every muscle on his face tense, as to not show the pain he was going through. Enough offense... Shifting into a defense position, Obi-Wan stood ready to block any attack thrown at him.

As the sizzle faded, Qui-Gon suddenly realized his mistake. He's not Xanatos, he's Obi Wan. Qui-Gon sighed and turned off his lightsaber. He was going too hard on Obi-Wan. He was merely a beginner. Obi-Wan's first Padawan lesson. "Sorry Obi-Wan..." He must have hurt the boy more than he had meant.

But Qui-Gon knew his place and smiled. "That's enough for today, Obi-Wan. You've done well."

Obi-Wan took off his blindfold, grinning. This was his first real workout in a long time. He finally had a master. And his master was one of the best of the best. Master Qui-Gon Jinn, no less. Everything had been worth it, every single little trip of trouble he went through. The comment was worth the blow he had just taken. "Really?" Obi-Wan tried to hide the eagerness out of his voice, but Qui Gon just smiled and patted the boy's head.

"Don't get too cocky now, Padawan! There's much more to come in the days to come." Qui-Gon laughed... that was one of the rare times that Obi-Wan had heard him laugh or even smile before.

Padawan... Obi Wan was filled with hope and glee. Just the mere word made Obi-Wan smile with pride. He felt a sense of home and tranquility... and wanting to jump up and down at the same time. It was only a few hours ago that Qui-Gon had appointed him as his Padawan. Obi-Wan had felt so happy. Flying to his room, he packed everything and suddenly asked his master to train him. Qui-Gon couldn't refuse.

"The transport ship is almost ready to go. Are you ready Obi-Wan?"

Si Treemba would be there to say goodbye. But now... We must have been in the training room for hours... thought Obi-Wan. "Yes, but I need to get cleaned up, Master."

Qui-Gon nodded, keeping a tight smile. "Yes well..." As he turned to look at his new Padawan, Obi-Wan was gone. Where did he go? Sighing, he shook his head. Obi-Wan was a still a boy, full of mischief. But he seemed to be bringing much smiles to Qui-Gon's face since...


Fatigue suddenly faded away and he thought back to his first Padawan learner. He had put so much faith and trust into the young man. Xanatos was one of the real potential learners that he had ever seen. But when Xanatos went back to Telos on his last mission--

Qui-Gon shook his head. This was not the time to dwell on the past. Yoda had a new mission for them and the transport was waiting patiently. Sweat tickled the sides of his cheek and caked his forehead. A bath seemed nice...


Obi-Wan peeked his head into the training room. Qui-Gon was also gone. Hadn't he sneaked out of Qui-Gon's view with no detection? Shadows cornered Obi-Wan, and he knew that Qui-Gon couldn't have reached out to the Force. They were both too tired. Where was master now?

A hand on his head answered those questions. "Obi-Wan..." Qui-Gon looked down at his Padawan.

Obi-Wan eeped. He turned to look his master in the eyes. Qui-Gon's face was twisted into somewhat of a glare. "What did YOU think you were doing?" But his lips threatened to turn into a smile.

"I... uh... I mean... I was..." Obi-Wan stammered meekly. How could he explain sneaking around like a little child, on his master? Qui-Gon looked at Obi-Wan's face, studying him and giving him an analytical gaze. Obi-Wan shuffled his feet, drooping his head down.

He's so nervous... Qui-Gon thought. It was almost laughable. It was easy to figure out why. Obi-Wan always wanted to please him, to prove himself. "Must you play after training?" The apprentice looked up to see his master's smile. "We must get cleaned up. The transport ship will leave anytime, now." Qui-Gon's fist nudged Obi-Wan's small, but firm chin. "Come on now."

Obi-Wan's face broke into a grin. Qui-Gon's changed. He's so... warm now. But that thought was shot down immediately. "And no more playing next time. You are my Padawan. Remember that." Qui-Gon's icy tone suddenly chilled Obi-Wan's hopes.

"Y-yes master." The apprentice bit his lip.

"I'm just kidding Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon patted the boy's head. "You're so uptight sometimes..." Qui-Gon smirked and went off in his little way. "But don't think I'll be so easy next time.."

Obi-Wan looked at his retreating form, and smiled. He spurred off to his room to change. He would have a new mission today. His first mission as a Padawan!! With Master Qui-Gon Jinn!!

But today would be his last day here. With Si Treemba.

The two were great friends. Si Treemba had always accompanied him in his reckless plans. They always stayed together. But today would be their last goodbye.

Obi-Wan sulked, walking back towards his room to get his things and take a bath.


Bathing always helps one's thoughts. Qui-Gon was ready to go.

After cleaning up and giving thanks to Clat'Ha, he went to Obi-Wan's room to pick him up. Qui-Gon found him dressed and decent. "Ready?"

"Yeah..." Obi-Wan sighed, and trudged out of the room.

"You're sad you're leaving your friends?"

"Yeah-- I mean, yes master."

"Well don't worry, you'll probably see Si Treemba and Clat'Ha again..."

"Probably." Obi-Wan mumbled and continued to keep his gaze on the floor. Even his depression was catchy. Qui-Gon found himself thinking up of ways to cheer up the boy, but he decided not to. It was time Obi-Wan learned the hardships of being a Jedi.

Chapter 3

Si Treemba stood at the door before the transport. The Arconan was looking intently at Obi-Wan. With a nod, he smiled at Obi-Wan... as best he could. Obi-Wan managed a tight smile. Today's the day I lose most of my friends... The apprentice could not cry in front of his own master.

Qui-Gon looked at the boy... no his Padawan. The boy's features were struggling with emotion, trying to show none. But Qui-Gon could sense his inner conflict. It was Obi-Wan's final day here on Bandomeer for a long time. And with his best friend, Si Treemba. "Obi-Wan, I need to take care of something I forgot." Qui-Gon walked away, leaving Obi-Wan and Si Treemba to their thoughts.

Obi-Wan looked at his feet and skidded them across the floor. Since when did Qui-Gon ever forget something? Oh well. He was grateful. Looking at Si Treemba, he was afraid his voice would crack as he spoke. "Si Treemba.."

The Arconan looked at him with his gentle glowing eyes. "We know Obi-Wan. We know. We shall miss you." Arconans always addressed themselves as "we", and very rarely, if at all, call himself/herself, "I". Obi-Wan didn't want to leave. Leaving his best friend, Si Treemba was something Obi-Wan did not want to do. He had already lost one best friend.

"I-I'm sorry, Si Treemba... but..."

"This is your dream Obi-Wan. Please realize it. You belong with your master, Qui-Gon Jinn. We will miss you, but we will be happy for you. We know we shall see each other again someday."

Twinges of guilt gathered inside Obi-Wan. Si Treemba wanted to be happy so that Obi-Wan would leave nicely and quietly. Inside, Obi-Wan knew that Si Treemba was just as mournful as he was. But Si Treemba was taking the extra step just so his friend would not be as troubled. Even if this is my dream... Obi Wan thought. I don't want to leave... Keeping the look he had on, his eyes glistened with tears. Talking was something he could not do at the moment. There were no words that were spoken after that.

Si Treemba saw his friend, his brave, mischievious, friend.... cry. Obi-Wan had always been the strong one. The leader. Within, Si Treemba also wanted Obi-Wan to stay with him. They had a very deep bond of friendship. Despite this, Obi-Wan never took advantage of it. He would always be the protector. No matter how wrong and bad things were. But maybe...

Obi-Wan's features had changed. Tears cascaded down his cheeks like waterfalls. He said nothing, but he whimpered slightly. Maybe this time, I should be the strong one...

With that thought in mind, Si Treemba wrapped his slender arms around Obi-Wan's small body. "Shh shh. It's ok Obi-Wan."

Then Obi-Wan hugged the Arconan fiercly. And let his tears flow. There were no more words spoken, they knew what there was to be said. It was their own universal language.


Qui-Gon waited as Yoda's hologram wavered clearly in front of him. Yoda was to update Qui-Gon with the news of his mission. "Ah, Qui-Gon. Chosen Obi-Wan, have you?"

Amazed, Qui-Gon could only stare at Yoda. "Master?"

Yoda looked at him, with those wise piercing eyes. "Sensed it, I have. Right I always was about these things."

"Yes Master Yoda, I have taken Obi-Wan as my Padawan learner. But he has much to learn. I've come to ask on any update on our mission... what is our mission anyway?"

"Your mission is to train Obi-Wan in the ways of the Jedi."

Qui-Gon knew that. "I know that, Master Yoda. But what is our mission?"

Yoda's ears twitched. "I have no real mission for you at the moment. Follow the Force you should. Maybe then you shall find your mission. Get off Bandomeer, you will first."

It was usually wise to trust Yoda's judgement. Qui-Gon bowed. "As you say Master."

"Wait. Another question, I have yet. What do you think of young Kenobi now? What has brought you to this decision? How do you feel about this?"

The Jedi knight stood, awed at the suddeness of his master's question. How did he feel? Why? I don't know how I feel about the boy.... Even now, Qui-Gon had no answer to that comment. Training the boy was one thing, after all they were Master and Padawan. But caring for the boy? Qui-Gon found himself not able to say anything.

Yoda's hologram wavered yet again. Yoda blinked his eyes slowly. "You need more time to think, I say. Find out, you will. Know the answers to these questions, you must."

The hologram transmission disappeared in a fizzle. Qui-Gon knew he would train the boy, but how could he do that without knowing the mission? And why did Yoda ask those questions? And why did they seem to pose an impact on him? Yet again, Yoda made him question himself.

Looking around, he thought he might as well say goodbye to Clat'Ha. She was a very good friend.. after all, they endured a few adventures together.

But Clat'Ha suddenly stood in front of him as he turned to walk back to Obi-Wan. "Clat'Ha!!" He smiled. After all, Clat'Ha was now a very busy woman. She was a human working on the planet Bandomeer. If a word should categorize her, it would be fierce. But she was a nice enough person as well.

"Nice to see you too, Qui-Gon." Clat'Ha's appearance was more than casual. It was almost formal. Her dress was as green as her eyes, and it greatly dramatized the color of her red/brownish hair. "You didn't even tell me you were leaving. Come now, I'll walk you to the transport."

"I'd like that. By the way, what's with the clothes?" Qui-Gon smirked as he accepted her offer and linked his arm with hers.

"It's a special occasion!! You and Obi-Wan have saved Bandomeer."

"It's our job. We need no special thanks."

"Oh, stop it. You're being too modest again." Qui-Gon and Clat'Ha were enjoying themselves, but it was sad to each other leave.

"No really!!" Qui-Gon poked her nose jokingly. "We Jedi are--"

"Protectors of the Galaxy. I know I know. Where's Obi-Wan? Weren't you two going to me on a mission of some sort?" Clat'Ha hurried her steps to the transport, though it wasn't too far away. "I'd also like to thank him as well..."


Si Treemba wiped away the tears from Obi-Wan's face with surprising gentleness. "Do not worry Obi-Wan. We shall be strong. Like you."

Obi-Wan smiled, giving a watery laugh. "Yeah... you're right Si Treemba. Besides, I think Qui-Gon and I have a mission to get to and I'll bet the pilot is already complaining--"

Qui-Gon and Clat'Ha entered the scene. "Complaining about what, Obi-Wan?"

And suddenly, Obi-Wan was Clat'Ha's waist, hugging her tight. The woman laughed and gave Obi-Wan a motherly hug. "Someone's glad to see me!" Then everyone started laughing. Just for the fun of it. They would all miss each other dearly.

Si Treemba got them all in a comical group hug, and they all hugged back.


Xanatos stood at the balcony of Offworld's secret palace. My plan will soon be set into motion... He knew Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan could not escape the fate he had spindled for them. Xanatos was ever so patient, making him less likely to fail in any of his plans.

I can control the planet. Smirking, he knew there was no way any Jedi could stop him now. It was another game Xanatos had in mind for the two Jedi. And my games have no rules to break, Qui-Gon... not this time.


Author: That concludes Chapter 1-3. I know, no original characters came yet, but I promise they will be! Oh yeah, and the title is HIGHLY TEMPORARY. There are probably a few typos, but I'll fix that later. Anyway.. comments? Criticisms? ^_~ I forward all the comments and criticisms to my fellow co-authors as they DESERVE EVERY BIT OF COMMENTS THEY GET. Trust me, we LOVE c&c's!! At least I do. They're way better than I am, and I don't remember how I recruited them... but that's ok!! ^^ I'm the one you should flame. Just to let you know, I delete flames without a purpose. I mean, why waste your time telling me how much the story sucks without pointing out why? (i.e. Well, this story sucked. That's my opinion.) ^_~ So it won't actually hurt my ego, or what's left of it, too much that people who dump my story are idiots who email me with no reason.

© Blahblahblah, this is copyrighted by ME, Akira Sazanami, (cause there's no way I'm putting my real name up here... though I might give you my first name) and you can distribute this to whoever you want, just as long as this story stays the SAME, without it being altered or changed. Oh yeah, and make sure you keep my email address ([email protected]) intact, and my co-authors and I get credit and permission for anything used here (That DOESN'T belong to Lucas) used for any other purposes. There. My ramblings are done. ~.^ (BTW, these fanfics chapters were made on May 25-30, '99)