Yo, people of the world.

I'm back with this.. uh.. I don't know.. one-shot collection with you as the main character! I know I should be working on IE the Future, but my inspiration is kinda gone, so it's put on hold. I'm terribly sorry.

Anyway, I'm doing both IE and GO and maybe even Chrono Stone, but I'm not sure about the last one yet.

I got a few ideas I wanna work out first.. then I'll be taking requests.

(L/n) = last name.

(F/n) = first name.

(h/c) = hair colour.

And the four times (there is talked like this), those are your thoughts. I was too lazy to use italics.. I didn't think it was necessary.

Just so you know..

Disclaimer: I don't own IE or GO or you. It would be kinda messed up if I did... There might be the chance of slight OOCness, but yeah..

Anyway, enjoy...

Only Eyes For You | Sakuma Jirou

Next to your study you were a waitress at a café. You were good friends with the other waitresses and you had much fun in serving the customers. It was a normal day like any other when a certain group of seventeen-year-old teenagers made their way across the terrace. One had brown dreadlocks and was wearing goggles, another had spiky brown hair and was in a heated discussion with the goggle-head. Behind them was a boy with brown hair swept to the right and orange lines under his eyes. Next to him was a boy with long, cyan hair and an eye patch hiding his right eye. Weren't their names Kidou, Fudou, Genda and Sakuma? They had been here a few times before, but never had your eyes been stuck on one specifically. This time however they were. Something kept your eyes fixed on the cyan-haired one, but you had no idea why. So you kept staring towards the four as they searched for a spot, found it, sat down and started scanning the menu. You just kept looking. That was, until your pondering got interrupted.

"(L/n)-san? Will you be taking their orders or will you just drool over them? It's not the first time they're here." One of your fellow waitresses said teasingly.

"I'm not drooling. I was just.. thinking." You replied and walked towards the table.

"Can I take your order?" You asked with a smile when you reached them.

The one with the spiky brown hair (whose name is Fudou, if I'm correct?) snorted. "How fast do you think we can pick something of the menu?"

You blinked and then smiled sweetly. "Well, it's not your first time here, so I figured you'd pick cinnamon tea again."

The teen's cheeks got a little pink and he grumbled something, the other three laughed.

"She got you there, Fudou." The one with goggles (Kidou, if I'm guessing right?) said.

"Whatever." Fudou huffed and looked away. You chuckled and then proceeded with taking their orders. As you left you had the feeling that someone was following you with their eyes, but you shrugged it off and went inside to prepare their order.

When you had their drinks on the tray, you skilfully evaded the other tables to get to theirs. You saw them snickering and Fudou poked the cyan-haired one (wasn't his name Sakuma?) in the side, who, in return, shot him a glare and then looked away.

"Here are your orders." You said and placed the drinks on the table. "Do you need anything else?"

"We don't." Fudou said, smiling slyly at the cyan-haired teen. You frowned a little at that, but then nodded and turned around.

When you reached the other waitresses they snickered as well.

"What?" You ask, frowning at everyone's behavior.

"Nothing, really." One said between snickers.

"Yeah, right." You rolled your eyes and decided to ignore them, serving other customers on the terrace.

One time you nearly spilled the content of the glasses on your tray, because the moment you wanted to go outside again someone else wanted to enter. So naturally you bumped into each other, nearly sending you to the ground. Luckily, that person had quick reflexes and grabbed the tray with one hand while grabbing your arm with the other so you wouldn't fall on the ground.

"Arigato." You said relieved and straightened yourself again. You then looked up to see who 'saved' you. To your surprise it was Sakuma, balancing the tray with one hand while examining you from toe to head. He then held your eyes with his.

"No worries. I was the one who should've watched where he walked." He smiled a little and held out the tray for you to take.

"Ah.." You took the tray from him and stared towards it, trying to evade his examining eye. After some time standing there you realized that you should be serving other customers instead of stupidly standing there, so you cleared your throat, waking him up from his daze as well.

"I'm sorry." He said and stepped aside. You swiftly and quickly walked past him, ignored the blush on your face and the giggles from your fellow waitresses.

When your shift finally ended those four boys were still there. They finished their drinks long ago and had paid as well. The only reason why they weren't kicked out yet was because the one with the orange stripes under his eyes (Genda, right?) had been flirting with every waitress that came into his sight. Except for you, that is.

As your undid your (h/c) hair from the usual bun you'd wear when working you started wondering why he hadn't. Well, in comparison to the other waitresses you didn't think you were beautiful at all. So probably because of that. You shook your head to clear your wondering away and made way for the exit of the terrace.

"'scuse me? We'd like to order something."

You turned around to see Genda smile at you. You looked over your shoulder to see if he was talking to someone else.

"Uh.. My shift is over.. so you should ask someone else." You then said, a little unsure.

"Too bad." The boy shrugged. "Well, we'd better go then." He stood up and gestured for the others to follow.

"I thought you wanted to order something?" You frowned. He smiled and walked towards you, his friends on his heels.

"Yes, you. But since your shift ended.." He shrugged, but then winced in pain when Sakuma stamped on his foot.

"What was that good for?" He asked the cyan-haired teen, who shot him a death glare. You blinked at the exchange, not even aware of the blush on your face.

"Well if you're not.." Genda began.

"You already had your fun. We have to be somewhere, remember?" Sakuma cut him off and then strode past the boy. Genda frowned and pouted at the same time, making you chuckle. He turned back to you and smiled apologetically.

"He isn't normally like this, you know. He's actually very nice."

"Eh?" You gave him a confused look. He patted you on the shoulder.

"See ya." He said and walked after Sakuma.

Kidou smiled at you as he passed you, while Fudou gave you a meaningful glance, but you had no idea what he meant. You stood there for a while, dazed by the odd exchange. First he had flirted with you, right? And then Sakuma had stamped on his foot. And then suddenly Genda had talked normally to you and had said that Sakuma wasn't normally like that. It was all so confusing.

"(L/n)-san? Hasn't your shift ended?"

You woke up from you pondering and looked towards the worried face of a fellow waitress.

"Yes.. I was.. lost in thought." You answered looking towards the table where they had been seated. The waitress chuckled.

"That's the second time today. If you like Sakuma-san that much, you should ask him out."

"W-what!?" You turned red as a tomato. "I-I don't like him!"

"Your stuttering and blush say otherwise, but well.. it's your own choice." The waitress shrugged and walked away. You decided to get away from your work as quickly as possible, not feeling the need for someone you knew to see the major blush on your face.

There was no way that you liked him in that way, right? And even if you did love him. There was no way he would return your feelings. He was a popular guy, you were just you. Nothing special, not pretty, no talents and the only thing you were good at was smiling when you actually felt like screaming. And your chances were ever so slim because some of the most popular girls had walked up to him and confessed their love, but he had turned them all down. So, it was utmost ridiculous for you to even consider loving him... Right? Your thoughts kept rattling like that as you walked home.

You were even so caught up in your thinking that you didn't watch where you were actually walking and ended up bumping straight into someone. Again, you felt someone grab your arm, keeping you up. You were still half in thought so you didn't exactly realize what had happened until a voice broke you out of your trance.

"Hey.. are you okay?"

You shook your head to get your thoughts away and looked up. Sakuma was looking towards you with worry. You gasped in surprise and quickly stood up straight, evading eye contact.

"I-I'm fine." You managed to bring out, turning your head slightly so your hair would hide the blush that was flushing over your face.

"That's good." He said quietly, sounding as if he was in thought. Again, the two of you stood there for a while, neither of you moving an inch. That was, until you noticed that he was still holding your arm. Why was he still holding you? Why was he even here in the first place? Hadn't he said that he had to be somewhere? Why was he wasting his time here with y–


You frowned. Since when did he know your first name? You were sure the two of you had never personally met before.

".. Do you.. like Genda?"

Your head shot up. He was evading your eyes, though.

"W-what makes you think so?" You couldn't stop yourself from voicing your thoughts.

".. Just wondering.." He shrugged, still refusing to look you in the eye.

"No. I don't like Genda." You said firmly enough for him to look up.

"You don't? Who then..?" The last part he merely whispered to himself, turning his head away again.

"Eh?" You frowned. Did you hear wrong? He was actually asking himself whom you liked? If he only knew..

"Kidou, then?" Once again he interrupted your train of thoughts.

"Are you guessing who I like? Why?" You ask, starting to become curious by his odd behavior.

"No reason, really." He said, half in thought. "Please don't tell me it's Fudou." He then asked, sounding kind of panicked.

"Fudou?" You raised an eyebrow and started laughing. You couldn't help it. Fudou in love with anybody was just a funny thought to you. Sakuma was staring towards you, half confused, half panicked.

"I like you, you dummy." It was out before you could stop yourself. You slapped your hands against your mouth and stared towards Sakuma with wide eyes and then turned your head away, staring towards the ground again. Could you just sink through it, please?

"M-me?" He sounded utmost surprised. Or at least that was the only thing you could make out of it, because of your own panic. You just wanted to leave now and so you did. You turned around and started to walk away, but had completely forgotten that he was still holding your arm. So the moment you turned around, he gripped your wrist tighter and pulled you back towards him, making you literally twirl into his arms.

You froze as he hugged you tightly to him and he bent forward to your ear.

"I'm glad. I thought you might fall for Genda's casualty. Like about every girl does."

You couldn't help but ease up in his grip and hugging back, chuckling softly, as you now finally understood what had been going on back then.

"I think he wouldn't dare, you know." You said softly. "I think he would like to keep walking."

"Hmm.." Sakuma hummed and loosened up a bit so he could look you in the eye, a loving smile on his lips.

You both leaned in for a kiss and, as your lips molded together, heard a few wolf whistles behind the two of you. You wanted to look up, but Sakuma kept you firmly in place.

"Just ignore those idiots." He said to your lips. You chuckled softly and pulled him closer.

"Fine then." You whispered and started kissing him again.


Yeah.. I don't know if it's any good. And I know it's kinda odd, since you barely know each other.. Just see it as love at first sight for you, and Sakuma has been dragging his three friends to that café ever since he first saw you, wanting nothing but for you to be his.. or something..

Anyway, it's really odd. I feel like I'm ordering you around.. ahhh.. well, whatever.

Hope you enjoyed it.

Bye bye