Hahaha...so it has almost been two years now since I last apologized for not updating. I am sooooooo sorry. I still want to write this but I can't make any really good promises, so here is all I have to say: I start college this fall and will try to write in any free time I have (I still want to maybe be a writer while I'm kicking butt as a research geneticist). That said, it is all dependent on if I have said free time (all five of the class I'm taking are honors class because I love stressing myself and nearly dying apparently).

If this story is to continue, it will be updated some time before Christmas. I can't be anymore specific than that though. But now that I have given myself a deadline I might actually start doing this.

You see, I came up with the plot for this like three years ago or so and I didn't really have it sorted out then past it being a story about a couple of idiots in a zoo...so once I actually figure out what this thing is going to be about, it will start rolling out a lot faster and easier. If I don't have a plot figured out then I rush into a story without knowing what the heck I'm doing and then end of have horrible plot inconsistencies and panic and quit writing (seen also in my story Behind the Mask, which has been rewritten on my laptop literally six times and I have finally worked out its entire plot but have not yet found time to actually type out said plot...yeah, I'm sorry for that hiatus too).

Anyway, point is, if I can figure out some kind of story arc for this, then it will be written.

Or maybe I'll just make this a collection of cute little stories that all take place in the zoo-niverse. That actually sounds good...I could do that easily. Heck, I could do that right now, if you guys would like that?

I don't know... I will figure it out. Either little fluffy stories will start appearing on here over the next few weeks, or a real plot-driven story will show up in the fall.

Sorry again. This pseudo-update turned into me talking myself through being an active writer again.
