DISCLAIMER: I do not own naruto.

let your heart and soul hunger for more

rating-meh ill tell you when it gets bad.

-Sakura's POV-

The sweat on my brow began to make its way down to my hazed jade eyes. Forced to put down the rusty shovel, I wiped clean my dirt infested face with the clothed crook of my elbow. Already, the blisters on my hands began to sting as i made contact with the shovel once again to finish off the day of working three jobs. I would remember tomorrow that this new job that would help bring in a little extra money needed gloves...which a pair of old socks would have to do.

digging up land for a basement had seemed easy at first, until i was three hours into the labor. And the man who originally told me he was going to help was now sitting on a stack of hay enjoying his booze. twilight crept over the village finally destroying the overpowering shadow of what was known as the 'Uchiha Kingdom'. Just thinking of that name made my blood boil and my thrust into the ground made the shovel snap.

The man looked over at me and scowled. "Your going to have to pay for that! and if you don't, i will take it out of what you earn!" he threatened and threw his booze bottle at me. He couldn't catch me while intoxicated so i took off down the winding street.

I made it to the front door of my small house and went in.

three small humans attacked my legs giggling and pulling me towards the room that a glorious smell was protruding from. My mother turned and smiled as she set the small table in the middle of the shrunken kitchen. "hello dear, it seems you have had a long day, Senji, Keji and Renji have talked about how much they have missed you." her smile made my day as i turned to face the three little boys. "guess what bedtime story we are gonna read tonight?" I ask and their faces light up. "'The Hero's Revenge'?" Keji nearly screams as Renji nods in approval. what about 'warrior of peace?!" Senji offers but i shake my head. "No, even better than those two! you see, i got a new book this morning from my savings! it's called..."

i pull it out of the small nap-sack that my mother had made on my side revealing the cover. " The Prince and the Pauper." the three boys read out and all turned to me with the brightest smile on their faces.

"Mom, don't think i forgot you!" i reach back into the nap-sack and pull out a book and hand it to her. "A Cook Book for only Skilled chefs." decorated the hard book covering. She turned around with a tear in her eye and hugged me. "thank you Sakura, So much." i knew she loved it, because she used my real name instead of a small easy pet name. I smile back and trot to the room she and i share to clean up and change.

My pearl pink hair ascends to my shoulders as i free it from the small tied hair band that has broken more than once in its existence. Many have asked if my hair is some sort of joke but i assure them that its natural and go no further than that.

I step into the small bathtub and turn the water on, the steam calms me but as the water reaches my feet, i pull back with a hiss. the blisters decorating my feet sting front the temperature of the water and it takes me several minutes for my body to soothe and settle in the water.

My mind races around as i look out the small window only to be met with the stare of a towering castle in the distance.

The only emotion i can feel for the Uchiha's is hatred. living in this village, having to go by the orders of a prince is beyond my belief. Ever since the king died, Konoha has turned upside down. The inheritance was given to the youngest son, due to his older brothers rebellion. before our world turned upside down, i was all for the younger brother, he was the one i would talk about to all my friends, the one i claimed to marry later on, but now after what he has NOT done, he is merely nothing more than a demon destined to kill. His name is Sasuke Uchiha.

-Sasuke's POV-

The brim of his cup rested on the line of his mouth as his top butler entered his chambers carrying the requested meal.

setting it down beside his master, he turned and began to fidget with his gloves. Sasuke eyed him watching his actions like a feline stalking a tiny rodent.

"Juro, what is it that has gotten you so flustered?" his voice flows out with a hint of confusion as Juro looks around hesitantly. "Y-Your Majesty, there has been news that general Hatake Kakashi and some of the elite members of Suna are on their way here to discuss matters about the kingdom and its finance." he replies and Sasuke sets his cup down.

"when are they destined to be here?" Sasuke asked as he stood and walked to the window near his desk and stared down at his village. "In two days Your majesty." Sasuke's face showed no emotion as he turned and faced Juro. "Make sure the guards order the paupers and peasants to clean the village before they arrive, So that i do not look pitiful in front of the elite's of Suna." Juro nodded and hurried off to tell the guards as Sasuke looked over at the food that was getting cold. He signaled for a maid and pointed towards the food so that she would discard it in any way she deemed fit. Alone in his chambers Sasuke pulled his suit jacket off, then his undershirt, he made a trail of clothes that led to the large bath that only took up a small portion of his room.

He sighed as the hot water pelted his back massaging the knots that had formed earlier that evening. His mind wandered and traced all of the things that were soon to happen and if he could actually get the village cleaned before his guest came. his worry began to show on his face but he quickly turned back to his emotionless gaze as he began to wash.

The bed underneath him felt strangely uncomfortable and he rolled around in it for a while. He sat up aggravated as his hair clung to his cheeks from the previous shower. with his lips pursed and chest showing, he strode out of his chambers and into the hallway where his two maids stood waiting for orders. They blushed at the sight of his lean, built structure as he stood in front of them. "I-Is there something the matter My lord?" one of the maids stuttered as the other repeated the last two words. "Yes, i want another Bed, one more comfortable. Mine feels to stiff." the maids nodded and took off quickly to alert some butlers for help.

As soon as his new bed was in place and the old one was taken to the dump, Sasuke laid down and got into a position to sleep, but he then realized this bed felt the exact same. what was wrong with the beds? were they not made for comfort? or did stress make him think the beds were uncomfortable? Sasuke sighed as he got up and walked to his window. a small house in the distance caught his eye, the back room window was lit up and something pink was hovering near it, just as soon as he was squinting it vanished and he pulled back with a sigh. the morning would bring trouble and he didn't want to deal with it. He crawled back in bed and just when he thought he wouldn't get good sleep, he drifted off into the abyss of darkness in his mind.

-Sakura's POV-

The water was getting cold and my worries of the day had been lifted a while ago. I stood and draped an old tattered cloth around my body and pulled the plug in the bath.

Dressed in an old nightgown my mther lent me and my wet hair tied back again, i strolled into the kitchen to eat. Rice, beans and a little rabbit meat lay on the table, enough left for my grumbling stomache to consume.

I ate quickly and set off to the boys room to find them waiting for the story i was soon to read them.

"Okay boys, shall we start on the first chapter tonight? or should we read anither book?" i ask them with a grin, knowing full well the answer to that question. "The new one! New one!" the three shouted and i giggled. "okay then, but you have to promise you will listen to everything, because it will teach you a very valuable lesson."

Beginning the book was not what the children expected. It was quite boring especially when you expect blood and gore from the previous books. But no matter it still put them to sleep. Senji mumbled that tomarrow he would pay atttention but he soon was back to sleep like the other two.

I stood and leaned over, kissing Senji's light orange head. Then on to Reji's dark Red head and Keji's golden head. My parents family never had a perminant color so looking at all of us, it looked as if we weren't even related. Walking out of the room, my mother greeted me and pulled me in for a hug, which i gladly returned. "So how was that new job today?" she asks and i look down. "i kind of broke the shovel.. And i ran away." her smile turned upside down and she placed my hand in hers. "im sorry that i am not a good mother, and cannot support you." she looked as if she was going to cry and i grabbed her shoulders gently. "Mother! You know full well that you are the greatest support i have! If it had not been for you, my stomache would not be full, clothes would not be in my possession and there would be no roof over my head. Mother, you and the boys are the only people in this sick world that i will fight for till the end! We may not have money, we may not have friends, but what we do have is each other. And that to me, is good enough! These jobs on my belt are only bringing in a dime every few hours. Soon, the boys will be able to bring in money on their own. Then we will be prosperous, but for now mother, we will be fine."

A tear falls from my eye and soon after a trail of tears stings my cheeks, but i keep my eyes focused on hers. Just as she opens her lips to say something, a knock on the door causes us both to jump. "who could that be?" i mutter as i inch forwards to the door, grabbing a knife and holding it behind my back.

"Sakura? Forehead?!" a voice, muffled by the door makes both mother and I sigh in relief. Placing the knife back down i open it to see Ino, my old friend obviously panting possibly from running. "Sakura! The guards! They have ordered that all villagers must clean the premisses before thursday or we will be thrown out of our houses!" she runs off before i am able to say a word and i bolt out into the streets without a word to my mother to witness these guards.

Sure enough when i came around the corner, guards were walking up the street, some knocking on doors to tell the horrid news, others telling villagers outside what needs to be done.

A guard spots me. "You there! Get the trash around her picked up! These filthy alcohol bottles and crates need to be rid of!" he shouts and i look at him curiously. "what is this all about?" I ask, knowing i have no buisness with what the guards say. "Just do it peasant!" he orders me and i feel the blood in my veins boil, but i do as i am told so that my family is safe.

As soon as a large portion of the village is cleaned i stumble home in need of rest, with my mother already in bed, i lay next to her and drift into a dreamless, painless sleep.


Waking up, I realized I slept in too late and hustled to throw some decent outdoor clothes on. Taking care of my needs in the bathroom, i busted out into the kitchen noticing a small bowl of porridge waiting for me. mom smiled from her seat and I picked it up. "Thanks mom. would you like to explain why everyone let me sleep in?" i ask quickly as i down the food. "well, since everyone in the village is out cleaning, they could care less about the small jobs you were doing for their own personal interests." she said as she knitted a small sock back together. "ah, where are the children?" I ask as i shove the bowl into the sink and turn to see her walking my way. "outside dear. they are sweeping the streets. The guards made sure that they did something as well, As you can see though, I have finished my job already." she says as she starts on the dishes her, the boys and I had left. knowing that whatever job it was took up a short amount of time so questioning her about the labor would not be necessary. I took my leave after tampering and putting on some quick gloves made out of socks.

The streets were busy for a Wednesday, people pulling weeds, straightening fences, rolling barrels of coffee, it looked extremely confusing but no doubt it was getting the job done. A guard waves me over and I make my way to him. " Since your not busy, i would like you take care of the Alcohol just lying around here. it is preferable that it is hidden from view, maybe you could put it in that cellar over there, speak to the owner and I'm sure they will understand. make sure you tell them i told you too." I nod and take off towards the house. Knocking three times, the door opens and a short grumpy old woman stares me in the eye. "what is it that you want?" she asks and crosses her arms. "The guard over there wants to borrow your cellar to store alcohol in for a bit." I say calmly trying not to sound rude. "And whats it to me?" she grumbles.

"Your house." i turn to the voice that spoke directly behind me to see a man, about the same age as me. His spiky blond hair lay halfway down his neck and whiskers etched his tanned face. the ocean blue of his eyes met my leaf green ones and he smiled. "So if you don't mind, we will just be putting it down there!" he said happily and pulled me by the arm.

"hey! what are you doing! let me go!" at my command he did as i said. "Hey, i just saved you from getting your head ripped off. she hates young people." he said as he picked up a crate of beer." i follow his actions and follow him down into the cellar. "thanks..." i murmur slightly annoyed that someone could be so prejudice and judge people based off of their age. He turns and grins from ear to ear. "No problem! dattebayo!"

I blink a few time and set down the alcohol crate. "Huh?" i ask. "Huh? what do you mean?" he asks back. I shake my head, "what did you just say?" I say confused. and he just looks at me. "what do you mean?" he asks again. "OH geez! its nothing!" i growl as i stomp back up the stairs of the cellar. "Say Pinky, whats your name?" I turn on my heal and ground my fist into his head. "CHA! My name is Sakura Haruno! NOT PINKY!" i practically scream in his ear.

He rubs his head and whimpered. "Gah Sakura, chill!" he whined and i picked up another crate. "what your your name BLONDY?" i asked irritated.

he grins and picks up a crate. "Naruto Uzumaki!" he shouts a little too loud and everyone looks over at us. "Quiet bonehead!" i growl and he chuckles. Today was going to be a long day...