A/N- Little tiny ficlets to eleven prompt-words given by tophbeithong on tumblr. Three are for Legend of Korra, but as the other eight are, in fact, ATLA, I figured it belonged here rather than there.


One of the first things Aang discovers about the Fire Nation is that the excessive heat makes earthbending a very sweaty exercise, and one best done wearing as little as possible. Katara quickly discovers that she doesn't mind this at all.


Pema isn't typically perturbed by the peripheral noise her children make. It's when the house gets quiet that she starts to worry.


As age sets in and saps the youthful vitality from his limbs, Sokka focuses more on his artistic endeavors. In fact, he becomes almost obsessive about it. More than once, Suki finds him late at night, napping on his little table. She cleans the flecks of drying paint from his face and hands and ushers her sleepy husband off to bed.


Sometimes, when they are children, Ty Lee feels transparent. People look right through her, and why shouldn't they? They only need to see one sister to have seen them all. But even she has a breaking point, and a traveling circus and a shouting match with her mother brings her to hers.


I wish Aang had sat next to me, she thinks. She imagines him whispering things in her ear. Imagines the two of them making fun of this mockery of a play. Imagines, maybe, touching his hand with hers and pretending it was unintentional. But instead he's far away, and she has her nostrils full of the perennial scent of Zuko.


"Aang," she says to him one day, "Are you ever going to kiss me?"


Water Tribe people have blue eyes. It's one of those things that everybody knows. But Bolin thinks he didn't really understand it until he met Korra.


Sometimes Sokka sees Aang sitting alone, knees drawn up to his chest and his whole body furled inward in a ball, with a pensive, faraway look on his face. He wonders how his little friend copes with all he's lost.


"We are never," Mai drawls, "Coming to this hellish frozen wasteland ever again."


When her father betrayed her, it felt like something froze inside Asami Sato's heart. She wondered if that was why Mako left her; after all, firebenders don't generally like ice queens.