Chapter 38

Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin or the BBC. I do however own my knights Sir Richard and Sir Liam, who will be back!

Thank you for all the people who reviewed, pressed favorite, followed and just plain read this.


"I hope that you have taken care of the other one." The skinnier one said to the larger one.

"Yeah, you don't have to worry bother. I dumped his body in the lake. There's no way that he could survive."

Floating that's what it felt like.

Gaius must have given me really strong potions if I can't feel anything. I just wish that I could open my eyes and find out what the hell is going on. Not that staying here was back it's peaceful, but there was something that I had to tell someone.

I can't remember! Did I get injured in a patrol or what? Come on eye's open up.

It was a struggle to open his eyes but he finally managed to crack them open. Gwaine was surprised to see sky above his head. He was so sure that he had been in the physician chamber by the way there was no pain usually only Gaius's potions could do that. Moving his head to the side he spluttered as water washed over his face. Huh that's why I felt like I was floating. Lifting his head up, he could see that he was floating on a large lake. He vaguely thought that he recognized the lake but he wasn't too sure.

A shadow fell across his face leaving him blinking upwards. He couldn't help but crack a huge toothy smile at the beautiful girl smiling down at him. She had a small soft face outlined with dark locks of hair; she was wearing a dress that was fit for a lady. His first thought was that she was quiet beautiful and that he should start chatting her up. His second thought was how she could be standing on the water like that, it only made sense if she wasn't human or had magic. Gwaine really hoped that it was magic. He didn't wasn't to end up as a monsters dinner. He couldn't help but think about all things that could disguise it's self as human.

"Hello there."

"Hello Sir Knight, don't try to move too much I am healing you but it will take time." Her voice chimed.

"I don't remember what happened." Gwaine frowned.

"That is perfectly normal, you will remember in time but for now rest." She reassured him.

"What is your name?" Gwaine yawned suddenly feeling tired.

"Freya, my name is Freya." She replied as his eyes closed and he fell into a blissful sleep.

The next time that Gwaine opened his eyes as the sun was beginning to set with no sign of the young woman before. Feeling his shoulders bump into the shore line, Gwaine continued to float in the shallow water trying to gather his thoughts. There really was something that he had to tell someone and it was really important but for the love of Camelot he couldn't think of it. He didn't know how long he laid there; it was just very comfortable that he didn't want to move. He was slowly putting the sequence of events back in order. He remembered being in Ealdor with Arthur, Merlin and the rest of the knights and he remembered them leaving Merlin and himself to make their way back to Camelot in their own time.

Gwaine remembered leaving Ealdor with Merlin, and the warlock being distracted while they traveled. He had tried to help his friend by continuing to talk whether or not Merlin talked back. They had stopped for a rest near this lake and Merlin seemed even more upset by staying here. Contrary to popular believe Gwaine did notice what went on around him. Whether it is people's feelings or actions. He remembered that stupid rabbit that had come bounding out of the bushes scaring him. Unfortunately he had screamed like a little girl and Merlin had seen his embarrassment, which was one memory that he could do without. Frowning he wasn't too sure what happened after Merlin left shaking his head in amusement.

"You were injured, Sir Knight." Freya was back.

"Your back!" Gwaine grinned.

"Of cause Sir Knight, you are my beloved's friend." Freya said.

"I don't think that it could be Percival." He muttered to himself. "Oh I know its Leon isn't it. That's how he survives all those life and death situations."

"No dear knight, his name is Merlin. He was here earlier, but he was taken by two men. You were injured so I healed you." Freya said simply.

"Oh I want to thank you for that."

"You don't need to, you have helped my beloved while he was down, and you accepted his magic without question. Most important of all you didn't think of him as a monster and hate him for something that he was born with. I know that it's one of his fears, and I'm glad that there is someone that doesn't think that about Merlin." Freya smiled.

"Wait your telling me that you and Merlin?" Gwaine asked surprised.

"Yes, he saved me many years ago."

"Let me guess in secret?"

"Yes." Freya conformed.

Gwaine couldn't help but smile at that. It was so very Merlin. Keeping a beautiful woman like this hidden from him and the rest of the knights; let alone Arthur and Guinevere. Now that he saw it, it made a lot more sense, all the women that seem to give him a flirtatious smile or look and Merlin was completely oblivious to the attention that he was receiving. Gwen told him of a female servant that used to follow Merlin around without the warlock realizing. Apparently everyone in the castle knew of this girl's affections except the person that she desired. She soon learnt that there was nothing but friendship from Merlin. The only reason that Gwaine didn't know about this was due to the patrol that he was on at the time. Lucky for him Gwen told him all about it when he returned; he didn't stop teasing Merlin for the next month. He stopped smiling when he finally realized that he was soaking wet and sitting on the shore of the lake.

Trying not to swear in front of the lady; Gwaine carefully stood up trying not to splash Freya. Now standing in ankle deep water; Gwaine held his hand out towards Freya intent on helping her out of the water as a gentleman does however she just smiled and shook her head.

"I cannot leave this lake. It is both my home and my grave." She said grimly.

"What do you mean by that?" Gwaine asked confused.

"I died here but Merlin saved me with his magic; that is all I know."

"Wait you died?"

"Yes, I was murdered."


"I don't wish to discuss that." Freya dismissed it looking sad.

"But I could help you get your revenge on the person that murdered you." Gwaine argued.

"I do not blame the man wielding the sword that dealt the blow that killed me, I was a danger to any city that I was in. I had the unfortunate experience with a sorceress that cursed me for killing her son." She said sadly.

"I hardly think that you are capable of killing a person on purpose." Gwaine said skeptically.

"It was self-defense, the man attacked me and I defended myself, I didn't mean to kill him, I just want him to stop. Unfortunately I went too far and when his mother found out she cursed me to kill in the form of a monster."

"You are no monster, I have battled them and you don't look anything like them." '

"You are too kind sir knight but it was true." she said shyly.

After a moment of silence Gwaine started up once more.

"So you and Merlin hmm! Man he knows how to pick them." Gwaine chuckled.

"What makes you think that we are together?" Freya inquired raising her eyebrow in an uncanny picture of Gaius.

"I ... I don't know." Gwaine said giving her his puppy eyes in the hope that she let him of the hook.

Laughing out loud Freya couldn't help but shake her head at him. "You are exactly like Merlin told me. He's talked about all you Knights of Camelot and about King Arthur when he comes to visit me. But this is all distracting you from going back to Camelot for help. You need to get going; Merlin needs you. He needs you to tell Arthur about what has happened here. Tell him that Morgana's ally had taken him and that he is in danger. Tell him that she also has the Lords missing manservant. But Gwaine do not trust the Lord he is a slippery as a snake and will betray Arthur at every turn."

"You do not have to worry my Lady, I think I know of which Lord you speak of and I do not trust him at all." Gwaine replied.

"Go now, it will be a long night and you still have far to go. Do me one favor, when you see Merlin again tell him that I miss him."

"I will my Lady." Gwaine nodded.

He watched as she waded back into the lake and sunk beneath the surface. Shaking his head at how Merlin managed to end up with a hot woman like that Gwaine strolled over to where the horses were last seen. He tried to ignore the soaked boots and clothes but felt like grimacing every time his foot squelched in the water stuck in his boot. Amazingly the horses were still tied up munching on the grass as if nothing had happened. Taking the time to change his clothes with his spares he hooked Merlin horse up to his own and set of in the direction of Camelot. If I road though out the night I would managed to arrive before the midday meal.

Gwaine had rode though out the night and did indeed manage to arrive a few hours before the sun reached midday. Strangely instead of feeling drained and worn out from the horse ride he felt well rested. He could only assume it had something to do with what Freya had done to heal him. Entering the citadel gates he noticed the guards pointing in his direction and shouting to someone out of his view. Pushing that out of his mind for now he concentrated on his mission to find Arthur and tell him about Merlin. Pulling his horse to a stop he dismounted handing his rains to the waiting stable boys. Both his horse and Merlin's were taken away to rest. Heading up the stairs to the door he was pleased to see a relived looking Arthur come charging out with the knights, Gwen and Gaius in tow. He noticed that Agravaine was there in the back of the group with an arm in a sling. Gwaine didn't forget Freya's words of warning.

"You two better have a good excuse for arriving here late." Arthur greeted him clasping his forearm; he looked over to where the horses were being led away and continued. "Tell Merlin that as soon as he's done looking after the horses that I require him in my chambers. As for you what took you guy's so long?"

"Arthur …I…"Gwaine started unsure of how to tell him.

"Come on Gwaine spit it out, a whole week we have been waiting, you guy's worried Gaius so much he asked me to send out a search party which I did. They came back saying there was not a trace of you two to be found. So… explain… now." Arthur demanded.

"Why would you send out a search party?" Gwaine asked confused. I came back on the right day, maybe he has already heard of Merlin's fate.

"Well that's what happens when you are a WEEK LATE!" Arthur said angrily.

"A WEEK? No that can't be right, I… it can't have been a week. Arthur we need to go! She's had him for a week; god knows what she has done to him in that time!" Gwaine panicked. Arthur looked to the knights who shrugged.

"What the hell are you taking about?" Arthur demanded.

Who's she?" Leon spoke up.

"Morgana! Morgana has Merlin. She's had him for a week!" Gwaine shouted. He didn't miss the smirk that was present on Lord Agravaine's face.

AN: Ok it has been quite a long time since I've updated, Sorry, my bad. I've' had issues that need to be sorted out. For all that are still reading this, I thank you and I hope to continue to update regularly.

Till next time.
