Akiko woke up groaning. The alarm wasn't ringing, but since it was her vacations, and she didn't have college that day, she could rest, but sleep left her, and she was forced to get up. She stretched her hand across the bed and found that Sosuke wasn't by her side. "Hmm?" She said, and opened one eye, and saw that he was nowhere to be seen. "Sosuke?" She called out, and sat up groaning once again. It had been a month since graduation, and Sosuke and her had moved in t0gether in her house, till they found a place to move in, in Okinawa.

Sex was something Akiko never wanted to talk about with Nel, or Aizen for that matter. Since Akiko wasn't a virgin anymore, she knew what sex was, and what it felt like and she had to admit that it felt better than what books told her, and it was obvious that it involved a lot of work.

Sosuke hadn't rushed her into anything, but ever since her first time with him, she hadn't done it again that frequently. It had been over ten days since she slept with him, and Akiko had hoped that Sosuke didn't think she was shunning him away.

She was quite uncomfortable, and the biggest reason was, she was shy.

Sosuke Aizen had a body of a god. Akiko always felt that he deserved better when she saw him naked or even shirtless for that matter. Akiko blushed darkly and realized she was wide awake now.

Sosuke Aizen on the other hand, was dying to pop a question to the girl, something which every reader already knows he might do. He gulped as he woke up, leaving a sleeping Akiko beside him. It had been over ten days since they had sex, he noticed her shyness, and he noticed her fears. He chuckled as he thought about it, but was afraid that she might think he was…disappointed.

Gin had returned from his short honeymoon, and he visited Akiko and Sosuke often. Rangiku was a woman Akiko adored immediately, and we all know how amazing that woman is. Rangiku sometimes gave Akiko tips on being the dominant one in the relationship, and Akiko knew that she couldn't ever be the dominant one. She didn't even want to be, but Rangiku insisted. "You should know who the dominant one in the relationship is, Akiko! It's highly efficient." Rangiku stated and Akiko giggled. "Oh, Rangiku, I don't think either me or Sosuke are even bothered about being the dominant one in this relationship-""While having sex, does he perform on top of you or you on top of him?" Akiko squealed at her question and stared at her face with a red face.

"Rangiku!" Akiko gasped and Rangiku cocked her eyebrow. "What do you and Nel even talk about?" Rangiku laughed and Akiko frowned. "Certainly not about this!" Akiko hissed.

Sosuke heard Akiko squeal from inside the kitchen and Gin chuckled. "So, you asked her yet?" Sosuke shook his head. "No." He murmured. "She seems the type to say yes immediately and cry about it happily. Ya shouldn't be afraid." Sosuke chuckled. "I'm not afraid, Gin. I know she'll say yes." Gin frowned slightly.

"Are you having second thoughts?" Aizen didn't answer.

During his relationship in this past month, Sosuke had been thinking a lot about what he was fighting for. Was it all worth it? Was Akiko really the one for him? He loved her, he knew that he felt for her something which he hadn't felt for any other girl ever in his life, and Akiko loved him more than anything she had loved before.

He even brought something that could mark her his, but Sosuke wasn't asking her the question because of one reason.

"Gin, I…""Listen Sosuke, I know what ya're thinking, and I don't like it. Whatever garbage that's stuffed inside that brain of yours, I want ya to get rid of it." Gin was serious. Sosuke sighed. "You don't understand." He muttered.

Akiko heard a knock on the door and she went to open the door. Her eyes widened at who it was and she blinked. "M-Momo?" Akiko said, and Momo smiled. Aizen stood up, and cussed and Momo said, "Are you…going to let me inside?" Akiko didn't want to, but she did let her in.

"I want to apologize." Momo began, and Aizen was hostile. Akiko's heart was jumping and she didn't know what to do. The last time Momo was in town, problems rose between her and Sosuke, and she dreaded that it might happen again. 'I don't think I can handle that.' Akiko thought to herself and her gaze shifted to Aizen. "I know the both of you have had problems because of me, and I…I didn't want you both to break out of this relationship because of me. I'm sorry for what happened, and I want to assure you that I have moved on now. Please, I know I am asking too much, but please forgive me." Momo said. And for some reason, Akiko believed her.

Momo's voice was genuine.

And her eyes still held love for Aizen.

Akiko smiled and said, "There's nothing to forgive, Momo." She said, and the other brunette stared at her with wide eyes. So did Aizen. "What?" Momo said and Akiko giggled. "There's nothing to forgive. I don't hold anything against you, you did nothing wrong." Aizen was baffled, and so was Momo.

The events after that were shockingly calm.

That night, when Aizen was about to go to bed, Akiko licked her lips and said, "You…haven't spoken to me all day." She said, and Sosuke flinched. "If…there's something on your mind, you can tell me. I don't mind." Aizen knew he couldn't.

"And even if you want to leave, I…I don't want to hold you back just because you…I…" Akiko's voice broke as she said, "If you don't want to stay I won't force you."

Akiko let out tears, and she breathed in when Aizen stood up and walked to her. He embraced her and she cried on his chest, and said, "If you don't love me anymore, I won't…I understand…" She said, and the man cradled her as she cried.

"I love you, Akiko." He said, and the girl cried harder.

She embraced him and he pulled her closer. "Then why…why are you avoiding me so much? I…I always think I'm not good enough for you…you…you are so perfect, and I…I'm just regular Akiko…even back at the time you joined in as a teacher at school, and began to show interest in me I wondered why…I mean, Nel was seriously far more attractive, and I was just…ordinary." Aizen frowned.

"I have no talents, I suck at a lot of things. I'm an average student, and I have average looks. I'm not that tall and I'm certainly not rich. I'm not good enough-""Akiko, will you marry me?"


Her heart was pounding and she blinked twice. Thrice. Four times.

For her it seemed like time had stopped. She stared at the man's face and she gulped. Had she heard correctly? Did he ask her what she thought he asked her? No, it couldn't be. "W-What?" She stammered and Sosuke kissed the girl's nose and said, "Marry me, Miss Maeda." Akiko's heard leapt.

"I…What?" She said once more and Sosuke sighed.

"Kekkon shite kudasai." Aizen stated firmly and saw Akiko was sobbing now. "Is this a j-joke?" She said and the man didn't move. "Akiko, what is wrong with you?" She pulled away from him, and for the first time Aizen felt his heart being ripped out. "I'm not good enough for you-""Do you want to marry me or not?" Aizen asked, smirking.

"Y-Yes, of course I do!" She said, loudly.

"Then, marry me." He stated once more and Akiko gulped. "But I'm so incomplete-""Well, that doesn't matter, because, all I see are your complete perfections, and your incomplete imperfections don't matter to me." Akiko's heart jumped.

"And who said you're not good enough for me?" Aizen spoke lowly, and Akiko was confused. "No one has to say it, it's painfully obvious." Sosuke chuckled and placed his palm on her cheek and said, "Earlier today, Gin mistook something I said." Akiko listened.

"Since I was avoiding you, which I was doing-"Akiko's heart dropped. "-he thought I didn't love you anymore. But, that wasn't the case at all."

The girl blinked.

"The reason I avoided you, was because of you." Akiko didn't understand. "What-""I didn't think I was good enough for you, Akiko." And that was true. Sosuke Aizen, the perfect man, the prodigy, the smart math whiz, believed that Akiko was a woman he didn't deserve.

"You might be regular Akiko, ordinary Akiko. But, for this shameless excuse of a man, who has made more mistakes than ten illiterate men put together, you are a saving grace. And hence, I didn't think I deserved you, Akiko. Sosuke Aizen, the so called math genius doesn't deserve the forgiving, regular, beautiful, ordinary, most understanding woman on earth, Akiko Maeda and that was why I was afraid in asking you this question."

Akiko breathed in, and held her breath as Aizen sunk to the ground, on one knee, opening a small box in his hand. Inside the jewel box, was the most beautiful ring she had ever laid eyes on.

Akiko's eyes widened.

"I'll ask again, will you marry me-""Yes!" Akiko said, and thus Akiko and Sosuke were engaged.

The wedding took place a month later. Nel was the maid of honor, with bridesmaids Rangiku and Yoruichi. Surprisingly, the best man was Grimmjow and Gin. Kisuke smiled at the girl, his feelings put behind him, and he accepted what had happened wholly.

Loly and Menoly held expressions which stated betrayal. But, didn't say anything as such.

Tier didn't expect this wedding to even happen, and she even stated it. "I thought he'd sleep with you and all will be over." Akiko held a black expression to that statement and smiled, because she didn't know how to react to that.

Ichigo hugged Akiko for roughly ten minutes, not willing to let her go at all. "If you're happy, I'm okay with it, but if that man hurts you, I'll kill him." Akiko giggled.

The wedding went well, and Sosuke said something to her that night which made her extremely uncomfortable. "So, still saying no to sex?" Akiko licked her lips, and her heart pounded. "Um…" Sosuke chuckled. "Miss Maeda, I mean, Mrs. Aizen, I think I have the rights now, don't I?" Akiko chuckled.

They didn't have any more problems after that.

Because if they recalled the best moments that they lived, were the little moments behind closed doors. Those secret kisses and hushed meetings. The fierce fights that broke them apart, and later realized that they were the reason the two of them kept holding on. They held onto a hope that they didn't know existed, a hope that kept their love for each other burning.

Because everything began with a closed door, and now when the doors are open and nothing is left to hide, the two of them live on with those sweet memories they know are irreplaceable, and now, they live on a platform where they can create many more sweeter memories.

"You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love."

A/N: Aw it's over! :'(
I must say, I had fun writing this one.
And for those who reviewed and kept my fire for updating burning, thank you.
I wouldn't have been able to move forward without my readers giving me the confidence to do so.
Thank you, and I love you all! :)