To my Dear, Awesome, AMAZING Readers,

Alright, so let me start off by saying I'm posting this in both of stories I'm working on now Wavering Washington and Left Behind, and if you have are still keeping up with them, you are utterly amazing. As I'm sure you've noticed, I haven't been updating very well for at least month and I thought I'd update you of what exactly it going on, because it isn't fair of me to just disappear off the face of the earth like that.

Remember a couple chapters back when I said I hadn't been updating because a friend of mine, Felicity, was sick and I needed to look after her? And then she got better? Well, things have changed a bit and I didn't give you guys the whole picture.

Felicity isn't my friend first off, she's my daughter. Now freeze. I can feel some of you doing the math in your head, since I have mentioned before that I'm fifteen. I want to make it clear that if I hear a single negative thing towards me, or my daughter I swear to God I will go off on you. No, I am not a slut who got knocked up by her boyfriend and I resent those words every time I hear them (and my actual boyfriend, Jason, would like to add that he does too). I was thirteen at the time and walking alone from school one day. That should be enough for you to figure out what happened. We're dropping this topic now, please do not comment on it.

Anyways, Felicity is still a baby, only just passing her first birthday. At birth however, she was diagnosed with a congenital heart anomaly. That's the main reason I've been so absent. It hasn't been horrible, up until a couple months ago. A lot of drugs and treatments aren't safe to use either so everything has been an awful, emotional fight…In fact, that may have been the reason all my writing has been so emotional as well come to think of it! Felicity went into recovery, since she had surgery and this kind of heart problem isn't normally that serious, but due to other genetic problems (at least we think that is what it is…We really don't know her father's records to be sure since I don't have any of the diseases) she has recently worsened.

This has been…Extraordinarily hard for me, as I'm sure you can understand. I need to focus on my child, and giving everything I have to making her better. Which is why I'm discontinuing these stories. I'm still going to write, it is a great escape when I'm sitting in a hospital waiting room, but I can't ever seem to focus on these stories anymore. I'm immensely sorry for making you guys wait this long, but it has been really hard to write this A/N… I'm actually tearing up a little right now.

Back to the point. I'm no longer going to be updating these, but if anyone wants to finish them, I am totally fine with giving them up for adoption. Just PM me so I know and can post something to tell who is finishing it.

Finally, I just wanted to say thank you all for reviewing and encouraging me and that I am truly sorry I'm unable to finish. Also, I know that there are some incredibly kind hearts out there who are probably already thinking of ways to help me through this right now and thank you for the thoughts, but I would appreciate it if no one PMed me about this. I feel like that would just make it so much harder for me.

Thanks again,
