"That was quick," Gran said, as I hung up the phone.

"Someone walked into Eric's office and he had to cut out conversation short, " I said, shrugging.

"Did he tell you what he has planned for your date?"

"He told me to wear comfortable clothing that I wouldn't mind getting dirty."

"So you can cross off dinner with the governor?" she teased.

"Yes, " I laughed. "Ballet and opera are pretty much out too."

"Maybe he is taking you ATV riding or to play paintball," Gran said grinning. Jason was known to take girls on dates like that.

"Maybe we are going to take a pottery class or take a special late night visit to the zoo and ride the elephants."

We amused ourselves for quite a while thinking up dates that might involve getting dirty. I laughed my head off when Gran suggested jello wrestling. Then we had a discussion about what flavor of jello people wrestle in. Gran was set on orange because that is her least favorite. She reasoned that if jello wrestling syndicates (are there such things ?) used up all the orange jello, she would never have to eat it at a church function again. We decided to go to bed on that note. Have I mentioned how much I love my Gran?

At 8:15 the next evening I was ready – jeans, tennis shoes, pretty blue blouse, Bon Temps High hoodie over my arm.

"What time is he coming?" Gran asked.

"8:30." She smiled.

"Try not to run to the door when he pulls up," Gran teased.

Eric arrived shortly with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"For you," he said. He almost looked nervous.

"Thank you, they are beautiful," I responded and went to put them in water. He and Gran were whispering something when I came back in the living room.

"Did I miss something?" I asked. They looked at each other. Gran and Eric were up to something.

"Have fun, Sookie," Gran said smiling. "Don't come home with orange hair."

I laughed and we wished her good night.

"Orange hair?" Eric asked as we headed out the door.

I just shook my head. "I'm not sure I can even explain it." I so didn't want to get Eric thinking about jello wrestling.

"Whose truck?" I asked. I had just assumed he drove the Corvette.

"I borrowed it from a friend. My Corvette isn't always practical." Hmmm. I couldn't disagree with that. What were we doing tonight?

He drove along the interstate and got off about ten miles this side of Shreveport. Then we sped down country roads.

"Are you sure you know where you're going?" I asked as we seemed to be leaving civilization all together.

"I'm sure," he answered with an easy smile. This really was a date, wasn't it? He wasn't taking me out somewhere to kill me or lock me up, was he?

"Sookie?" Eric asked. He must have felt my fear.

"We'll be there soon?"

"Yes." Eric took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "You are safe with me, Sookie. I promise."

I believed him.

We pulled onto a gravel road. I gave Eric a look.

"Almost," he said. Suddenly we were in a clearing, near a large lake.

"Have you ever been fishing?"Eric asked.

"I'm from Bon Temps and Jason Stackhouse is my brother," I answered. Eric gave me a look. "Yes, I've been fishing before." I was smiling. Fishing would be fun.

Eric pulled two cane poles from the trunk, plus a tackle box and some bait. "I think there is blanket behind the seat." I found the blanket and a bag with a tag that said "Enjoy! Pam"

"Did you know Pam sent something along?"

"She said you might want some refreshment." We found a spot along the bank and settled ourselves.

"Would you like me to bait your hook?" Eric asked.

"I can manage," I replied.

Eric smiled approvingly. "Cricket or nightcrawler?"

"Nightcrawler." I swear he picked the fattest, longest one in the tub.

I baited my hook without being squeamish and cast my line. Eric did the same.

"My father taught me to fish," Eric began. Eric told me about growing up in his village. He talked about his parents, brothers and sisters, his wife, his children. I told him about growing up a telepath and losing my parents. We laughed, we were sad, and we caught a few fish.

"Thank you," I said when we agreed that we had a nice mess of fish.

"I can't take all of the credit. According to Pam, Dear Abby says the best way to get to know someone is to share something of yourself."

"Tell her thanks for the snacks and the good advice." She had sent gold fish crackers, Swedish fish, and gummy worms. Who said vampires had no sense of humor?

"Would you like for me to cook a fish for you?"

I didn't usually have fish for a midnight snack, but I could tell Eric really wanted me to say yes.

"Yes, please."

In no time Eric had a small fire going and the fish gutted and roasting.

"You did that really well for someone who doesn't eat," I remarked.

He actually looked a little embarrassed. "Some things you don't forget – and I've been practicing."

The fish was delicious.

Eric held my hand and we headed back to the truck. "I enjoyed your company very much tonight," he said.

"And I enjoyed yours too."

"Can I take you out on your next night off?" Eric asked.


He pulled me close and kissed me for all he was worth. When I came up for air, Eric tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and stroked my cheek.

"I love you Sookie Stackhouse," he said.

"I love you too."

We'd find a way to make this work, I just knew it.

Thanks for reading! I finished HEA over the weekend (why do I preorder from Amazon?). I enjoyed it and was very sad to say good bye to all Charlaine's great characters. What am I going to obsess about now? lol