So this is a new story of mine...I'm not going to say much, except that I hope you all like it.

Be kind to my BrainChild.

Every girl is provided with a robe when they come to this place. The first robe is plain, thin cotton, with patches from years of wear and tear. After about a year you're upgraded to a new fluffy robe of your own. the longer you've been here, and the more money you bring in, the better robe you acquire.

I've been here for five years. I got my silk robe yesterday.

It was a bittersweet feeling.

It meant I was good at what I did. I was good at being a whore. Then again, robes are how everyone knows your rank here. Silk is the top. Silk means respect from all the women around you in this dog eat dog place.

You wear your robe everywhere. You dont really have a choice, it's the only article of clothing you own.

Daddy Snow makes sure of that.

Cornelius Snow is the owner of The Capitol, the finest brothel in all of Chicago. He controls everything here: what you eat, what you look like, who you see.

This place is not what everyone outside thinks. It's not an unorganized orgie full of heathan women that 'can't be tamed.' Sure some of girls came here to live what they see as an easy life. There are some who show up on the doorstep because they feel they have no place else to turn. Others are brought in by Cato and Cray, Snows gangmen.

That's how I came here. They found me in an alley, cold and close to death.

They brought me into a room and left me with a small man with an odd beard. He was sitting at a small round table with a stack of papers in front of him. He stared at me for a moment, it was obvious he was keeping an emotionless facade.

"Hello, my name is Seneca Crane. Please, have a seat..." his voice had an oddly soothing quality, he motioned for me to sit in the chair across from him.

We sat ther for the next half hour or so, the only dialogue was him asking questions and me answering them. he recirded all of my personal information.

My name is Katniss Marie Everdeen.

I am thirteen.

I have grey eyes.

I have brown hair.

I am a runaway.

No...I am not a virgin.

Seneca's facade cracked more and more the farther we went into this interveiw or sorts. Finally after recording my height, weight, and measurements he laid his pen down.

"Do you know where you are Miss Everdeen?"

I shake my head. He sighs and rubs the back of his neck.

"Have you ever heard of a place called The Capitol?"

"Only in passing..."

"Do you have any idea what The Capitol is Miss Everdeen?"

I shake my head again.

"Miss Everdeen...The's's a brothel dear..."

I felt my heart drop into the pit of my stomach. I felt as thugh all of the blood had been drained from my body. I jumped up from my chair and ran to the door and tried my best to open it.

I was in tears. Seneca sat at his table.

After what seemed like a lifetime of struggling I sank to the floor and hugged my knees close to me.

"Miss um..Katniss?"

I looked up and Seneca had a hand stretched out, I took it and he helped me off the floor. I sat back at the table and Seneca took his seat again.

"Now Katniss...I know this is all alot to take in but-"

"A lot to take in?! Seneca I'm not a whore. I can't be here"

"Katniss! Calm yourself! There is something you need to understand. You are not your own person now. You are now the property of Cornelius Snow, you however will only adress him as Daddy Snow...Please understand Katniss. If you defy him...You will be punished in the most horrific ways. If you deny him...he will TAKE what he wants. If you even think about leaving...He will have you killed."

I felt myself grow pale.

Seneca had me stand under a large lamp that looked as if it came from an examination room in a hospital. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me to behave and nothing bad would happen to me.

I didn't beleive him.

A few minures after Seneca left a tall broad man with stark white hair and the eyes of a serpent entered the room. He was dressed in all black. With a white lapel rose.

He introduced himself as Daddy Snow.

One look at me and Snow declared me a best seller...I didn't understand at the time...but it didn't take long to figure it out.

As Cray escorted me to my room that night I noticed that every other girl I passed had short hair, like the flappers that my mother would always warn me about. She would tubk me in at night and tell me about the wild women that drank and slept around at the speak-easies. She made me promise that I would be a good girl. Then she would run her fingers through my hair.

The next day Snow came to my room and told me he was taking me to a stylist. I asked if he was going to cut my hair. He smiled a sickly sweet smile that made my skin crawl, chuckled, and stroked my hair as if he were petting a dog. I had to fight the urge to slap him. He told me he would never cut my hair. That it along with my grey eyes, tan freckles, and round lips were part of my exotic charm. He left me to get 'pampered.' More like plucked as if I were a turkey for thanksgiving. Every hair was ripped from my body. I felt truly naked. I was escorted back to my room and gven protocol for clients. Then told my first one would be arriving any minute.

When he walked in I thought I might die.

Gale Hawethorne.

I knew him.

When I finally found the courage to look up at him, his eyes were the size of saucers.


I couldn't find my voice.

"What on earth are you doing here?"

Tears started to burn my eyes at that point.

"I don't really know Gale...I just...sort of...woke up here..."God,'re only don't belong can't do this!"

My voice was weak, "I don't really have a choice now..."

He grabs my shoulders and pulls back so that I'm looking him in the face. "Yes. You do Catnip. Go home. Just...leave."

"It's not that easy Gale! I can't leave! Don't you think I've thought of that?! Don't you think I would if I could?! If I am so much as overheard talking about leaving they will kill is complicated here Gale. I'm not my own person anymore."


"Listen. Gale...just drop it...I-I don't even have a home to go back to"

"What do you mean? Catnip what are you sayi-"

"It doesn't matter Gale. I've accepted this life now. now."

I began to untie my robe.

Gale held up his hand. "Don't. Catnip...for Christ sake, keep your clothes on."

For a moment if felt angry...rejected.

And it must have been written all accross my face because Gale began stuttering about what he really meant.

"Catnip I'm not going to take advantage of're just a little girl."

I sat on the edge of the bed, head down, arms crossed. I felt the bed shift and I knew Gale had sat beside me.

"Catnip listen to me...let me help, I..can do something. Anything. Catnip I'll figure something out...just please let me help you."

I shake my head. "No Gale. No one can help me now."

"God Catnip. Stop being your father and accept some help for once."

My head snapped up. Angry tears filled my eyes. "Don't..Don't you EVER compare me to that monster!"

Gale reached out to touch me. To try and comfort me. I flinched from his touch. "Gale. Either collect what you came for or leave. Please." My words were spat like venom and cold as ice.

His face hardened. "Fine Catnip. Enjoy your life as a whore."

His comment tore me in half. I threw myself back onto the bed and cried myself to sleep.

That was five years ago today.

Well there you have it. The first little tidbit of Silk. This is a very intense story, if you can't already tell, and it takes alot of thought to make everything weave into the web. So I'm not sure that there will be frequent updates. But I am trying.

Review my lovelies!