Dear Diary,

It's been one whole month since they vanished now. Four whole weeks and we still have no idea what is going on... four weeks of agonizing uncertainty.

The guild was in chaos when Makao summoned master back from his conference at the council... We all panicked. We just didn't know what had happened or what to do, but Master managed to gather us and calm us down enough to explain the situation.

It has been almost the only topic of conversation amongst the guild members, on or off duty, but all we can deduce so far is:

Lucy's spirits failed to summon putting her life in danger, she sent Loke to find out what happened and then a gold light sucked them away to somewhere unknown and that was the last we heard of them.

If that was Loke's doing we can assume they are in the Celestial realm and are safe under his protection... but that's just an assumption.

We all pray that they are well and will safely return soon but...

The scratching of the long eagle feather quill ceased for a moment and Levy looked up and stared into the flickering candle flame that was now the only source of light in her Library-come-bedroom, trying to compose herself.

It feels like half of our family have been taken from us. Not knowing where they are or what they are doing... not hearing from them even once... it feels like they have mysteriously died.

What if we never see them again? Lucy was my best friend and always will be but what if something dreadful has happened?

A tear trickled down her face and splash onto the fresh ink, blotting it.

Ever since Lucy had arrived at the guild those years ago, Levy's life had only gotten better. There were plenty of other girls her age in the guild, but none of them paid Levy any attention. She just sat in her usual corner reading and writing, day in day out, except for when Jet and Droy roped her into a mission to get her some fresh air of course.

She had always appreciated those two, her Shadow Gear time mates, and loved them like big brothers... but she had always longed for a best friend, someone she had things in common with and could spend girl time with.

And when Lucy arrived her wish finally came true. At first sight she came across a superficial Barbie girl who would surely care more about clothes than books, but she turned out to enjoy both of those things. She was in fact very intelligent and bookish, proving to her that first impressions don't always count.

Lucy had been the only other person who had found novels and deciphering foreign or ancient languages fascinating. Levy had finally made a good, reliable friend and felt so light and bubbly when she finally had someone to share her passion of books and literature with.

They often went out shopping, to get a coffee together, they trained against each other. The Fairy hills girl's dormitories were just down the road from Lucy's flat, so most mornings they would meet and walk to the guild together. She would even help Levy carry books and sometimes or go on trips to the city library to find something in particular... No one else had time for that.

They would spend countless nights at Lucy's canal-side flat watching soppy romantic movies and just generally having fun, then Lucy asked Levy to proof read her well-publicised (around the guild) but highly secret novel.

She had been honoured that Lucy trusted her enough with her work... And what a brilliant story it was too! Lucy had Levy, her only reader so far, on hook line and sinker and Levy frequently nagged her for more.

Lucy was one of the most popular girls in the guild thanks to being part of Natsu, Gray and Erza's team, though of course her looks had something to do with that too. She was taller and well-endowed compared to Levy which gave her a lot of attention, so being so close to Lucy dragged often got her dragging into the spotlight too. It sometimes made her feel uncomfortable, but it had allowed her to make friends with people who she would have otherwise never spoke to.

But now, in the blink of an eye, all of that had gone. The month so far had dragged on. She often sat next to the guild doors in her usual corner, waiting and hoping that Natsu would smash them down and announce his reappearance as he always did when returning from a mission, then to receive a clip around the ear from Erza or a punch from Gray, but it never happened. When they were there she often wished for quiet so she could concentrate, but now they were gone the place seemed eerily quiet.

She would often sit and stare into the air, watching memories of them in this hall like ghosts re-enacting their lives.

And it was thanks to Lucy and the others that she had met Gajeel. At first he had seemed mean, arrogant and cocky, but eventually he lightened up and turned out to be quiet... Nice.

A lump formed in her throat as she remember the times they had had and she dropped the quill.

What if she would never see him again? If he would never call her shrimp and rest his elbow on her head... What if she would never feel the pride of helping him during training or battle by using her Iron Solid script for him?

She rested her head in her arms on the table and sobbed.

"Please come back... It's not the same without you... I miss you all so much" she gripped her own arms as if to hug herself. It had been lonely since they had gone. She may not have been in their team but she spent most of her time with their group and now it felt like a piece of her heart had been separated from her.

She had spent almost every day in her library researching... looking for any information that she could find about the Celestial realm; but for the first time ever her books had proven utterly fruitless.

As well as worrying for their safety she was worried about the Celestial spirits. Lucy had been unable to summon not only Taurus but Virgo and Plue too. What if something was wrong and Loke had needed their help? What if there was a far bigger picture than just their disappearance?

Levy sighed and sat back in her chair, repositioning her orange headband to catch some blue fly-aways. "Always What if... I wish there was some certainty in all of this..." she muttered to herself.

A knock came on her door and she jumped. She quickly wiped her eyes on a handkerchief at her side in an attempt to erase the evidence of tears.

"Come in"

The door opened and Lisanna poked her head in. "Levy... You've been in here all day again... Have you even eaten anything?"

"Yes of course" she lied. Lisanna raised an eyebrow and crept in closing the door behind her, erasing the slither of light that fell on her carpet. She looked around.

The usually neat and perfectly organised library had become a chaotic mess. Books and loose papers were strewn across tables and the floor, some still open with book marks and sticky notes. Her red curtains her drawn and barely allowed a tiny ray of light to enter and the bed showed no signs of being slept in.

"Look, Levy. I know you really want to help Natsu and the others... but you're going to turn into a vampire if you don't come out soon..." she gave a giggle and a smile as she imagine levy in a black cape with fangs. She would so have to convince her to wear that for Halloween "Sitting in the dark like this all day sometimes without food is no good for your health"

"But-" Lisanna put a forefinger on her chin and turned Levy to face her.

"You've been crying again, haven't you?"


"You can't fool me Levy..." she didn't want to tell her to stop and get over it already because it was also painful for her. She had also lost loved ones long ago, and now understood how everyone else must have felt when she disappeared as a child, but unlike the blue haired scholar she didn't like to dwell on it. "Look, I know it's really hard, I miss them all too… But thinking about it every second of the day isn't going to bring them back-"

"I know thinking won't bring them back, but spending time looking through books might, I might be able to find a spell to communicate with them or open the celestial world porta-"

"You can't open the portal without becoming a stellar spirit mage and having a key… Levy they aren't going to come back, at least not just yet" she rushed the last few words as Levy's eyes widened into shock and then eased again. "All we can really do is believe in them."

"I do believe in them... But what if they got separated? We have no idea what happened after they were beamed up"

"Even if they were separated, they would have found a way to contact each other and regrouped. I mean, look at all the things they have been through together… they solved the mystery of Galuna Island, survived the Tower of paradise incident, won against the Oracion Seis, and saved Edolas and who knows what else. If they can get through all of that…" her voice cracked, she could feel tears trying to burst their banks but held it back.

She was so proud of all of them and had so much confidence in them, but still missed them dearly. She had to be strong, she couldn't cry in front of Levy... There would probably be a chain reaction that resulted in a flooded dormitory.

"Where is that confident optimistic Levy I know?" She asked lifting her chin up with a gentle hand. "They will come home when they are ready, I promise"

Levy nodded and hugged Lisanna. "Thank you"

"Don't mention it. Now come on, you're not staying locked up in here all afternoon, big sis is putting on a show at the guild hall in 10 minutes, First round of drinks is on the house! Let's go!" and she grabbed Levy's hand without waiting for a reply and dragged her from her dormitory room, leaving her unfinished diary entry open on the desk.

Meanwhile, a million miles away from Magnolia an enemy was approaching imminent punishment.

James felt his legs trembling and tried his best to take deep breaths and calm himself.

He glanced at Butch who was also looked gaunt, his partner Cassidy strolling along beside him with their pet Raticate between them.

"Oh James, stop being such a chicken" the pink haired woman beside him said harshly, looking more interested in her nail job. "You need to take responsibility for your own mistakes"

He sighed. His partner, Jessie, had never had any sympathy for him.

"Though we ain't gonna' pretend it'll be pretty" the small white cat was walking on two feet like a human with a gold coin ornament adorning his forehead said from between them, his 'Arms' stretched out behind his head, carefree.

"Jeez guys, thanks for the support." He said when the six of them came to a stop in front of a large white metal door.

"Get in there" Cassidy said slapping Butch on the back, "You've got some grovelling to do."

The two men gulped and pushed the door open with some force.

The planetarium looked as dark and spectacularly mysterious as ever. They couldn't help but stare around in awe whenever they entered this room. A truly brilliant invention, though James couldn't help but suspect that its purpose was to catch people who were here to be punished off guard so they suffered more.

As always, their boss was lurking in the darkness. They knew he was there and spoke to the air rather than a particular area of the room.

"Boss-" Butch choked out, not quite knowing what to say.

James just winged it and sank to one knee, bowing his head low. "Please, forgive us for our failure!"

"There is no excuse for failure" a low, dark voice said from someone in the room. There was a small echo around the place which made it hard to pinpoint the bosses' location.

"There is no excuse, Sir, but there were... unforeseen circumstances."

There was an empty pause when James felt a bead of sweat drip down his forehead.

"What exactly can be an important enough circumstance for you to just drop such an important project and return empty handed?"

James flinched. The boss sounds more terrifying with a whisper than if he'd have yelled.

"It seems that someone has learnt of our plans and is trying to medal..." Butch said uncertainly.

"Who? Who was strong enough to beat elite members of Team Noxus?"

"We don't know but they..." James paused already of ashamed and terrified about his bosses' reaction. "They were a group of kids and their Pokemon." He spat it out just to get the sour flavour out of his mouth and braced himself for the bosses' fury.

Sure enough, it came in the form of a shrill mocking laugh. "You allowed a bunch of nosey kids to interfere and beat you?"

"Those kids were smart and powerful, but their Pokemon were only babies. They were clever enough to figure out what the Eye of Ophiuchus was actually used for, only one of them summoned their Pokemon so we couldn't use that against then... Those kids are trouble boss."

Silence again. "Very well. I will send out more personnel to guard to subjects and a competent team to keep an eye on those kids. Give me the Eye."

James and Butch shot horror struck glances at each other, the reflexions of the constellations shining on the walls around them shining in their eyes. Those walls gave the illusion that they were surrounded by the night sky, it was rather disorientating.

"We-w-we don't have the eye..." James whispered, shaking more now.

There were slowly approaching footsteps and James hazarded a glance upwards and saw a black silhouette against the starry wall and looked down immediately.

"What do you mean, you don't have the eye?" He asked, inches from them now, each word said slowly, dropping like venom.

"One of the kids knocked it out of our hand and into the volcano. I tried to kill him but Heatran appeared and protected him"

The faceless boss gave a loud roar of fury and they flinched. "You useless, incompetent morons!"

"Please forgive us!" They both said plastering their bodies to the floor in the lowest bow possible.

"There are more Eyes, it wasn't exactly a massive loss-"

"Those eyes are worth more than your life and everything you have ever possessed, unless you have a way to gather more. The few we managed to create are shared between trustworthy, competent teams on the field, so unless you have a way to gather more moonstones you are off the job, permanently!"

"Sir, we will find a way to make it up to you, I promise!"

"Get out of my sight while I think of a befitting punishment for you both!"

They tried once more to express their atonement, but this time he practically screamed "LEAVE!" And they both scrambled from the room before he could change his mind.

The boss paced over to another levitating metal globe with the celestial world expertly carved in great detail on the surface. He found the position of Mount Lunae and caressed it gently.

The plan wasn't completely ruined, this was just a decent starting point. They could always move on and come back to it later.

He was now wondering if those kids were the same ones that defeated the mining team inside the mountain just a day ago. Yes, it couldn't be a coincidence, surely.

"If they prove to be a permanent interference I will have to be rid of them." He muttered to himself beginning to form another plan in his brilliant mind.

A/N: Poor Levy!

I dread to think of her reaction if she knew what had just happened to them in that volcano... She would probably have a heart attack ._.

Cheers to Matt for pointing out the bane of my existence: autocorrect mistakes, keep it coming peeps, I don't want my story to look like a rushed bodge job so if you feel like helping out with either requests, suggestions or spelling corrections please do xD

Update 13/05/2016: My final year of Uni is finally finished and now I'm free to do whatever the hell I like until I find a job and await my final grades T.T Hopefully I'll be able to find the motivation to update this more often. I'll also be drawing more stuff related to my stories now, which you'll be able to find on my dA account, MurasakiKimiko. Check it out and watch me if you're interested