Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Harry Potter world or Terminator. Some dialogue borrowed from the second Terminator movie.

A/N: I am putting the finishing touches on the first chapter of the to the sequel to this story titled, Sometimes the Time Comes to Take A Stand. I plan to begin publishing later this week, but until then here is a sneak peak. Enjoy.

It had been three years since she disappeared without a trace.

The local authorities had been alerted to the presence of high levels of magic in a muggle neighborhood on the outskirts of LA. A week later the connection to Unspeakable Granger's lack of reports was made. Newly installed UK Minister of Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt found himself having the unfortunate task of informing her friends of the incident.

Hermione Granger was missing.

Not dead, because no one, not even himself was willing to tell the Boy-Who-Won that there was no hope despite the increasing evidence to suggest otherwise.

The Unspeakables, Thank Merlin, found themselves being uncharacteristically open when Harry Potter and Ron Weasely insisted in joining the investigation once the American Ministry agreed to a joint taskforce.

No, he couldn't get the Yanks to release the case into the UK's jurisdiction and please remember Auror Potter that you are only there as a courtesy.

Still nothing even after weeks, months of searching and having the boys running everyone ragged and Kingsley using every political trick he could to give them the latitude to find their answers. Everyone was being incredibly accommodating, understanding their need to find out what happened to their friend. The accolades young Potter always shunning finally being used as one favor was called in, followed by another as experts in every field were being dragged in to examine the site.

No one wanted to say it, but the day came that he found himself staring at what a private floo call with the American Minister of Magic revealed to him was the official final report of the incident, Kingsley knew he would have to.

What was determined was Miss Granger had obviously fought a number of rogue Death Eaters, what remained of the bodies having already been identified. He privately hoped that she had given the bastards hell.

…Victim three's skull fragments found imbedded in the remains of the south-side wall, fracture size not consistent with bone fragments generated by explosion…

They knew she had been in the warehouse shortly before the explosion, magical forensic methods having discovered quite a bit of the witch's blood. Too much blood, much too much.

Minister if she survived the explosion I don't see how…

The purpose of her trip had been declassified within the first hour the connection with Granger was established and an examination of her case commenced. The strange readings and fluctuations of magic they were finding, the traces of timeturner dust found at the scene, were leading to a rather unwanted conclusion.

Someone had tried to mess with the fabric of time on a scale not ever before attempted, had literally torn a hole in the fabric of reality in the process. What little he knew about the mechanics of time travel from his Auror days pointed to just how troubling that news was. There was a reason why timeturners use to be regulated by the Ministry.

Awful things happened to wizards who messed with time.

The warning wasn't because of worries about wizards attempting to change the past to suit their personal agendas. It was in reaction to the number of deaths attributed to temporal magical experimentation, both of the wizard attempting the spell and the number of innocent bystanders that had been caught in magical backlashes over the years.

Time was a harsh mistress and dealt severely with those who tried to mess with her.

Unspeakable Granger's disappearance from the scene when all evidence suggests that she suffered mortal wounds in a confrontation with a group of heavily armed Death Eaters leads these investigators to conclude the aforementioned dark ritual being attempted removed her from the time stream. The methods to determine the when and where she was transported to have not yielded results, despite a rigorous examination by the top leaders of this field. A search into the background of the area has been hindered by the location being in a muggle neighborhood…

It went without saying, it didn't go well at all.

Harry and Ron both wouldn't let it go, Hermione had to be okay. The slightest hint of a lead had them crossing the pond into the middle of know where…Mexico, Columbia, Panama, Honduras, America, Mexico again.

There was really no choice, but to let them.

For three years nothing.

He had been sitting in his office when the Head Unspeakable had come running in slamming the door into the wall with a flock of secretaries and more Unspeakables on his heels. The flustered man locked eyes with him.

"Something's happening, Minister. It's like nothing we've ever seen, the whole room its gone wild. The energy, it's like, it's like when Miss Granger went missing, but the fluctuations are too controlled, to-too specific. There was a trace of something back in the 90s, but we didn't have the detectors in place like we do now. Whatever is happening it's big, something, someone has come through."

Kingsley was already out of his chair and circling the desk to grip the shoulders of the man. "Where?" He demanded. "Where is she?"

"Los Angles. The energy is coming from, Los Angles."