A/N: Welcome everyone! This is my first attempt at an NCIS fanfiction, though not my first fanfiction story. For the fans of my other stories, sorry this plot bunny just wouldn't let me go. Hope everyone enjoys it.

Disclaimer: NCIS is the property of CBS and I make nothing for my efforts. I am just playing with their toys.


Chapter 1

Walking through the doorway into the lab, Gibbs called out, "Ready Abbs?"

"Just finishing up," she responded from her position behind her computer, "Be ready in a sec." After tapping a few more keys, she shut down her computer and stood up.

Abby's current hearse had broken down and Gibbs agreed to take her home. Quickly moving around the lab, the scientist shut down her equipment. Grabbing her long overcoat, she threw it on over her long sleeved black skull t-shirt and black mini-skirt. Picking up her bag, she joined the older man near the door and threaded her arm through his, taking hold. Glancing up into his blue eyes she asked, "Can we stop at the bank on the way to my place? Need to deposit a check." There was a naval credit union just a couple miles outside the Navy yard.

"Yup," he answered as he turned and started for the door.

"Thanks Gibbs."

The pair made their way to the elevator, the Goth chattering the whole way. The agent listened to her with half an ear as he thought about the case they'd just finished up. Several days ago they landed the case of a dead seaman found in a DC alley. Though it took a few days, they were able to prove the young man's ex-girlfriend killed him in a fit of jealous rage. The ex couldn't stand the thought that her boyfriend had broken up with her and moved on. She caught him outside a bar and gunned him down in cold blood. It took a while, but they caught her, and she was currently sitting in a holding cell awaiting transport to jail.

"Have you heard a word I've said?" Abby asked, as they exited the elevator.

"Yup," Gibbs answered her, as he held the glass exit door open for her. "You find anyone to bowl in Sister Mary's place?" The young lady had been talking about the hand injury that would keep the Sister from bowling on Saturday.

Shaking her head, the quirky Goth smiled, grabbed Gibbs' arm again and walked with him towards his Dodge Charger. "Yeah, Sister Sarah is gonna bowl for us."

He nodded as he opened the door for her, shutting it after she got into the car. Moving to the driver's side, he got in. He started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. He swiftly turned onto the road and headed towards the gate at the exit of the Navy Yard. Abby waved at the guards as they drove out, still talking about her team's chances on Saturday. Luckily the young woman's chatter required little from the older man conversationally. Abby kept up both ends of their 'dialogue' on her own. He just paid attention and provided the appropriate responses, though when only absolutely needed.

Per his usual driving habits, Gibbs speedily made his way through traffic. Nearing the bank, he pulled into the lot across the street and found a space to park. As he climbed out of the car and Abby joined him at the front, and together they walked towards the bank. After glancing inside to ensure it was safe, the NCIS agent opened the door and let her walk in.

"Should just take a…," she started before stepping in and noticing the long teller lines. With a sigh she finished, "Sorry Gibbs."

"No problem Abbs," he replied, as they took a place in line. He used the time to study those in line around them, looking for anyone or anything out of place. There were serviceman looking to get some cash for the weekend, housewives doing the family banking and even a couple of businessmen in the group, nothing unusual for a Friday afternoon. He couldn't help smiling at the little blonde girl with her dolly in the next line. She tightly grasped her mother's hand, as the woman finished her business. The tyke was no older than four or possibly five years old and when she saw him smile at her, she shyly buried her face in her mother's leg.

After several long, long minutes in line with his hyperactive, caffeine driven forensic scientist, Gibbs finally decided he needed to go to the head. "Be back Abbs," he said, as he nodded towards the bathrooms.

"Ok Gibbs."

Leaving the bouncing young woman alone in line, he made his way across the bank lobby and down a short hall to the men's restroom. Pushing open the door, he slowly stepped inside, trying to kill some time as he went about his business. After finishing up, he moved to the sink and began to wash. Looking into the mirror, he couldn't miss the fact that his hair appeared to have gotten a little grayer since the last time he took a few moments to actually study his reflection. Guess he shouldn't complain. He wasn't the player Dinozzo was, but the women really seemed to like the gray hair. As they said, it made him seem more…distinguished. Grinning at the thought, he grabbed some paper towels and dried his hands, before heading toward the door.

That's when he heard it…yelling. Pulling out his service pistol, the Federal agent opened the door and stepped out, carefully and silently making his way down the short hall. Using every tactical advantage, he kept himself hidden from view of the main lobby for as long as he could. He needed to keep everyone, including himself, safe, if possible. Gathering all the intel possible would go a long way to ensuring that goal. It wouldn't do anyone any good if he rushed out without knowing what was going on.

"Hands where we can see them!" and "Hands in the air!" were heard from the bank.

Attempting to keep concealed behind the hall corner, Gibbs glanced into the lobby. There was yelling, screaming and crying coming from room, and pandemonium reigned. From his position, the Gibbs was able to see over half the room without exposing himself. Two men were wearing masks, though his gut told him more suspects could be in the part of the room, hidden from his view. The taller of the two was waving around a large semi-automatic pistol and the other man had an assault rifle.

Abby was near the teller counter, her hands in the air. Hoping to keep people from being hurt, she was trying to calm the frightened people around her. He couldn't help a small grin at that. His forensic scientist may be a little flighty and high strung but in high stress situations, she was calm, collected and got the job done. He'd taught her well! The woman and little girl were next to the Goth., the child's face still pressed into her mother's side. Glancing back, he noticed someone peeking out of the women's restroom. Waving at the person, Gibbs gestured to them to stay hidden. Quickly nodding understanding, the woman shut the door.

Suddenly a shot rang out. Peeking around the corner, he saw the taller man with the pistol lowered and it seemed to be pointed at someone he couldn't see. At that moment two more shots pierced the air and the agent heard them strike something, or more accurately someone. Knowing the bank robbers had shot someone changed the scenario.

Needing to get in the room and protect the civilians, Gibbs wasted no more time. Stepping around the corner into the main bank, he pointed his weapon at the active shooter. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a security guard fall to the ground, two rounds to the chest and one to the head. People were screaming in terror.

"Federal agent put the guns down!"

Instead of complying, the gunman started to bring the weapon to bear, pointing it at Gibbs. Opening fire, the agent put two rounds center mass chest of the bank robber. The gun slipped from the assailant's grasp, as he fell, dead before he hit the floor.


Bringing the gun to bear at the next target, he started squeezing the trigger. Gibbs felt fire tear into his upper left arm. The force of the strike caused his gun to swing off target and his shot went astray, striking a wall behind the robber. Before he could reacquire his target, Gibbs felt another round strike his chest hard, forcing all the air from his lungs. He stumbled as the fire burned through his chest, making it impossible to draw a breath, and forcing him to his knees.

"Gibbs!" Abby screamed in terror again.

"Damn cop!" he heard a third man say, as he came up behind the down agent. Using the butt end of the gun, the robber pistol whipped Gibbs, and knocking him all the way to the floor.

Refusing to give up, Gibbs tried to push aside the throbbing pain in his arm and chest, and bring his Sig Sauer up again. He couldn't stop until the threat to the civilians was neutralized. Someone kicked the weapon from his hand, before delivering a second kick to his battered torso, causing white hot agony to flair through his body.

"Fucking cop!"


The pain was flowing through his body like waves, each successive wave pushing him further and further under. Still refusing to give in, the determined Federal agent used his good arm and attempted to push himself up from the floor, while the injured left one hung at his side. Continuing to struggle against the agony in his chest and the darkness trying to claim him, his vision was graying at the edges. Even as everything darkened, he could see the puddle of blood that started to form underneath him. As if from a great distance away, he could hear people yelling and Abby screaming this name over and over. He couldn't do anything about it, just trying to get up was taking all of his focus and energy, he had nothing left to spare.

"He killed Casey!" he heard someone shout.

Someone else growled in rage. Turning back to the downed agent, he drew his steel toed boot back and struck with all his strength. Gibbs never saw the final kick to his head coming. He just felt the agony of the blow tear through his head, as vision blackened; he fell back to the floor, his body finally betraying his will…


What does everyone think? Should I continue this?