"Allen! Come on! Mana is waiting for us!" The female voice called back to the small brunette child as he tumbled over some snow. "I am coming -!" The female turned and looked back the brunette, her face hidden in shadow, "Come on! The show is going to start soon!" Allen got up and ran after the female, but she just seemed to keep getting further and further away. "No! Come back -!"

"Come back!" Allen woke a start, his black hand reached towards the ceiling above him. "Who was that?" The silver haired boy sat up and wiped the hair that was now sticking to his forehead form sweat out of his face. Allen sat for a few minutes trying to remember the dream, trying to remember who the girl was, he just couldn't think of a name. "Argh!" Allen placed his head in his hands and fall back against his bed. The silver haired boy didn't have a shirt on while he slept, so all the details of his toned chest were visible as he laid there with his arms now crossed over his face. 'knock-knock' "Allen! You okay? I heard you scream." The silver haired boy rose from his position and swung his legs over the edge to stand up. He stretched as he walked over to the door and opened it; a certain red head was standing at the door. "Hey Lavi, sorry about that, just had a weird dream is all." Allen said this with a smile, but the red head didn't look that convinced. "Right, well, Komui wants us. We got a mission with Yuu and Leenalee." Allen nodded before he closed his door and walked over his desk where he had placed his uniform the night before. He quickly striped off his sleeping pants and pulled on his black trousers before pulling on his black, skin tight shirt. He pulled his boots on next before grabbing his red and black uniform. This was the newest uniform from the Order, Allen loved it.

The silvertte left his room and headed straight to Komui's office, as soon as he arrived he saw Leenalee standing by her brothers desk lecturing him and Lavi and Kanda seemed to be having an argument. 'Up, a normal day.' Allen smiled as he walked in and stood behind his male friends as he waited for everyone to quiet down. "Okay! I understand Leenalee. Now please, I have a mission for all of you!" the female glared as he brother before sitting down on the couch with Kanda and Lavi. Komui cleared his throat before he began to speak. "We have been having reports of a warrior fighting and killing Akuma over in Japan. We need you four to go and check it out. The reason, no one from the order is stationed where all this happening. So take the Arc and get to Japan to figure out what is going on." Allen was the first to speak, "But why? If this person is killing Akuma, why are we stopping them?" Komui brought his hands up and rested his chin on them. "Because it is reported that it is a Noah." With that everyone looked up at Allen, "Why are you looking at me?" Komui was the first to speak this time. "Because you are the 14th Noah, and all the others we know about, so we want to see who this person is and whether or not they are in fact a Noah, and if they are can we get them on our side." Everyone looked at Komui with a serious expression. "A Noah? On our side? Tch." Kanda turned away from the others while Allen just stood there, 'A Noah who didn't side with the Noah's. . . only the 14th was like that…' Lenalee was the first one to stand up; once she did she clapped her hands once before turning to her friends. "Alright! Come on guys! We leave immediately!" She reached down and practically dragged Kanda and Lavi off the couch before dragging them out of the room. "Allen wait!" Allen, who had made to follow the others, stopped and walked over to Komui. "Cross says for you to be careful on this mission and to not freak out." Allen had a confused look on his face. "He also said you would you had have to figure it out yourself." Allen shock his head at his masters words before he turned and followed the others.

After a quick trip through the Arc they arrived in Japan's headquarters before a trip on a train and then a car to a small town where they were currently resting in a hotel. They got lucky enough to each get their own room. Kanda, Lavi and Lenalee had all already gone to sleep, but Allen was still downstairs in the dining room. He wasn't eating anything, just sipping tea as he sat by the fire and looked out the window, it was snowing. A figure approached the small hotel when Allen had just finished his last cup of tea, before he even got up a gust of wind followed the figure as she opened the door and walked in. "Brr..Getting colder out there." It was a female voice, Allen situated himself back in his chair and watched while pretending to drink his nonexistent tea. "What you doing out there for anyways? You going crazy already?" The bartender laughed as he spoke. The female sat down before she pulled the hood off her head, long silver hair tumbling out. The silver haired female shock her head, as if to get the rest of the snow out of her hair. "Yeah well, someone has to patrol around her." A glass of something steaming was set in front of her before the female picked it up, blew on it to try and cool it down, before taking a small sip. "Yuumm. My Favorite. You always get it right Doc." The female said this happily. "Yeah well, you are just in here a lot." The bar tender picked up a glass and started to wipe it out. "Oh, you don't need to be patrolling for a little while now." The female set her drink down. "Oh, and why is that?" the bartender pointed in Allen's direction. "Them exorcist are here. There is that one over there and three more sleeping." The silver haired female finally turned and looked in Allen's direction, and Allen almost dropped his glass. This female, her eyes were a deep red, almost as if she had been cursed. . just like he had. Allen stood up and walked over to them. "My name is Allen, may I ask for yours?" Allen stuck his hand out to shake the females. The female smiled and took his hand. "Alex, Alex Walker." She said this with a smile before the let go and set her now empty cup on the counter. "Nice to meet you exorcists, but we don't need you here. A Noah protects us." With that, the turned, pulled her hood up and left the tavern. Allen was awestruck, she had the same last name as him, and she was obviously cursed. The boy turned and walked up the stairs towards his room, he sat down on his bed thinking. He didn't think he would be getting sleep tonight.