A/N: Well hello there, good looking! You've probably stumbled upon this story by accident, right? Either that, or you're expecting to read a good fanfic. Well, sorry to disappoint, but this is probably going to be terrible. :D Let's be honest here, you cannot watch Death Note and NOT ship L and Light, and I am no exception. v.v This is my very first fanfic of all time, so don't even bother going easy on me...but tips and constructive criticism would be nice! Inspired my an idea my friend (well...ex-friend) had a while ago~

Overview: AU, slight OOC. Set in a world in which angel-like creatures called Beings roam the Earth, expelling the demonic creatures, Sins, from the world, L Lawliet receives a letter inviting him to dinner at the home of the family whose youngest child he had exorcized a year before. However, upon arriving at the household, the Being finds that the family has been brutally slaughtered...save for the eldest child, Raito Yagami. Where could he have gone...?

Warnings: Non-con/possible rape in the future, graphic descriptions, dark themes, blood and gore, violence, maybe mpreg in the future (still haven't decided) and...pretty much everything about this fic is wrong.

"He's so beautiful! Look at those wings!" the excited, yet hushed, voice of a young female raved as she laid eyes on a raven-haired, slouching Being. Her friend, whom she had been animatedly whispering to, glanced at the being and wrinkled her nose.

"How can you find that beautiful? He's way too skinny! And he has horrible posture. And his hair is so-"

Okay, L had heard enough. He abruptly stopped tuning into the conversation and instead focused on the cafe menu. He was waiting in line at a Starbucks to get some breakfast, several people standing in front of him, human and Being alike. As he thought of what he should get, L held his thumb to his lips, wings fluttering ever so slightly. He couldn't control it; it was like when a human's eye randomly started twitching.

The strawberry cheesecake sounded quite delightful...then again, so did the brownies. And yet, those raspberry scones were a thing of heaven as well..."Hey, move it!" an angry man behind L shouted suddenly, causing the Being to jump slightly. Oops. He had been holding up the line without quite realizing it. Muttering a half-hearted apology, L shuffled forward. He supposed he would just get all of them, plus a pumpkin spice latte. Mm, a pumpkin spice latte...

Mouth watering slightly, L advanced forward in the line as the people in front of him ordered swiftly. It was only a matter of short minutes before he was at the counter. "Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get for you?" the very pretty young woman behind the cash register asked, a happy smile on her face. L's own face remained completely expressionless.

"A slice..no, two slices of strawberry cheesecake, three brownies, and a raspberry scone...along with a pumpkin spice latte," L drawled in a monotone. The woman, still cheerful as ever, totalled up the prices of the items L had listed. L told her his name, then turned to sit at a booth as he waited for his name to be called. He took a seat, bringing his feet up to a crouching position, getting comfortable.

This was the daily life of L Lawliet. Nothing interesting ever really happened. Sure, there was the occasional Sin that thought it could force its way onto Earth by selecting a host to possess, but L hadn't dealt with one of them in almost a year. He remembered the last exorcism like it was yesterday. Poor little Sayu Yagami. She had been so young - just barely entering high school - when she was forced to go through that traumatic experience. Fortunately, the Yagami family was able to contact L in time, before the possession became too serious. Sayu almost died and was put into a coma for almost a month, but she managed to pull through.

Exorcisms were dangerous for the possessed, and sometimes even for the one performing the exorcism. The Sin that resided within Sayu almost killed L and her both, but as per usual, the power of good triumphed over evil. L always felt so great about himself after he freed a poor soul from that burden. Sometimes, though, if he wasn't quick enough, the Sin would attach itself to the human's soul, engulfing it and eventually permanently taking over its host, becoming a solid, physical body, which only made it even more dangerous. If this ever happened, the only option was to kill the host and free the mortal soul whilst simultaneously sending the Sin back down to Hell. This had almost happened to Sayu. That Sin had been quite powerful. They seemed to be growing stronger every day...

L remembered how grateful the family had been. They had paid him quite a large sum of money. In fact, they even still bothered to contact L every now and then, sending him messages, calling him, inviting him to birthdays and special occasions (almost all of which L denied going to, as he wasn't the most social Being). Recently, though, he hadn't heard from them. He often wondered why, but supposed it was nothing.

"Uhm...L!" called a female's voice as she brought out the pastries and drink that L had ordered. The Being snapped out of his thoughts abruptly, wondering just how long he had been sitting there silently, staring off into space like some weirdo. He stood slowly and made his way over to the counter, taking his "breakfast" and pulling out his wallet, taking out the necessary amount of money.

"Keep the change," he said to the cashier, not waiting for a response as he turned, items in hand, and walked out of the Starbucks. White wings fluttered as he stepped out into the cold. He could tell that winter was creeping up just around the corner. He should have brought a coat with him.

Shrugging to himself, L began to make his way back home, kicking up off of the ground and flapping his wings. He soared into the air and was headed straight for his home, a religious orphanage for young Beings like himself.

It took less than ten minutes by air, and L was eventually able to make it to the orphanage. He landed with the grace of a swan, dirty old sneakers just barely making a sound on the solid pavement. The only reason he ever wore shoes was because Whammy had told him to, so he wouldn't get frostbite or glass stuck in his foot. You'd think he would have learned after the first time...

Before even entering the huge building, L could hear the sound of children's laughter, the pitter-patter of feet running along the old wooden floors. Outside, some young Beings played with one another, rough housing and horseplaying about. Reading to some of the smaller children under the shade of a tall tree, an elderly man with sagging grey wings sat on a stone bench. Quillish Whammy, the owner and founder of the orphanage, and the closest thing L had ever had to a father. Everyone just called him Watari, though, as it was believed that using one's real name allowed Sins more power over the person.

L offered a soft, rare smile at his guardian as he passed, greeting him with a friendly "good morning." Watari was really the only one that could bring out any sort of emotion from L. The old man looked up and smiled back, offering his own "good morning" in return. The children looked from the wrinkled man to L. They liked to stare at him because he was more than twenty-one years of age and still lived in the orphanage. They didn't seem to realize that this was truly the one and only place he could ever have.

Ignoring the glances of the little children, L made his way into the orphanage. He was greeted with the smell of wood and the aura of the Father, a nameless god that was believed to watch over his creations and bring only good and prosperity to those under his gaze. Around L were men and women of all kinds, employees of the orphanage that helped to run the place. The high ceiling hung many meters above L's head, domed with stained glass at the very top, which allowed rays of colourful light to dance around the building.

"Get back here!" an angry male voice suddenly shouted. L turned to see a young blonde male, the one referred to as Mello, chasing after his frienemy, little redheaded, troublesome Matt. The two got along like two peas in a pod, but were often arguing like blood siblings. Matt was laughing as he held an object in his hand, presumably chocolate. He knew Mello practically couldn't live without the stuff...which was why he so often took it for himself.

"No running in the orphanage!" L called out to them, but they either hadn't heard him or simply ignored him. L shook his head. Kids these days..if they broke something again, they would receive another spanking of a lifetime. When would they ever learn?

Sometimes, though, L thought he would go crazy without them. He couldn't imagine living without the orphanage, without his brothers and sisters by his side. He wasn't the most social Being, but he loved his family more than anything else in the world. He wouldn't trade in his dull, boring life for anything.

A growling from the pit of his stomach reminded L that he had yet to eat. He had almost forgotten the little "meal" he had in his hands. He made his way up three flights of stairs, manoeuvring his way expertly through the hallways, the numerous twists and turns of the orphanage. He had memorized every nook and cranny of the place since he first arrived all those years ago.

Finally, L was standing in front of his room. No one was ever allowed in it, except for Watari himself. It wasn't like he had anything to hide...he just didn't like anyone touching his things. Not to mention, his room was a mess. The floor was littered with crumpled up papers, clothes that he hadn't bothered to pick up, and other miscellaneous objects. Just before he entered the room that had been his since he could remember, he glanced down and saw that there was mail sticking out of the bottom of his door. Strange, he almost never got any mail, at least not recently. He looked down at the lone envelope there and curiously bent down to pick it up. On it, he could see that it was, indeed, addressed to him specifically. Not all too surprisingly, it was from the Yagami family. He wondered what it was they wanted.

Taking the envelope in his hand as best as he could with the bags of food he still held in them, he managed to open his door and enter his room. Yup, still messy and untouched as ever. He set his food down on the desk he normally ate/read/went through paperwork at, followed by his breakfast. Pulling up his chair, he sat down at the desk and took a brownie delicately between his index finger and his thumb. As he took his first bite, savouring the deliciously chocolatey taste, he began to open up the white envelope.

He pulled out a letter and began reading. The familiar handwriting of Soichiro Yagami was scribbled on the paper. L got bored rather easily reading it, as it was mostly tales of the older man and his family, letting the Being know how they were doing. Honestly, now that L had finished his work with them, it didn't seem very important to him. He almost tossed it aside to throw away later, but as he continued to read, his eyebrow raised slightly. They were inviting him to dinner? After not contacting him in so long? Well, this certainly was odd. L had been invited to numerous occasions of the Yagami family, but never just a simple dinner. And it was tonight, so sudden. He wondered why they would send the letter so last-minute, but thought little of it.

Well...they were just trying to be nice and thankful for what L had done for the family. Perhaps he could attend the little dinner, just this once? Besides, Mrs. Yagami made excellent desserts, as he had discovered when she sent him a box full of home-made frosted cookies and a delightful cake. Not to mention, he would be able to see how little Sayu was doing, and maybe get to play another round of chess with that Raito boy. He was rather quiet, but was very intellectual as well, which was why he was probably L's favourite of the family.

Alright, it was decided; L would go to the dinner. He wouldn't stay for too long, though. Maybe just long enough to talk a bit, eat some of Mrs. Yagami's sweet desserts, and challenge Raito to a game of chess. When he thought about it this way, the idea didn't seem too bad. Well, he just hoped Watari would be okay with him leaving on such short notice.

A/N: /flails. This...this is just awful. I am truly sorry for having to put you through that. . I was tired when I wrote this, don't question me!
If, for some insane reason, you actually enjoyed this little introduction, let me know! Reviews give me confidence. ; u;
If you hated it but are still interested, don't worry, it may just get better later on~
Okay, stop reading this. Just review and stuff. 'Kay bye!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Death Note or it's characters. If I did, the anime/manga would have turned out a lot different from what it is now..if you know what I mean. =w= Oh you don't? Well, let's just say those handcuffs would have been used for an entirely different reason and Misa would never have existed. :D