A/N: So, I meant to get this chapter up earlier, but then I started procrastinating and school work and bleh. Sorry to those who waited for this update. Not to mention, it's a bit short. Dx I'm sorry, I love you all!
Also, there shall be some action in the next chapter, do not fret! 3

Well...searching for Raito certainly hadn't been fun. Honestly, L felt as though he had run around the entire perimeter of the building 100 times. Still no sign of the brunette whatsoever. He had checked in his room, just to be safe, but it was just as empty as it had been when he left. It was like Raito just vanished into thin air. L sighed. This was not good; not good at all.

L went around once more, feeling as though he were searching for a lost pet as he called Raito's name. He hoped the young man hadn't gotten himself too lost. He checked around with the orphans, asking if any of them had seen the boy. Of course, none of them had. L felt kind of stupid. How does someone lose a person?!

After what felt like hours of searching, L decided that he might as well take a short break. He went down to the dining area of the orphanage, where several long tables were set out. The ceiling was high, and on it was painted a beautiful mural. Almost as lovely as the Sistine Chapel. The room itself was long and stretched out, the floors made of weakening, creaking wood.

Taking a seat at one table, L leaned back in the chair and sighed. He hadn't thought Raito was going to be trouble, especially since he should have been emotionally fragile and scared to go anywhere at all. Of course, L was glad that the traumatic experience Raito had gone through hadn't completely broken him, but this just wasn't right. It was as though nothing had ever happened.

L decided to stick with the notion that Raito was simply pushing the memory far into the back of his mind, trying to forget it or even replace it with his own version of why he would never see his family again. It was a slightly disturbing thought, but L could understand it. Poor Raito had been through a lot...


The Being just about jumped out of his skin. He started so much, he fell right out of his chair, landing hard on his bum. He winced slightly, then heard laughter above him. It was cheerful, but somehow cold. He looked up to see none other than Raito, doubled over in laughter. "I didn't think that would actually work!" he laughed. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes from his laughter.

L scowled at him. He didn't think it was particularly funny. He had been searching for this boy since this morning, and this was how he decided to show up? By sneaking up behind L and startling him? It was just a harmless joke, but L certainly wasn't laughing.

He stood abruptly, rubbing his behind slightly. Raito had calmed down from his howling laughter, and now looked at the intense stare he was getting from L. His grin faded slowly. It wasn't like the stare was all that scary-in fact, L's face was pretty much as blank as usual-but those eyes stabbed into him like icy daggers. L crossed his arms. "I've been looking for you for hours," he said in his usual monotone.

Raito seemed to visibly relax when he realized he wasn't going to be shouted at. "Oh, sorry. I was exploring the place. It really is big..." the young man marvelled, looking around at the room they were in like a fascinated child. L's anger shifted to slight concern. Yes, this definitely wasn't the Raito he had come to know (or at least, become slightly acquainted with) over the past year. Some part of him had broken, L realized. He had a different mentality now...

"Just...don't do it again. You had me worried," L replied after a moment of silence. Raito's eyes seemed to light up at that comment. He looked back at L, a small smile on his face. It was pleasant, but, as aforementioned, it wasn't the same Raito.

"Oh?" he muttered, clearly pleased with L's words. The Being raised an eyebrow. Why did he say it like that? And why was he coming closer? L backed away slightly until the small of his back was pressed against the table behind him. He was trapped between Raito and the table. He couldn't do anything as Raito closed in on him and hugged his slender body, wrapping his arms around the Being's torso, clutching him just underneath the wings.

"Forgive me, L. The last thing I would want is to worry you," he said. L could have sworn he detected a purr in his voice. He became thoroughly uncomfortable in this position, especially since he didn't fancy being touched, let alone hugged. He didn't realize it, but the pale skin of his cheeks had lit up a light pink colour.

"It's fine, Raito...do you mind - a-ah!" L began, but he was suddenly cut off when he felt a smooth hand rub the area just between his wings, causing them to flutter like a butterfly's. He didn't know what it was about that particular area, but when someone touched it, it just...felt so good.

Raito's face was lost in the crook of L's neck, but he could feel the human's smile against his skin. "L, what a lewd sound..." he teased, pressing his hand against that spot harder. L's back arched and he moaned, his body pressing itself closer to Raito's, not entirely with his consent. This...this was wrong! What did Raito think he was doing? To such a holy creature? In such a holy place?

L quickly snapped out of the pleasure. He couldn't simply allow Raito to do this. It was mad! L began pushing and shoving at the other male, trying to get him away. "R-Raito...stop!" he demanded. Raito seemed to ignore him, however, and simply pulled the Being closer, holding him tighter, rubbing that spot more. L could feel himself getting aroused; he felt ashamed at the bump that had formed in the front of his trousers.

Warm, wet breaths leaked out onto L's neck from Raito's soft lips. L shuddered when he felt a hot tongue drag across his pulse, tasting him. Raito trembled at the touch as well and pressed himself tightly against L's body. He began kissing and sucking at the Being's neck, tainting his body, leaving a dark red mark over that place.

L didn't know whether he should be disgusted, horrified, or turned on. He supposed he felt a bit of each. He knew this was wrong, but his body wouldn't listen to what his mind was telling it to do. It would be wise to get away from Raito as soon as possible so that things wouldn't go too far, but his body didn't respond to him.

"E...Enough..." L tried again, pushing at Raito once more. However, the brunette barely moved. He began rubbing his crotch (yup, there was definitely something going on in his pants as well) slowly and sensually against L's. The sensation sent a jolt up L's spine.

A hand reached out quickly, grabbing Raito by the hair, yanking him away. He yelped in pain and surprise, jumping back swiftly. L was almost just as surprised to see that the hand was his own. Still, that surprise was overshadowed by his anger, by how appalled he was at Raito. "Raito! That was disgusting and sinful! How dare you? You're better than this!" he scolded, hand still firmly gripping Raito's hair. He normally wasn't one for physical punishment, but he couldn't allow this to go on any further. He had been trying to go easy on Raito, knowing that he wasn't in the best state at the moment, but this was where he drew the line.

A sob caused L to pause just before he could go into a serious rant. He looked to see that Raito's lower lip was trembling, and there were tears forming at the corners of his eyes. He seemed to be attempting to hold back tears, to no avail. "I'm sorry, L-kun...I'm sorry..." he kept muttering. He was shaking like a scared rabbit, completely different from how he had been just moments ago. L quickly released him, strands of hair falling from between his fingers. He hadn't meant to be that rough with him...

L sighed softly. "It's okay, Raito..." he muttered. Raito was rubbing his head, clearly in pain.

He looked up at L with a child-like look in his eyes. He shook his head slowly, sniffling. "N-No, L. I shouldn't have done such things. You were right to scold me," he admitted, looking down at the floor beneath his feet shamefully. L was slightly disturbed by how quickly and drastically Raito had shifted between moods - between personalities, almost.

The Being bit at his lip. There was no sense in dwelling on it. He might as well just take Raito over to Watari and get things sorted out. He turned toward the exit, smoothing out his slightly wrinkled shirt. He was still shaking slightly from the previous experience, but he forced himself to be as calm and emotionless as usual before beckoning to Raito. "Come along. Watari needs to see you," he said.

The teen nodded, following close behind as L began walking, like an obedient little puppy. Yes, L thought, this certainly was not the Raito he had come to know.

A/N: The truth is slowly beginning to come out...look forward to answers in the next chapter~ And again, thanks for reading and sorry you had to wait forever for a short, seemingly insignificant chapter.