Author's Note: Thank you again, guys, for all your amazing reviews! Don't forget, you can meassge me a prompt, or write on when you review! Enjoy!


Prompt for this story from: ballykissangel (since it's kind of long, I'm paraphrasing) Seven year old (human years) Fili is scared of Thorin. He's always yelling and getting him in trouble. Also, it's very apparent (to Fili) that he likes Kili better (not true), so it's hard for him to see that his uncle loves him. Something happens and Fili learns to trust Thorin, and Thorin learns not to yell so much.

As he runs, he remembers the words.

"You can't keep doing these things! You're supposed to be setting an example for your brother!"

He dodges dwarves as he runs through the halls, hot tears rolling down his cheeks, catching in the air as he goes, letting go of his skin and flying back into his hair. He sprints as fast as he can towards the huge opening at the front of the mountain. He's vaguely aware of someone yelling his name, but he can't tell if the voice is male or female. Still, he doesn't stop. He reaches the stairs and takes them down two at a time.

"How do you ever expect to rule this kingdom one day if you can't even act appropriately in public?"

He stumbles six times before he reaches the last four stairs, and jumps over them, hitting the ground hard and losing his footing. He falls forward and hits his head on something, he isn't sure what. All he knows is he really can hear someone yelling for him, and it's Uncle Thorin's voice. He doesn't give himself time to decide if he's mad or not before he scrambling up and running again.

"You are supposed to act respectably! Do you even know how embarrassing that was for your mother and I?"

He makes for the trees. He knows if he gets far enough in, he'll get lost. And that's exactly what he wants. As he gets closer, he has to dodge large rocks about as high as his waist. There's one he doesn't see until the last minute, and when he tries to jump over, his foot catches and he falls nose first into the hard ground. He doesn't waste time to see if the new wetness running down his face is tears or blood. he just gathers himself and keeps running. His legs are getting dreadfully tired, but he can still hear Thorin's voice, so he isn't about to stop.

"You are a Durin, damn it! Act like one for once!"

As he goes, he's unaware of the growling and the shaking of bikes around him. He doesn't know abou the warg that's been on his tail ever since he hit the rock. Well, until it jumps out in front of him and he almost can't stop fast enough. As he skids to a stop and lands flat in his rear, he screams, and even though he's pretty sure it sounded like a girl, he doesn't care. All he cares about is living to see supper.

"Uncle Thorin!" he screams, attempting to crawl backwards as the warg moves forward. "Thorin!"

And suddenly, there he is. To Fili, it seems as though he comes out of nowhere, a rescue angel in Fili's time of need. And this is when Fili realizes Thorin is without his sword. He sees that he's picked up a thick tree branch, as is bringing it down upon the beast's head to grab it's attention.
It works, and suddenly it's after Thorin, snarling and snapping as he swings the branch around again and smashes it into the warg's shoulder with a sickening crack and a disgusting spray of blood that makes Fili's stomach beast yelps like a kicked puppy, and crumbles under it's own weight. One more blow to the head and one last yelp and it's dead.

Thorin's chest heaves as he tries to get breath back into his lungs. He's vaguely aware of the sound of retching, and when he turns to Fili, he's doubled over getting sick in the grass. He's got blood in his hair that clearly isn't his, and Thorin doesn't blame him for how he took it. He makes his way over, dropping the branch as he goes. He reaches Fili just as the boys gets up and takes a few steps away. He watches as he grabs two handfuls of dirt and throws them over his sick spot. Then he turns to Thorin.

Thorin can't get him in a hug fast enough. He's got Fili pulled tight to his chest quicker than he could say his name. He feels smaller arms attempt to wrap around him, and though they don't get even half-way around, he let's out a sigh of relief.

"Please tell me you aren't hurt." he says, not willing to let go. When the blonde mutters a 'no' into his shirt, he's content.

"I'm so so sorry." he says, fighting back tears. "I never should have yelled."

"I don't care about that anymore." Fili mumbles. "I'm alive because of you. Thank you." and this time, Thorin doesn't fight. He let's the tears go as he soothingly pets Fili's hair.

"Let's get you home." he says. "You need a bath."

Fili just laughs.