Hmm. I didn't want to split this up, but I think it was a good idea.

Naru: What was with that Ino thing?

Ita: That threw me through a loop.

Me: I have no idea, I just threw that in last minute. I think I'm gonna have her be another sister figure for Naru, but not as much as Yuuki is. I don't really know yet.

Naru: Hmmm. Ino as my sister? I think I'd like that. But why with Chouji.

Me: It's a cute pairing, and I don't really ship her with many people. It was either him or Sai, but Sai isn't going to be introduced until later, and then Sakura wouldn't have anyone. So I did it like that. And I really don't want anyone to not have pairings. I have no idea why I'm like that. _

Ita: But what about Lee with Sakura?

Me: I have something special and Yaoi related for Lee.

Naru: Neji?

Me: Gaara.

Ita: Hmm. Interesting.

Oh! I forgot to describe Yuuki, Marcus, and Mori last chapter.

Marcus has deep, blue hair that is styled short with spiked ends. He is about Sasuke's height, and is very pale. He has blue eyes, and a scar along his cheek. He is very loyal, but is slightly obsessed with Naru. He usually wears a bright blue shirt with black cargo-shorts and traditional blue sandals.

Mori has brown hair, and cat-like eyes. She has green slitted-eyes and has a slight tan. Her hair reaches her shoulders, and is slightly wild. She likes Kiba very much. She wears a black midriff vest, a mesh top, wrappings on her stomach and vest, black, knee-length shorts, and boots.

Yuuki long, white hair and deep, red eyes. She is not as pale as she was in the beginning, but still very pale. She wears a red, sleeveless top with a black dragon on it, black fingerless gloves, a black skirt, and a red, skin-tight shorts. She also wears a mesh long sleeved top and mesh tights underneath her outfit and black heeled boots.

****I won't describe Hinata or any of the other Rookies/Team Gai/ Sand Sibs/ anyone mentioned in the anime unless I change their outfit. The only ones who are getting costumes changes are Naru and Itachi.

We all drew pieces of papers from a hat to see who we would face. We were called alphabetically, unless your name was chosen. The teachers would pull your own name slip out after you drew a name. Hinata Hyuuga drew my name. Hinata was one of the few girls in class that wasn't a fangirl of Sasuke, but she did hate me. I think it's because I hang out with Shino... I don't know.

"Okay, everyone have a slip? Then we will start. First off, we will have Shino Aburame v.s. Mori Neko. The rules are simple. No weapons, no jutsus of any kind, and no genjutsu. The winner is whoever gets the most hits on their opponents in 2 minutes. Ready? Hajime!" Iruka-sensei and Mizuki-sensei were watching the match very closely, marking whenever either of the two students got any hits on each other. It was a very even match, but Shino won in the end.

And it continued like that until it was time for my match with Hinata. We were both standing across from each other, in our academy stances, and waiting for Iruka-sensei to call the match to a start.

"Ready? Hajime!"

Hinata came running at me, but not in the academy style techniques. I saw her switch to her family's Jyuken style, and knew I had to be careful. If I remember correctly, the Jyuken aims at the chakra points, so if I can copy her style, I can aim for the pressure points instead...right? I now where all the knock-out points are, so I'll just block and dodge her strikes, and attack there.

It worked for all of about 30 seconds. I barely got 3 punches on her; she is fast. But I managed to block and dodge almost all of her attacks, seeing as she kept aiming for my legs mostly. I'm just glad she isn't putting any chakra behind her attacks, otherwise I'd be screwed.

"And, time! Winner, Naru Uzumaki." I reach my hand out to Hinata for a handshake out of respect. She just walked away in clear disrespect. I shook my head and returned to the line. Next was Marcus and Sasuke.

Sasuke knocked Marcus out in 5 moves flat. I couldn't help but shake my head at Marcus. I love him and all -I mean, he is one of my best friends- but you NEVER charge an Uchiha head on in Taijutsu, especially after you call them a "Son-of-A-Bitch Woman-Stealer." Marcus really needs to get over his crush on me. I mean really, no matter how many times I tell him I'm not with Sasuke, he won't believe me.

And it continued like that until everyone was called. Yuuki won her match against Sakura, and Shikamaru won against Chouji. After the Taijutsu portion, we were released for lunch.

"Hey guys, where are you going?" Ino asked us, running to catch up. Not far behind her was Sakura.

"We're going back to my place, would you like to come with, Ino?" Yuuki asked her.

"Sure. I'd lik-" Ino was starting to say before she got cut off by the screaming banshee, I mean Sakura.

"HEY! What about me?!" Sakura screamed, glaring at me like it was my fault Yuuki didn't invite her along.

"We don't like you Sakura." I smirked at Sasuke's response. We all left Sakura there, standing in the middle of the street, obviously flabbergasted.

It took us only a few minutes after that to reach my apartment. Sasuke, Yuuki, and Ino all settled down in the living room while I moved to the kitchen to prepare lunch. I prepared steamed white rice and miso soup. I made some green tea for drinks. I started to pour the drinks when I heard it...

"So, Sasuke... Are you and Naru together?" I nearly spilled the tea all over the table after hearing that. I decided to put the pot down and listen by the doorway. This might be interesting...

"No! Why on earth does everyone think we are?!" I had to cover my mouth to stop me from laughing. Sasuke always does have the funniest reactions.

"Because of how close you two are! I mean, just last week you punched Marcus in the face for getting too 'touchy-feely' as you called it. C'mon, how could you two NOT be! You'd be perfect for eachother!" Ino had a mischievous look on her face. I did not like where this is going.

"No we wouldn't. Besides, my brother would KILL me if I let anyone touch her." I blush at that, then locked eyes with Yuuki, who spotted me spying on the conversation. She winked at me from her spot next to Sasuke.

"Wait, why would your brother...?" Ino was clearly confused. I couldn't really blame her. Sasuke just smacked his forehead lightly with his palm, before giving Ino an annoyed look.

"Sasuke's brother, Itachi, is Naru's caregiver. He's been taking care of her for a little over 3 years now, and is VERY possessive of her. He always has her in his sights, unless she is at the Academy or he is on a mission. And even when he is on a mission, he has his friends in ANBU watching over her." Ino looked very shocked, before a shit-eating grin split her face in two. Before she could even speak, I decided it was time for me to announce that lunch was ready.

After lunch -and a mini food-fight, courtesy of Yuuki and Sasuke- we headed back to the Academy, where we would complete our Exams. Ninjutsu and Weaponry is next. Yay.

"Hey, Naru?"

"Yes, Ino?"

"Where on earth did you get that outfit?! It is amazing!" I simply gazed down at my clothing, not really seeing what she meant. I have a million outfits like this in my closet.

"'Tach got them for me. It was a birthday present." I looked out of the corner of my eye to see her bewildered face. I glanced behind me to see Sasuke and Yuuki off in their own little world, talking about different weapons, and which is better. Sasuke thinks the Katana is superior, while Yuuki thinks chakra knives were the best.

"The entire outfit?!" I nod to her. "No way! That MUST have cost a fortune!"

"Tell 'Tach that. He and his mother tend to buy me outfits like this one for special occasions. I got the necklace I'm wearing, though, just last week." I pulled out the necklace from under my shirt. I had forgotten to put it on this morning, so I threw it on before I left this time. "It's an exact replica of Itachi's, though mine is in a deep red." She stared at me in awe. "Ino, we're back. Stopping gaping at me already!" I hissed at her, not exactly liking the face she was giving me. It was a mixture of mischievousness, cunning, and something else I don't even want to think of.

Everyone was gathered outside by Iruka-sensei and Mizuki-sensei, our Weaponry sensei.

"Okay everyone, now that everyone is here, we may now begin the weaponry part of our Exam. Now, I will call you all in order. You must use 10 kunai and shuriken, and hit as many targets as you can. Anything under 6 targets is failing. Everyone clear? Good. Now first off we have..." I tuned him out. I like Iruka-sensei and all, but he is SO INCREDIBLY BORING.

When it was my turn, I took both the kunai and shuriken in my hands, and tossed them with only a flick of my wrist. 8/10 shuriken hit their mark, while the kunai hit theirs perfectly. I still need to work a little more with shuriken.

"Good job Naru!" I heard Marcus say as he moved to stand next to me in line. He clapped me on the shoulder, which I glared at him for, and watched Ino hit barely enough targets to pass. "So, Naru. You doing anything tonight?" Same old Marcus.

"Yes, Marcus. I'm having dinner at Sasuke's house tonight. now please leave me alone." I walked away as the class headed inside. We were now ready to begin our Ninjutsu portion...