Before the Plans


Dick stood in his Home Economics class, listening to the teacher completely screw up cookies.

"Now you add in the diced carrots…"

It was supposed to be healthy. But, Dick had had better cookies that were healthier than this mess he was supposed to be making. But, he did as he was told, adding the carrots, and forming the dough into balls. He shoved the tray into the oven and waited for the horrid things to be done.

He didn't have any friends in this class, and everyone kept glaring at him. Why did he have to take Home Ec.? Why did they have to bump him up two grades? Why was he continually asking questions in his head?

After the cookies were done, they were supposed to try them, but instead, Dick shoved them in his bag. It was a lot safer than eating them.

At Wayne Manor, Alfred was whipping up a batch of his famous chocolate chip bat shaped cookies. He knew that Richard loved them, and was quite happy to bake them for him. Of course, seeing as Bruce was very 'big' on health, the cookies were low sugar, low fat, and filled with some decent vitamins. That didn't stop them from being delicious.

Dick trudged through the door after a long day at school. As soon as he entered the Manor, he smelled the amazing scent of Alfred's cookies. He ran to the kitchen, and snatched a few.

"Don't eat too many, Master Richard, or you'll spoil your dinner," Alfred said without turning around.

"I won't. You know, in school today we made cookies."


"Yeah, and they were horrible! They had too much sugar in them, and carrots."

Alfred sighed. "What are they teaching children in schools these days?"

That sparked a brilliant idea on Alfred's part. He knew the recipe for the cookies of which Richard spoke, and he agreed that they were quite deplorable. He called Bruce to inform him of what his plan was, and Bruce agreed that it was a great idea. If it worked well, he'd add it to the Batbook.

The next day, Richard stood in Home Economics. They were making a slightly different cookie recipe, but it was equally horrible. The teacher stood up at the front, explaining the importance of nutrition.

The door opened quietly, and everyone was shocked to see an old man in a suit walk in.

Alfred? Dick thought, curious as to why the butler was here.

"Can I help you?" the teacher asked, annoyed that someone had interrupted his lesson.

"Yes, I believe you are using a perfectly horrible cookie recipe. I am here to correct that."

"The cookies made in this class are healthy and great for you. They may not taste the best, but they do wonders for your body."

"I beg to differ."

The teacher was flustered. "You should leave, we're in the middle of class."

"I am taking over this class for the period. Maybe you can learn something."

Alfred handed the teacher a piece of paper, and the teacher backed away.

"Now, we're going to begin by disposing of the batter you have started."

Alfred taught the class how to make his famous chocolate chip cookies (minus shaping them like bats). Everyone went home with a plate to share, as long as they didn't eat them all first.

Alfred pulled out a cell phone as the last child left the classroom. "Master Bruce, the plan is a success."

So, this story is going to be published in the same order Batingency Plans was published in, so I don't accidentally give anything away. That means this isn't going to be a chronological story, like Batingency Plans is. If this makes any sense to you, you're doing good. So, good luck.
