A Human Thing


In a darkened room, with the only light source came from a single lamp, sat a woman in a chair overlooking the outside world from a window. She sat there with a book in her lap, but she didn't pay any attention to the book.

From behind her, she heard someone approaching. She didn't flinch because she knew who it was. She felt a comforting hand on her shoulder.

She turned her attention back to the book in her lab.

I don't know where to begin. My thoughts are all mixed together; they are starting to mix together. I was told that someone like me, our memories begin to collide. Little details can be forgotten. So I was suggested just to write them down before I forget, but where do I begin. I don't want to forget anything. Everything is important to me…Its how my life began.

The world has changed…I have watched that change. Some good, some bad…but isn't that the point. Where there is bad, there is always good just around the corner. Its part of being human, at least, that's what I used to believe…until I met Eric.

A good story should always begin at the beginning. Everything has a beginning…and everything has an end. The trick is to keep yourself together when it comes to that point.