Here's my second story! I got the inspiration to write this story when I reread Percy Jackson & the Olympians series again. It got me thinking about Greek mythology, then mythology in general. I hope you all enjoy it!

There lay two kingdoms in the lands of the magic age, the Elves and the Nymphs (in this case, nymphs are mostly just magical not really in the need to have sex all the time, like they are mostly portrayed). Each kingdom had its own specific kind of magic to offer. The elves had to offer spells, potions, and taught others how to protect themselves. The nymphs had to offer nature magic, agricultural knowledge, and medicine. Neither one was better than the other so they got along just fine; they ruled the land together in a joint kingdom.

As the years pass by the King of the Nymphs, Enlil, and the King of the Elves, Lycus, decided that they should have children to carry on their rein through them. Lycus had a son named Seto and then six years later had another son named Mokuba. Enlil had a daughter a year later after Seto was born and her name was Katsuya. Enlil and Lycus had decided that they would betroth them together for a united kingdom.

Katsuya was known for her beautiful golden hair, it was like the sun, shined so bright yet brought happiness to who ever encountered it. Seto was known for his crystal blue eyes, it was the color of the sky, and it was limitless and expanded far and wide like his future would be as king of the new found kingdom.

One day, something terrible happened, the nymph princess was kidnapped. Enlil had blamed the elves for such a crime. The elves had tried to convince him that they didn't do it, but blinded with grief and rage he wouldn't listen to reason, not even his own wife could calm him down. His unstable nature caused a break in the friendship between the elves and the nymphs.

~meanwhile deep within the Dawn forest~

"With you out of the way I can become the true king of the Nymphs." said the king's brother, Zopyros. "It's really too bad you have to die, you are my only niece, and I bet you would have been beautiful as a young lady." As he said this he set the baby girl down into a big, deep pond to drown her. Of course the baby tried to get air, but all too soon the baby passed out from exhaustion and lack of air and then gently floated down to the bottom of the water. "I'm going to be king!" he cheered as he raced off to see his brother to 'comfort him in his grief'.

Little did he know, Katsuya didn't actually die, her powers protected her from drowning. Her powers called to the water to bring her up to breathe, it did so at once.

On her way home, the fairy Diane had stopped by the pond to collect water for her dinner. She, all of a sudden, heard crying; she looked up and saw a baby crying out on top of the water. She grabbed the baby and wrapped it in a silver cloth. "Shh, it's ok, it's ok, it's going to be alright, Fairy Diane is here, there's no need to cry anymore." She said comforting the small child. It slowed it's crying into little sniffles, then just fell asleep in her arms. "Who would leave such an adorable child out here in the middle of the forest?" She cradled the child to her home and the whole time the baby slept.

Once she was home she was greeted by her husband, Sean, who was at this moment holding their child, Yugi, in his arms when he welcomed her home "Why, my dear Diane, welcome home sweetheart. Did you get all the stuff at the village?"

She nodded to him, "Yes, I got everything, but I also picked up something else on the way home."

"What is it? Ooh did you get my white snake scale? I didn't think the humans had stuff like that, do they?" He asked curiously.

"No, dear, I'm afraid I couldn't find that in the human village, but it's actually…" she paused a moment to get the baby out of the velvet food basket "a baby. I found it in the pond near the waterfall and it was crying and crying and I couldn't help but take it in." she explained.

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Oh my, I haven't even checked yet, how silly of me." She knocked her little fist to her head for emphasis. She then took off the silver cloth on the baby and took the clothes it had on and was surprised that it was "A girl, this baby is beautiful baby girl just like our child."

"That's wonderful honey, but what is she? Is it an animal speaker, a spellbinder, an elf,… can you tell what it is?"

"The ears are pointed so that narrows it down to an elf, a nymph, or a serian hmm…. Ah, that's right serians don't have 'natural' hair colors so that changes it to being an elf or a nymph. It's really hard to say at this age, nymphs and elves look a lot alike when they are young."

You said you found her in the pond by the waterfall, but was anyone there, did it look like someone had been there?"

"Yes, now that I think about it, there were footprints on the edge of the pond! That means that someone purposely put her there, they didn't care for her anymore…" she grew sad at the thought that someone would abandon their own child, and left them there to die. "Well now it doesn't matter anymore, we'll take care of her even if no one else will, right darling?"

He laughed and said "Sure honey, we'll take care of her, after all, I've heard that both nymph and elf children are quite docile when they are this young, it couldn't be too hard raise her as our own." He paused a moment "Diane, what will we name her? She can't have a name you know."

"Hmm… a name, what would be a good name for this little girl?" She took a moment to think about different names. She could not think of any that really fit the baby girl, none of the seemed right.

"What about Jono?" he suggested.

"Yes, Jono, it's the perfect name for this child." The baby opened her big brown eyes at her new found family and smiled at them.

"Welcome home, Jono." The said in unison.