A/N: Well you're getting the update you all asked for xD what will Dumbledore say hmm we may never know, yeah that's a lie you're going to find out really soon.

Review my lovelies!

Disclaimer- Still not Jo Rowling, sadly.


Dumbledore looked thoroughly taken aback, " You- you want to marry Hermione?" He asked incredulously

"I love her sir, very much so." James said with a proud look on his face

"It seems that she loves you very much as well, but don't you think you're taking things a little fast?" Dumbledore asked

"No." James said blatantly

"And why is that?" Dumbledore asked

"She's all I think about, she's my everything and I can't picture my life without her, she's perfect and flawed at the same time. She's the only one for me and no one else can ever compare for her, nothing could shake the love I have for her and I want to make her mine before this war takes that chance away from me." James said seriously

Dumbledore knew it was for the greater good to say no to James and tell him to stay far away from Hermione and that's exactly why he found himself completely justified when he said "You have my blessing."

James jumped up and gave Dumbledore a hug.

"So should I be going?" James asked.

"No, no Mr. Potter, you need repercussions for that prank." Dumbledore said with the twinkle in his eye back

"Got it dumbly." James said cheekily

"Well the only fair punishment I can see is to expel you..." Dumbledore trailed off

James jumped up " WHAT? No! You can't expel me!" He yelled

"Or, you can promise me it will be a Hogwarts wedding." Dumbledore said with a sly smile

James smiled, "Have I ever told you that you're the coolest headmaster in the history of Hogwarts?"

"I'd beg to differ, I always have thought that Phineas was the coolest headmaster ever." Dumbledore said

Hermione with the rest of the marauders chose that moment to burst through the door.

"It wasn't James it was me! I came up with the plan not him so if you're punishing anyone punish me." Hermione said

Dumbledore shot a quick smile at the beaming James " I'm afraid Mr. Potter has already agreed to the terms of his punishment, which he wont speak of I'm sure."

It took James a minute to realize everyone was staring at him "oh. Oh yeah! Yeah don't worry Hermione he knows it was me."

"But, but it wasn't!" Hermione exclaimed

"Never the matter, don't you have classes to attend?" Dumbledore said calmly

"Yeah, lets go mates." Peter said

The marauder left the headmasters office realizing that they already finished classes for the day and that Dumbledore was just using that as an excuse to make them leave his office.

"What was your punishment prongsie?" Sirius asked while messing up James' hair

"Nothing serious, I just help out at a Hogwarts function in the summer." James said

"Well that's not too bad" Remus said

"Dumbledore is the best! I swear he always goes on about house unity but when it comes down to it he always favors Gryffindor. " He looked at Hermione quickly "and it helps that his favourite niece is in Gryffindor."

"Favourite?" Hermione aid while laughing "How about only niece."

The next couple days blurred together for James, they fell into the usual routine if hanging out, quidditch practice, classes, and sneaking Severus into the Gryffindor table during meal times. But, now everything was going very fast for James, today was the day he was going to propose to Hermione.

Hermione went to Dumbledore's office first thing in the morning he said he had urgent news to tell her.

"What happened Dumbledore? Did Voldemort attack again?" Hermione asked fervently

"No." He said

"Then what happened?" Hermione asked relived

"I found someone, a doctor, he can send you back to your time." He asked with a pang of regret in his voice

"Doctor who?" Hermione asked while chewing on her bottom lip

The test examiner with the bowtie and the fez walked into the office "Precisely!" "I'm the doctor, a time wizard if you will." He said jubilantly

Hermione looked over the doctor. He was in well fitted muggle clothes except the style was way out of date he had a giant grin on his face and his eyes were sparkling, from his pocket she could see a metal wand.

"Why is your wand made of metal?" she asked simply

"I'm not from here, in the future everything is different." The doctor said while smiling

"So how do you time travel? A timeturner? A spell?" she asked intrigued

"Let me show you!" he said

"Okay." Was all she said

The doctor conjured up a large blue police box, "This is my TARDIS or time and dimensions in space."

"Can I go in?" Hermione asked excitedly

"Of course"

She ran inside with the doctor tailing her, "This is brilliant!" she said while running around and looking at everything "wait."

"Go ahead say it everyone does." He said grinning

"Does this have a library, or a pool? Or does it have both in the same room?" she asked smirking

"That's a first. How did you figure that?" he asked inrediously

"You have a chlorine soaked book on the table." She said smartly

"AHHH!" he yelled

"What" Hermione asked while laughing

"You. You wonderful human being, would you like to be my companion?" he asked reminiscing on the loss of Amy and Rory

"What ever is that?" Hermione asked

"You can time travel with me, we can go anywhere and everywhere we can even stop and visit some of your old friends along the way! You can see anything and everything!" he said happily

"No." was all Hermione said

His smile quickly turned into a frown "why not?"

"I think I think I want to stay here in this time period with James and Sirius and Peter and Remus and Lily I don't want to go anywhere!" Hermione exclaimed

He gave her a sad smile "Very well. I'm glad to have met you Ms. Granger, invite me to the wedding wouldn't you?"

Hermione was confused " I have no idea what you're talking about."

The doctor proceeded to take a page out of River's book and said "Spoilers"

A/N: Well there you have it, Hermione's staying with the marauders, excellent! Next chapter we'll hear her reply to the proposal c:

For only one review you can free 3 house elves. Do it for s.p.e.w.

Shoutout to Shannon Crosgrove for being supermegafoxyawesomehot and being the only person who would go to a gay gypsy bar mitzvah during the third reich c;