I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in months but I've had writers block with this story and Ive had a lot going on in my life which i needed to deal with. Anyway, this is the final chapter but it's a very long chapter. I hope you enjoy and are happy with the way I leave these characters in my story. It's been very hard to write this story because of how different the show is now. I actually dont watch it anymore. I just wanted Ruby and Casey to have their ending. Thank you for everyone who has supported this story, whether it's from the beginning or very recently. This is my first story and I didn't think ANYONE was going to read it. I am quite proud of this chapter and I think its a good ending to their love story.

3 years ago-

Ruby stares at her reflection in the mirror as she runs the brush through her long,curly hair. She doesn't even notice her mum walk into the room and walk towards her until she speaks.

"you look beautiful Ruby" Charlie compliments her with a smile.

Ruby smiles and turns to her mother "Everythings finally working out for us isn't it? You and Brax are properly together, me and Casey are happy and we're moving to the city together."

Charlie laughs at her daughters excitement "hold your horses Rubes, i still have my last day of work today."

Ruby rolls her eyes "you'll do fine Charlie. Just remember its your last day and then it's our happily ever after"

Ruby's POV-

I frown at the memory of one of my final conversation with Charlie which occurred exactly 3 years ago today.

Brax walks over to me and puts his arm on my shoulder "your doing good Rubes. You sure you don't need a rest though?"

I smile at him and nod "I'm sure. Brax I was stabbed 4 months ago, you don't have to keep checking up on me"

He nods "I know. I was just worried because today is..."

I frown and look down "the 3rd anniversary of Charlies death. I remembered"

Brax nods "why don't you leave early? I can close up here."

I raise an eyebrow "you sure?"

Brax smiles "I insist. I like to work to keep my mind of things so I really don't mind."

I smile and hug him "thanks Brax"

I grab my bag from under the counter and then leave Angelo's and make my way down to the beach so I can walk along there. I get there just in time to see Casey walking out of the ocean with his surf board in his hands so I walk over to him. "How were the waves?" I ask as I reach him.

Casey looks up at me and then back down as he picks up his towel and starts drying himself."fine" he replies bluntly.

I sigh "Case it's been 4 months of us not talking. It's driving me crazy. We both love each other so why can't we put this past us and start over?"

Casey looks at me "my reasons for staying away haven't changed. You got stabbed Ruby"

I nod "yes, I got stabbed but im all better now so it's stupid that your using that as an excuse cause im here, I didnt die"

"yes you did" Casey points out. "for the worst minutes of my life you were dead and all I could think about was how It was my fault. I may not have stabbed you Rubes but I'm the one who came onto you all those years ago, if I hadn't none of this would've happened"

I sigh "but its not your fault. You made me happier than I ever was Case." I sigh again when Casey doesn't respond and I turn to walk away but then turn back to him "your support would have been nice Case, especially today" I then walk away.

I slowly walk back to the house, trying to think of a way to get Casey to talk to me again. I don't get it, i may have nearly died but I didn't, Im fine and I'm practically begging to be with him. I walk Into the house to find a heavily pregnant Natalie cleaning the kitchen.

"need any help?" I ask her.

She looks up at me "I thought you were at work"

I nod "I was but Brax let me leave early" I sigh and lean on the counter.

Natalie looks at me "what's wrong?"

"I just saw Casey on the beach" I explain. I look at her "he really thinks that everything that's happened is all his fault because he made a move on me nearly 4 years ago."

Natalie stops cleaning and sighs "Ruby, I know that must sound ridiculous to you but when Sid told us that you were dead, I look at Casey and I honestly did't see a way back for him. I didnt think he'd be able to recover."

I listen to her intently "what?"

"Casey loves you so much but he needs to trust himself again so you can do It right." she explains.

I frown "why can't we do that together?"

Natalie puts a hand on my shoulder "because he is petrified of losing you you rejected him because you had feelings for Romeo, then you broke up with him after Charlie died, then you went to prison and then you got stabbed"

I sigh "I'm going to lie down and think things through"

Natalie nods "ok Rubes. I'm here if you need anything"

I walk into my room and lie on my bed.

Later that day, Brax and I walk to Charlie's grave. I stand back for a while so I give them some privacy but then when Brax gives me the signal I walk closer and stand beside him.

Brax puts his hand on my shoulder and smiles tearfully "I'll give you some privacy" he walks away and I sit on the ground beside her grave, placing a bunch of Charlie's favourite flowers there in the process.

"hi mom" I begin, already tearing up. "I know it's been a really long time since I was here but I didn't really know what to say to you because I'd screwed up so bad. I came to Summer Bay to be closer to you and Dad but then when you were gone I stayed for the family I had made while I was here." I smile slightly as I glance at Brax who is staring out into the ocean "I have made a lot of mistakes that I am ashamed of but I am here and I'm owning up to the which is something the old Ruby wouldn't have done. All I ever wanted to do was be like you, Charlie but everything I did seemed to bring me further from that. But not anymore, I'm going to stop making selfish decisions and I am going to make decisions that will have a positive affect on my life."

I look at ground and wrap my arms around my body "I've decided to leave summer bay, Charlie. I'm going to go and live with Morag in the city. I shouldn't have come back to the bay, it was stupid. Truthfully, I came back for Casey" I roll my eyes "now I feel dumb because he won't come near me."

I glance at the grave and then wipe some tears away "I love you so much Charlie and 3 years after your death it still kills me to know that I will never get to see you again. I'd give everything just to have you here lecturing me on my bad decisions again. I promise though, even when im gone, I'll still have you one my mind all day, Charlie"

I stand up and walk to Brax who puts his arm around me as we walk the short distance to his car. I get in the passenger side whilst Brax gets in the driving seat and glances at me "did you have a nice talk with your mum?" he asks.

I nod and look at him "I need to tell you something Brax. I didn't tell you before because I wanted to talk to my mum first so I could make decision but now I've made it"

He nods "ok? What is it?"

"I'm moving to the city" I blurt out.

Brax's eyes widen "what?"

I nod "Morag said I could stay with her and that she'd help me get a job and get my life in order"

"but I've gotten you a job here, Im trying to help get your life in order, HERE" Brax argues desperately.

I nod "yes and you have no idea how much i appreciate that. There is no way I could thank you for all you've done but I shouldn't have come back here after everything at happened"

Brax looks at me confused "but everything was going fine...well except.." he sighs in realisation "your leaving because of Casey arent you?"

I nod "I need to stop waking up everyday hoping that this is that day he desides he wants to be with me, only to go to sleep that night disappointed. I need to move on Brax and I can't do that when I run into him everyday. "

Brax sighs as he realises that I'm making sense. He then turns to the front of the car and starts driving home.

Over 3 years ago-

Ruby sighs to herself which causes Casey to look down at his girlfriend who is lying on his shoulder. "Everything ok Rubes?" he asks.

Ruby nods slightly "yeah... I was just thinking." she sits up on the couch so she is facing him "Do you think it will ever be normal for us Case?"

Casey looks at her confused "what do you mean?"

She sighs again "All this drama between our families. I'm sick of it Case and I don't want any part in it."

Casey smiles and wraps his arms tighter around her "well maybe we should run away on our own" he jokes.

Ruby smiles "that would be amazing. We could get a small apartment for just the two of us" she continues.

Casey nods "it could be near a beach so we could both still surf"

She nods "and it would have an amazing view of the ocean."

He smiles down at her "but most of all there would be no family drama just us and our love"

Ruby leans up and kisses him "I love you for having that daydream with me Case, and for many other things"

Casey kisses her back "I love you too Rubes" he smiles at her "that daydream will be our reality one day, I promise"

Caseys POV-

My flashback Is interuppted as Brax walks over to me on the beach and shoves me. "what the hell Brax?" I shout at him once Ive recovered.

"she's leaving Case. Shes leaving because of you. Are you happy?" he shouts at me.

I look at him confused "she's leaving? Where?"

"shes moving to the city"

I sit on the sand and put my face in my hands "I just wanted her to be safe Brax"

Brax sighs and sits next to me " I know you do Case but you need to face the fact that you and Ruby obviously aren't going to move on from eachother. After Charlie died, I was scared of being with anyone else because I didn't want them to get hurt but after a while.." he pauses and puts a hand on my shoulder "after a while I realised that living that way, isn't really living so I took a chance" he smiles at me "and Im so glad I did because me and Natalie are so happy and we're going to have our baby in a couple of months. I still get scared but then I remember how happy I am and it isnt as scary"

I look at him and sigh "your righ Brax. But she's leaving, how can I take that chance when she's not going to be here?"

Brax smiles at me "you do something big for her to make her that will show her that your in It till the end" he then stands up and leaves me.

I stand up and start to make my way to the diner when something catches my eye and smile as I get an idea of how to make her stay.

Ruby's POV-

I close my last suitcase and sigh as I look around at all the boxes in my room. Now it feels much more real, leaving Summer bay for good. I walk into the livingroom where Brax and Natalie are sitting on the couch "I'm all packed"

They turn to me "are you sure I can't convince you to stay?" Brax asks me.

I shake my head "I need to move on Brax and I can't do that here"

He nods In understanding and then stands up "well I'm driving you" I open my mouth to argue but he stops me "your not wasting money on a cab Rubes. I want to take you."

I smile and hug him "I will miss you so much Brax"

Brax hugs me back "I'll miss you too" he steps away from me " I'll start putting your stuff in the car" he walks to my bedroom.

Natalie stands up from the couch and bugs me tight "Im going to miss you so much Ruby. So will your niece or nephew"

I smile "I promise I'll visit after the birth"

Natalie puts her her hands on my shoulders "you should be so proud of yourself. Stop blaming yourself for the past Rubes. Thats the best way to be happy"

I nod "I think I'm ready for that now"

Natalie smiles and pulls me in for another hug. When I pull away I see the first signs of tears in her eyes.

Brax puts his hand on my shoulder "cars loaded. We should get going."

I nod " I want to stop by the diner so I can say goodbye to Leah"

Brax nods "we have to make another stop too'

I send one last glance at Natalie and then follow Brax out to the car.

After a few minutes of driving Brax stops outside somewhere unfamiliar. I look at him confused. "where are we?"

Brax looks at me "go inside Rubes. It'll all make sense then"

I get out the car and walk into the building. When I enter a room Im shocked to see Casey dressed in a suit.

"what's going on?" I ask him.

He stares at me "you were going to leave without saying goodbye..." he steps closer "to me"

I sigh "It was too hard Case. It's still too hard" I turn around to leave but Casey grabs my hand and turns me back to him.

"it's a good job your not saying goodbye then isn't it?" he then presses his lips onto mine and I immediately respond without hesitation.

Once I become aware of what's happening I pull away and stare at him "what the hell was that?"

Casey takes both my hands in his "stay with me Rubes"

I sigh "we've tried this Case. It doesn't work, it never works. Something always comes between us. Whether its our family, a prison sentence or a stabbing. We obviously don't work"

He shakes his head "I refuse to believe that. We werent ready all those years ago Rubes. And 4 months ago I was an idiot and I was scared but now I'm only scared of losing you. Please stay and we can be together."

I shake my head "and what happens when you change your mind?"

Casey smiles "I wont."

"how can I trust that?"

"look around"

I turn around and the realisation hits me. This is an apartment, a small apartment. There are boxes all over the room which are filled with eyes wander to a window where I see the amazing view of the ocean which looks to be within right outside. My mind travels back to that conversation me and Casey had over 3 years ago, we were just day dreaming but this, this is a dream come true. I turn back to Casey and my heart misses a beat when I see him on one knee with a small box in his hand "Casey.." I begin but he interupts me.

"Ruby Buckton, I remember the first time I met you all those years ago. I knew I loved you even then, even when I called you that horrible name. You believed in me more than anyone did or ever will, you saw more in me than just a Braxton. I love you so much and even though we havent been together for 3 three years, I know this is right. Will you do me the incredible honour of becoming my wife?"

I freeze slightly as I digest his words and then my response comes to me as easy as breathing "yes" I reply and I break out Into a wide smile.

Casey smiles wide and stands up to place the beautiful ring on my thing. He then kisses me like hes never kissed me before. I pull away and lean my forehead on his "I love you so much."

He smiles In response "come on" he then pulls my hand and we leave the apartment to see Brax, Leah and Natalie waiting outside.

I smile wide and hold up my hand to show off the ring. "we're engaged" I scream happily as I run towards them.

Brax looks at Casey "you didn't tell me you were proposing?"

Casey smirks "I knew exactly what I wanted Brax and it was her. Nothing else."

I nudge Casey in the side "look who's getting all soppy"

He laughs and wraps his arm around me. "only for you Rubes, only for you"

6 months later-

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride" The priest says.

Casey smiles wide "about bloody time" he says before crashing his lips onto mine.

The room erupts into cheers and a few whistles but I ignore them, only focusing on my husband. I pull away from Casey and smile wide. The wedding had been amazing. We had kept it very simple, with only our closes friends and family as guests. Brax has walked me down the aisle as well as being Caseys best man and Nicole had returned so she could be my maid of honour. Everything was perfect. I look out at all the guests and my eyes fall on one in particular on the front row, a very recent addition to my life and one of the most important ones.

My new baby niece, Charlotte Ruby Braxton. There was always meant to be a Charlie Braxton and now there is and I couldnt be happier with the outcome.

~The End~