Severus sat on the bed in the middle of the room, looking at his surroundings. It was the first time he had ever been in Lily Evans' room. It was painted a soft pink color and had white wood floors. Her four poster bed had a mesh canopy with little pink, brown and white butterflies stuck to it. Her desk in front of the window had quills, inkwells, and parchment on it for writing letters to her friends.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. He was sitting in the bedroom that belonged to his best friend, the greatest person he knew, and, more importantly, the love of his life. It also didn't help that his teenage hormones were going on a rampage.

Lily's bathroom door opened, and she smiled at Severus, walking towards him. Severus nervously returned the smile and played with the ends of his hair, watching Lily glide through her room. She went to her desk to put the cap on the inkwell she was using before Severus had arrived at her home. She looked out the window and visibly perked up. Severus steeled himself for what was coming. Lily always came up with random ideas to keep boredom away, some of them a bit on the insane side.

"Sev, what do you say to going swimming?" Lily asked, turning towards him.

"Swimming? Where?" Severus had memories of swimming in the lake by his house, but he had always hated it because of the creatures. His Muggle father had purposefully told Severus of fish forty feet long that drug you down to the bottom of the lake to drown you just to scare him.

"Our swimming pool, of course! I can't believe I never invited you to swim before." Lily explained, running to her dresser and opening a drawer.

"What's a swimming pool? Besides, I didn't bring my swimwear." Severus said nervously. Even if he did have a Muggle father, he was still raised by a pure-blood mother and didn't know much about Muggle customs or contraptions.

"Oh, Sev, it's like a big hole in the ground filled with water. It's kind of like a lake only the water is clean and clear and there are no animals in it. It's really fun! Trust me." Lily jumped on the bed next to Severus. He knew he was going to agree to swimming, but wanted to play with Lily for a moment.

"Oh, Lils, I don't know. Sounds boring." he sighed. Lily grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him down to lie on the bed. His heart leapt at the motion and seeing Lily's face over his, long red-brown hair tumbling around him.

"Come on, Severus! It's not boring, I promise!" Lily pouted. Severus tried to hold on to his emotionless mask, but felt the corners of his mouth slipping up. Lily knew she won, and dipped down to kiss him on the cheek. Severus grinned wider.

Lily jumped off the bed and ran into the bathroom with a piece of dark purple cloth clutched in her hand. With a wink at Severus, she slammed the door closed.

"There's still the problem of what I'm going to wear!" he yelled. Hearing Lily laugh through the door, Severus smiled and wrung his hands.

"I'm sure you can transfigure some shorts. You're a very bright wizard, you know." Severus blushed at the voice from the bathroom.

"You're much better at Transfiguration and you know it." Severus replied as the door opened.

"Does this look okay? I think I grew a lot since last summer, but it still fits me for the most part."

Severus' mouth dried at the sight of Lily in the one-piece purple bathing suit. She had grown…a lot. Her long, pale legs stemmed from her wide hips, which stretched the fabric of the bathing suit tight over her body, slimming to her waist just to swell back out at her breasts. Lily had always dressed modest, but this bathing suit was far from it, even if it was just a regular bathing suit. The cleavage shown was enough to make a man's eyes widen with lust, let alone a teenage boy. Severus' eyes were the last thing to worry about when it comes to growing in size.

"Well, is it okay?" Lily asked in a small voice, bringing him out of his distracted state. He looked at her face and she was blushing.

"Yes!" Severus said, almost too quickly. His voice cracked and he cleared his throat for another try. "Yes, you look lovely."

"Then, let's find something for you to wear." She got her wand from the desk. Severus stood and looked at her wearily.

"Nothing embarrassing, okay?" he muttered. Lily rolled her eyes and pointed her wand at his trousers. He almost wanted to shield his private parts.

Lily mumbled a spell and Severus clenched his eyes shut. A strange vibration in his pants made him shiver and he felt cool air on his legs. Opening his eyes, he saw Lily smile in triumph and looked down to see dark blue swim trunks ending right at his knees.

"Thanks, Lils." he said, looking up to see Lily blushing again.

"No problem. Now, let's go!" she put her wand back on the desk and walked out of her room with Severus trailing after her.

She led him through a house he's been in maybe four times in all the years he's known Lily. Her parents were always protective of her from boys and the first three times were strictly emergencies. This time was because her parents were at a school function for her older sister, Petunia, and were gone for a couple days. Lily said she would be okay by her own, but owled Severus as soon as they had left.

Stopping at a closet, she grabbed two towels, handing one to Severus, then went to the sliding back door and stepped out onto concrete. Lily almost ran to the pool.

"Merlin, I love swimming! This is going to be so much fun!" she rambled as she dipped a toe into the pool. "Good temperature."

Severus had stopped at a glass top table and put his towel on a chair next to it. Watching Lily, he smiled and crossed his arms.

"Are you going to clutch that towel the whole time, Lily?" Lily looked at him and stuck out her tongue before walking back to the table.

"Are you going to wear your shirt and shoes the whole time, Severus?" Lily crossed her arms and tapped her foot, raising her eyebrows at him.

"I think I actually might. Kind of chilly, don't you think?" He laughed as Lily reached out and slapped his arm.

"You are such a smartass! Just take them off so we can jump in the pool together."

"Look at that. A Gryffindor is begging a Slytherin to take to take his clothes off!" Severus ducked under his arms as Lily slapped him repeatedly.

"Smartass and a pervert!" she yelled as she crossed her arms again and stomped her foot.

"You walked right into that one, Lils." Severus laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Lily turned away from him and started walking towards the pool. Severus hurried and took his shirt, shoes and socks off, almost falling over in the process.

"Lily, I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me." he said as he reached her at the side of the pool. He put his hand on her shoulder.

Next thing he knew, he was falling and hardly had time to take a breath before he hit the water. He quickly righted himself and stood, looking at Lily. She was doubled over laughing and clutching her sides.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Severus repeated Lily and splashed her. Lily straightened and took a deep breath, wiping under her eyes.

"You should have seen your face. You were so scared!" Lily started laughing again.

"So, what? I'm sure if someone pushed you into a swimming pool without warning you would be a little scared, too." Severus bent his knees until only his neck and head were above the water. The breeze was making him cold and he was a bit self conscious of his torso being naked.

"Just jump in already." Lily smiled at him and prepared herself for a dive. She sliced through the water and went past Severus to the middle of the pool. He made his way over to her as she popped her head out of the water.

"You're such a show off." Severus muttered as Lily pushed her wet hair off her face.

"Just pay back for potions class." Lily matched Severus' position. Severus watched as her long hair fanned out around her and floated in the water.

"At least you're in the Slug Club and not blowing up cauldrons like Longbottom." Severus laughed, causing Lily to push water at him. Her fingertips brushed against his chest and he suppressed a shiver.

"Yeah, but Slughorn still plays favorites. 'Very good, Severus! Twenty points to Slytherin! You should be a Potions Master!'" Lily deepened her voice in a poor effort to imitate Professor Slughorn.

"It's not my fault I'm so perfect." Severus smirked. Lily's mouth dropped and she started a splash fight.

Splashing water and laughs filled the pool for two hours. The two only started getting tired when the sky turned orange and pink with the setting sun.