DISCLAIMER THING! I do not own Dragon Ball Z

or its characters, trust me, if I did, I wouldn't be

writing this...

Author's Note: This is it… this is the last chapter…. I had fun writing this story but I really truly want to thank you guys for staying with me through it. You guys are amazing!

Have We Met Before?: Chapter 10: Home?

Seventeen didn't like that his friend was in the middle of the street… he could get hurt. There was a person not too far from them. It looked like a teenager. He couldn't really tell who it was because of the darkness. Who let their kid out at this time of night?

"Hey, come back here," he called to the goat. It looked back at him and only stared. Seventeen was in no mood for a starring competition. He just wanted to leave and get out of this place. He didn't even know why he stayed in this blasted city! He should have just left… but why didn't he?

"Mehh," the goat shouted. Seventeen was starting to get irritated. He looked away from his companion to see that the person was still in the same place. Why were they just standing there like an idiot? He hated it when people did that!

"I'm serious let's go!" he hissed crossing his arms and waiting for the goat to return to his side. No response. It stayed locked to the floor.

"Hello! Are you okay over there!?" shouted a female voice. Seventeen's eyes widened in complete horror and happiness. It was Marron!

I must be losing it… He thought. It couldn't be her, it was downright impossible and beyond his luck.

"Hello!?" the voice called once more. Seventeen was now the one locked on to the floor. What should he do… He looked at the person once more. They were coming…. They were getting closer and closer, making their figure much more easier to determine. Short… Female… blonde… He was dead set on believing it wasn't her. It couldn't be.

He quickly turned his back and tried to stay calm.

"Sir? Are you okay?" she asked. There was no denying it now. This was his niece. Luckily she didn't recognize him. His haircut saved him!

"Um…. Yeah, I'm fine," he said trying to disguise his voice, he still had not turned to face her directly. What was he doing? He had promised himself he would stay away from her. She was better off without him.

"Are you sure?"

He could tell that she was somewhat concerned. That just like her… being nice to strangers. Maybe her seeing him…wouldn't be so disastrous. He turned around and put on a small smile.

"Yes, thank you for asking," he said calmly. The look on her face said it all. She was examining his appearance.

Marron's View….

This stranger looked nice…. Well sort of. She had seen him from across the street arguing with a goat, so naturally, she had to see if he was alright.

She didn't know why, but she felt uncomfortable around this man. Maybe she was over-reacting. Or maybe it was the way he was smiling at her. It was creepy and looked like he was forcing himself to contain something.

She looked at him from top to bottom. He wasn't very tall, but he was still taller than her. His hair was black but short… The post light didn't offer much lighting on this stranger, so she couldn't see much.

She didn't realize she had stared until the stranger cleared his throat.

"Oh.. I'm sorry," she looked down and saw that the goat she had seen from afar, was staring at her. "You have a very cute pet," she giggled.

The man glared at his friend. "Yeah… but he can more trouble than he's worth," he grunted. He leaned down and started petting the goat. "But, most of the time, he's alright."

As he leaned down, the light hit him more directly. "Well, he looks really sweet," she smiled.

The man looked up and smiled. Marron froze… Those eyes…. She thought. She stared into them, biting her tongue.

"Miss?" he asked, bringing her back from her thoughts. She shook her head and gulped.

"I'm sorry… it's just… your eyes," she laughed, scratching her head.

The man chuckled and immediately looked down. "It's the contacts, they change my eye color," he quipped.

Marron felt a bit embarrassed. She had stared at the poor guy. And she thought she felt uncomfortable…

"They looked like they were the same eyes of someone I know," she said laughing at the impossibility.

"Oh? Personally?" he asked, he sat down on the side-walk, his goat laying down beside him.

She frowned. "Yes and no… It's a long story," she sighed.

Seventeen's View…..

Seventeen tried to hide his face a bit more, but it was hard. He had felt so guilty for her accident… you would think that would make him want to stay away from her, but in the end… she was family.

He bit his lip and tried his best not to say anything that could bring her memory back. He needed to go. He stood up and dusted his lap off.

"Well Miss-"

"My name is Marron," she said quickly.

He cocked his head and smiled. "Marron, I must go." He waved his hand by his side and signaled for his friend to follow him.

"Goodbye sir," she bubbled.

"The name's Stephen…Stephen Beam," he explained.

"Well, see you around Stephen," she smiled turning around.

Seventeen shifted his eyes back and forth. "Hey Marron!"

"Hmm… yeah?" she asked.

"I just wanted to say..." he took a breath, "Be safe, there's some weird people out here."

"Oh.. well thanks. You be careful too," she sighed walking away.

Seventeen stayed standing for a while, pondering his last encounter with his niece.

"Mehhh." Seventeen looked at his friend and frowned.

"You're not off the hook! But… you're a really good goat," he smirked. They walked around the corner to find a group of people around a table. They were yelling like there's no tomorrow.

Seventeen got annoyed instantly. He was going to cross the street when he heard something… interesting.

"Wait a minute! You hit someone with your car last week!?"

"Shut up! I just need someone to fix my car! Do any of you know anyone?"

Seventeen's anger hit him and he strode over to the group, his friend following him. The group of people looked at him and squinted their eyes.

"Oh no. Don't stop talking on my account. So what was this I hear about hitting someone?" Seventeen said, intimidating them.

"None of your business," a woman said, putting a hand on her hip.

"Really?" he smirked. "I'm going to walk around your pathetic circle, and I'm gonna count to five. If one you worthless meat-bags don't tell me who hit who… let's just say, it won't be pretty."

The group of people looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

"One," he said, popping his knuckles. No one spoke. "Two…" He stomped his foot and left his mark on the concrete. Walking around the them, stopping occasionally to eye someone.


"It was her!" a woman said pointing her finger at a blonde woman who looked like a mess."She hit a teenage girl and ran away!"

"You stupid slut!" the blonde woman shouted. Seventeen looked at her and frowned. He didn't like hitting women. But he had a way to get his revenge.

"Come here!" he called to his friend. Seventeen got down to eye level to him.

"You see that woman? Deal with her," he commanded. The goat sped towards the blonde woman and knocked her down, stomping on her face and body repeatedly.

Her friends were inching towards her to help. "I don't think so. Any of you move, I'll do the same thing to you," he threatened. They stopped moving and looked away, some covering their ears to stop the screams of the woman.

"You can't do this!" a man shouted at him.

Seventeen chuckled and laughed. "That girl she hit, was my niece. So, yeah I think I can do this."

"This is assault!" the man ranted. Seventeen walked over to him and smiled. He put a hand to the man's shoulder and flipped him over on to the side-walk.

"Anyone else want to speak up?" he asked. Silence came from the group. "Hey! We're finished!"

The goat looked at him and gave the woman one last stomp on her chest. Seventeen walked over to them and snickered.

"Next time, watch how you're driving," he spat at her. He walked off, his friend following.

As they walked a thought came to Seventeen. "Hey… how about we give you a name?" he asked.

"Mehh," the goat responded.

"How about Lieutenant Chompee?" he asked.

"Mehh," the goat shook its head.

"Alright… how about Danny Jeane… or D.J. for short?"

"Mehh," he didn't shake his head.

"Huh, D.J. it is then!" he cheered.

Marron's view…

Marron was at a loss here. She let her feet carry her. That man… was strange. She walked down the dark streets and wasn't afraid.

What was she going to do about this uncle of her's? Was she ever going to find him? She might as well just give up… it wasn't as if she was ever going to meet the guy. If the guy was really her uncle, then how come he hasn't come and visited her? She was in an accident! And he was no where in sight! The guy must be a total sleaze-ball! What a jerk! Suddenly, she had no interest in meeting this guy.

She didn't regret going out though… she had met a weird guy, but she got a really cute charm!

As she walked she began to notice all the stores that were closed. They were designer clothes in the display cases. She never gave her attention to labels… but those clothes were so… incredible.

She didn't know what came over her… it was like she needed those clothes, like it was life or death. Maybe her teenage years were starting to finally hit her.

What was she thinking she needed to get home! Though it wasn't due until two weeks, she needed to work on a history paper.

"Hmm…maybe tomorrow… Mom can take me shopping for new clothes… these are totally boring…" she said to herself.

Marron wasn't sure if she wanted her memory back anymore. If she forgot it…. It probably wasn't that great anyway.

Seventeen's View….

They stopped walking when they came to a payphone. "Hey D.J." he sighed "I need to make a couple of calls."

D.J. looked at him curiously. Seventeen walked over to the phone and put in the required money. He dialed a number he had only called once, but he had it memorized.


"Gohan? It's Seventeen," he said roughly.

"Seventeen? Why are you calling so late?" Gohan yawned.

"I wanted to say thank you… for keeping the secret… keep an eye on Marron for me," he choked before he hung up. "One more call."

For this call, he had to look at the phone book. Once more, he placed the money in and dialed the number.

"Who is this?"

It was the old man. "I am calling for Krillin," Seventeen grunted.

"Oh well, he's sleeping," the old man said.

"Well can't you wake him up? It's urgent," Seventeen hissed. The old man agreed and told him to hang on.

"Hello? Who's calling?" his brother-in-law asked.

"Krillin… It's Seventeen. Marron isn't in her room right now. Don't worry, she doesn't know about me… Don't tell Eighteen. Go easy on her when she gets home," Seventeen sighed coiling the phone wire on his finger.


"Krillin, one more thing. Take good care of both of them," once more, he hung up. He looked at D.J. and smiled.

"Let's go home," he said softly.

They walked through the streets and avoided the long roads. Seventeen had never been so—

Seventeen…. It's me….

Seventeen's head darted up. "Who is that!" he shouted startling D.J.

Your creator….

"No.. No, it can't be…. You're dead," he choked.

Not for long…. I have gotten word that a brilliant man will die and come to hell…. I have a plan to make you the strongest force in the universe!

Seventeen didn't know what to think… How could that be possible?

It will take years to complete my plan though… What do you say? Come with me and we'll fulfil your purpose! It will all be worth it… my son.

Seventeen had to sit down. His legs gave out and he fell on the side-walk. He couldn't do this… He was able to be wished back to Earth because he had taken up a life of good… was he willing to throw that away? All of the memories he's made here… with Marron…

"Gero… you crazy bastard… I'm in."

Could this be the end? I have no idea… Please REVIEW and tell me what you thought about the story and the ending! I really want to thank all you guys for all the reviews and encouragement you guys have left in this story! I am sad that it ended… seems like yesterday, everyone was staring at me in Algebra because of this idea…. How time flies by…. I really wanna thank the people who took the time to review this story! And if you didn't review… well… now's your chance lol. Thanks again!

Until Next Time!