The stars kissed the sky and the metropolitan air was ashen with pollution. Behind the textured brick wall of an isolated alley, muffled objections and a viscous muttering blended together in a discordant harmony. The voice of the protester was so frantic that it was impossible to tell if it spoke of pleasure or pain. Heavy body contact sounds contrasted with the soft slips of clothing being shifted.

A young man with fiery crimson hair was shoved aggressively against a dumpster. His dark denim jeans were crudely unzipped to reveal a shameful lump of desire under his crisp white briefs. A golden haired male held him captive with his lithe weight, effectively pinning the other. Slim, almost effeminate fingers slid rhythmically in and out of the redhead's mouth while another set fondled the bulging package below.

Sweat trickled in slick rivulets down the side of Mail's face as he struggled in a losing battle for control. Heat fogged and spread behind his orange rimmed glasses, which were hanging slightly astray. A desperate passion was steadily building within his body, and as the intimate touches continued it became harder to ignore. He fidgeted nervously, earning a low growl from his captor. Mihael aggressively yanked the glasses from Mail's face to reveal a heated blush and tender jade eyes framed by thick lashes. His hands left the confines of Mail's undergarments to settle for a possessive grip on his exposed hips. Mihael brought his full lips to Mail's flushed ears.

"Tell me you want this." Mihael's voice was husky and laced with unmasked desire. His skilled hands threatened the back of Mail's throat, and then he slid them out with a sensual pop. Mail gasped for air as an embarrassing trail of saliva dripped erotically down his jaw. Mihael lapped it up with his tongue and ground insistently against Mail's crotch. Mail tried to focus his thoughts, which seem to swirl around his mind like glitter in a snow globe. As his hesitant forest eyes met Mihael's burning cobalt flames, he wondered how he had gotten himself into such a predicament in the first place. He opened his mouth to respond, but found himself biting his lip hesitantly. A pregnant silence penetrated the cool night air as the two men shared a tense exchange of eye contact.

Mihael glowered at him and slipped his hands in the back pockets of Mail's jeans. With measured strength, he hoisted Mail's thighs around his waist. "You're trying my patience." Mihael's tone was low and sharp. "I know you want me to take care of you, so just tell me so." Mail swallowed deeply as Mello reached down between his legs. He roughly clutched Mail's throbbing erection through his undergarments and rubbed the tip in erogenous little circles. Admitting defeat, Mail closed his eyes in shy ecstasy and allowed himself to be swept away by Mihael's heated caresses and the starry night. Love morphed like an emerging moth, only to be engulfed by a candle flame of lust.